Hillary’s Batting Practice


Sep 23, 2010
The hot news is that Hillary Clinton talked to a few reporters in the back of her plane. Do not be fooled. It was batting practice for a real press conference. The problem is that the liberal media puts her practice swings up on the scoreboard in the real game.

Question: Why does Hillary talking to the press matter anyway? Answer: She gets to lie about everything again.

Frankly, Hillary not holding a real press conference is pretty smart. Her strategy gives the illusion that she is afraid of answering questions posed by right-wing conspirators. Media bias in her favor would be too obvious should she actually hold a press conference. Not much has changed since she got pelted with cotton candy questions by the “tough New York press corps” in 2000.

Conversely, Donald Trump has every reason to avoid the press. The major press will do whatever it takes to torpedo him. I call it the Sarah Palin Template. John McCain would have won in 2008 had the media given Sarah a fair shake. Indeed, the Chicago sewer rat would have beaten McCain in a landslide had Sarah not been his running mate.

Speaking of Sarah, here is a good one if you like to play “What if”

McCain won in 2008 and Hillary Clinton eventually runs against Vice President Sarah Palin after President McCain leaves office.

Finally, Hillary coughed herself out of batting practice. God only knows which ailment she will invoke in the future.

Everytime she speaks she starts hacking up hairballs. The hag is sick
Hillary got in a good swing in the batter’s cage before the coughing fit benched her:

Except for this:


Incidentally, move the curser to 4:30 to hear some really good news:

Bottom line: The Clinton Foundation was not a registered charity. That means charity hustlers have to pay the deduction they were not entitled to —— plus penalties —— UNLESS HILLARY BECOMES PRESIDENT!

Having never held a position in government, why in hell should Donald Trump know what the classification “C” stands for? More to the point, Charles Lane from the Washington Post should know that “U” stands for UNBIASED.


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