Hillary wears a catheter.

The evidence just keeps piling up.

Hillary Clinton wears a catheter?

The photo of Hillary at a campaign rally on August 10, 2016 in Des Moines, Iowa, was taken by Steve Pope of Getty Images. (Note: FOTM is publishing the Getty image under Section 107 of the US Copyright Law’s “fair use” of copyrighted material.) See that strange tube-shaped line running from her crotch, diagonally across her right thigh to above her right knee?



A Foley catheter (named for its designer, Frederic Foley) is a flexible tube passed through the urethra and into the bladder to drain urine. It is the most common type of indwelling urinary catheter.

The tube of a Foley catheter has two separated channels, or lumens, running down its length. One lumen is open at both ends, and drains urine into a collection bag. The other lumen has a valve on the outside end and connects to a balloon at the tip. The balloon is inflated with sterile water when it lies inside the bladder to stop it from slipping out. Foley catheters are commonly made from silicone rubber or natural rubber….

Foley catheters are used during the following situations:

  • On patients who are anesthesized or sedated for surgery or other medical care
  • On comatose patients
  • On some incontinent patients
  • On patients whose prostate is enlarged to the point that urine flow from the bladder is cut off. The catheter is kept in until the problem is resolved.
  • On patients with acute urinary retention.
  • On patients who are unable due to paralysis or physical injury to use either standard toilet facilities or urinals.
  • Following urethral surgeries
  • Following ureterectomy
  • On patients with kidney disease whose urine output must be constantly and accurately measured
  • Before and after cesarean sections
  • Before and after hysterectomies
  • On patients who had genital injury
  • On anorexic patients who are unable use standard toilets due to physical weakness and whose urine output must be constantly measured
  • On patients with fibromyalgia who cannot control their bladder

A Foley catheter would explain why Hillary was late getting back to the Democratic presidential debate on December 19, 2015, in Manchester, NH. After the ABC telecast returned from a commercial break, only two of the three participants were onstage — Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley. Missing was Hillary Clinton, who strolled in moments after the action resumed, repositioned her microphone and said “Sorry,” but did not explain her absence.
If she can't do the job Tim Kaine will
Then elect Kaine
We Will
No telling what kind of STD's BJ Bill humped up around the world to share with Hillary...:dunno:
I doubt that Bill has shared in that way with Hillary in many many years.

Many STD's can last a lifetime, hate to tell you the bad news...:itsok:

.. and why wouldn't they?
Open your eyes man! What remains of their marriage is for political convenience, not sex. Why would Bill when he has access to women like "The Energizer".

Maybe because Bill can't live without Hillary?

Sorry, but Bill is in a position in which he can just up and leave if he could not tolerate his wife. Except for personal reasons, I don't see why Bill hangs around!!

I can understand your argument from Hillary's point of view because she still have a life in politics, but what is Bills stake in all of this?
Reason Bill doesn't leave Hillary:
1. A return to the White House.
2. Increased $$$ for speeches for access to Hillary.
3. Increased $$$ donations to the Clinton slush fund (Clinton Foundation, etc.)
4. So that he doesn't have to loose his ass in a divorce settlement.
5. Because Hillary looks the other way while Daddy Clinton plays.

2-4. Bill will be financially well off even if he leaves her. A decent lawyer can get the divorce court to ignore his infidelity due to the fact she knew about them and stayed. Remember, you have to claim the marriage is irreconcilable the moment you find out about them. That claim is void if you chose to stay years afterwards!!

Hillary, by staying, has consented to an open marriage. Infidelity is expected in such an arrangement.

In fact, A good lawyer can win alimony for Bill due to his poor health!

5. Does that even matter anymore?

Unless Bill wants power for the sake of power, he stays with Hillary for personal reasons.
The evidence just keeps piling up.

Hillary Clinton wears a catheter?

The photo of Hillary at a campaign rally on August 10, 2016 in Des Moines, Iowa, was taken by Steve Pope of Getty Images. (Note: FOTM is publishing the Getty image under Section 107 of the US Copyright Law’s “fair use” of copyrighted material.) See that strange tube-shaped line running from her crotch, diagonally across her right thigh to above her right knee?



A Foley catheter (named for its designer, Frederic Foley) is a flexible tube passed through the urethra and into the bladder to drain urine. It is the most common type of indwelling urinary catheter.

The tube of a Foley catheter has two separated channels, or lumens, running down its length. One lumen is open at both ends, and drains urine into a collection bag. The other lumen has a valve on the outside end and connects to a balloon at the tip. The balloon is inflated with sterile water when it lies inside the bladder to stop it from slipping out. Foley catheters are commonly made from silicone rubber or natural rubber….

Foley catheters are used during the following situations:

  • On patients who are anesthesized or sedated for surgery or other medical care
  • On comatose patients
  • On some incontinent patients
  • On patients whose prostate is enlarged to the point that urine flow from the bladder is cut off. The catheter is kept in until the problem is resolved.
  • On patients with acute urinary retention.
  • On patients who are unable due to paralysis or physical injury to use either standard toilet facilities or urinals.
  • Following urethral surgeries
  • Following ureterectomy
  • On patients with kidney disease whose urine output must be constantly and accurately measured
  • Before and after cesarean sections
  • Before and after hysterectomies
  • On patients who had genital injury
  • On anorexic patients who are unable use standard toilets due to physical weakness and whose urine output must be constantly measured
  • On patients with fibromyalgia who cannot control their bladder

A Foley catheter would explain why Hillary was late getting back to the Democratic presidential debate on December 19, 2015, in Manchester, NH. After the ABC telecast returned from a commercial break, only two of the three participants were onstage — Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley. Missing was Hillary Clinton, who strolled in moments after the action resumed, repositioned her microphone and said “Sorry,” but did not explain her absence.

Maybe she'll let you use it as a sippy straw.
The evidence just keeps piling up.

Hillary Clinton wears a catheter?

The photo of Hillary at a campaign rally on August 10, 2016 in Des Moines, Iowa, was taken by Steve Pope of Getty Images. (Note: FOTM is publishing the Getty image under Section 107 of the US Copyright Law’s “fair use” of copyrighted material.) See that strange tube-shaped line running from her crotch, diagonally across her right thigh to above her right knee?



A Foley catheter (named for its designer, Frederic Foley) is a flexible tube passed through the urethra and into the bladder to drain urine. It is the most common type of indwelling urinary catheter.

The tube of a Foley catheter has two separated channels, or lumens, running down its length. One lumen is open at both ends, and drains urine into a collection bag. The other lumen has a valve on the outside end and connects to a balloon at the tip. The balloon is inflated with sterile water when it lies inside the bladder to stop it from slipping out. Foley catheters are commonly made from silicone rubber or natural rubber….

Foley catheters are used during the following situations:

  • On patients who are anesthesized or sedated for surgery or other medical care
  • On comatose patients
  • On some incontinent patients
  • On patients whose prostate is enlarged to the point that urine flow from the bladder is cut off. The catheter is kept in until the problem is resolved.
  • On patients with acute urinary retention.
  • On patients who are unable due to paralysis or physical injury to use either standard toilet facilities or urinals.
  • Following urethral surgeries
  • Following ureterectomy
  • On patients with kidney disease whose urine output must be constantly and accurately measured
  • Before and after cesarean sections
  • Before and after hysterectomies
  • On patients who had genital injury
  • On anorexic patients who are unable use standard toilets due to physical weakness and whose urine output must be constantly measured
  • On patients with fibromyalgia who cannot control their bladder

A Foley catheter would explain why Hillary was late getting back to the Democratic presidential debate on December 19, 2015, in Manchester, NH. After the ABC telecast returned from a commercial break, only two of the three participants were onstage — Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley. Missing was Hillary Clinton, who strolled in moments after the action resumed, repositioned her microphone and said “Sorry,” but did not explain her absence.

That REALLY pisses me off!!
So what! Most 70 year olds do.

Matty, you are seriously eat up with the dumb ass...

Yes. He is. We all know it.

Now....what kind of credibility do you have? You directed your comment at Matthew.....a retard and rare fiscally liberal, socially conservative racist. But....you said nothing to the OP........a retard and common fiscally and socially conservative racist.

Do you think this OP is reasonable....or retarded?
It's not a catheter, it's a crease. In pants. From ironing.

Hey NYcarb

Give the rw the benefit of the doubt and say it is a catheter.

So? They haven't established the main point of the thread: Hillary has health issues that should disqualify her from becoming president.

All they did is claim Hillary pees in a bag. Big whoop d doo!!
It's not a catheter, it's a crease. In pants. From ironing.

Hey NYcarb

Give the rw the benefit of the doubt and say it is a catheter.

So? They haven't established the main point of the thread: Hillary has health issues that should disqualify her from becoming president.

All they did is claim Hillary pees in a bag. Big whoop d doo!!

Well, good point. Let them ridicule and mock a voting bloc that Romney won by 12 points...

...Seniors over 65.
It's not a catheter, it's a crease. In pants. From ironing.

Hey NYcarb

Give the rw the benefit of the doubt and say it is a catheter.

So? They haven't established the main point of the thread: Hillary has health issues that should disqualify her from becoming president.

All they did is claim Hillary pees in a bag. Big whoop d doo!!

Well, good point. Let them ridicule and mock a voting bloc that Romney won by 12 points...

...Seniors over 65.

a voting block--------------catheter users? the vast majority of seniors don't use catheters and the ones that do are not offended by pointing out that Hillary may have to use one.

BTW, why is she taking a few weeks off with no scheduled appearances? Seems strange at a time when Trump's numbers are rising and hers are falling. Rehab?
It's not a catheter, it's a crease. In pants. From ironing.

Hey NYcarb

Give the rw the benefit of the doubt and say it is a catheter.

So? They haven't established the main point of the thread: Hillary has health issues that should disqualify her from becoming president.

All they did is claim Hillary pees in a bag. Big whoop d doo!!

Well, good point. Let them ridicule and mock a voting bloc that Romney won by 12 points...

...Seniors over 65.

a voting block--------------catheter users? the vast majority of seniors don't use catheters and the ones that do are not offended by pointing out that Hillary may have to use one.

BTW, why is she taking a few weeks off with no scheduled appearances? Seems strange at a time when Trump's numbers are rising and hers are falling. Rehab?

That is innuendo, not evidence. You nor I may not know why but that is not solid evidence she should not run for president due to some serious health issue.

Until someone can post solid evidence like her MRIs or the medicine she takes for a fatal disease, can we declare this thread deficient in proof?

There is no need to argue if the point of the op can't be sufficiently made.
I can't stand Hillary....

But the Trump supporters must be feeling pretty bad about their guy
because they are coming up with all sort of medical diagnoses to push
for a reason to disqualify her to run....

I guess they don't feel like they could beat her on the issues.
And she is so beatable..
But the Republicans ended up with a candidate who 80 days out
is still trying to get some footing....

Even with the help they are getting from the hackers....Can anyone say Putin backing Trump???
By the way

I think Hillary could take the rest of the month off and outperform Trump in the polls.

All she has to do is let the press know where she is. Trump has a lot of catching up to do.

Why doesnt she go golfing with Obama? She is going to need to learn how.....:confused:
Can't believe America is considering electing someone who wets her pants...
It's not a catheter, it's a crease. In pants. From ironing.

Hey NYcarb

Give the rw the benefit of the doubt and say it is a catheter.

So? They haven't established the main point of the thread: Hillary has health issues that should disqualify her from becoming president.

All they did is claim Hillary pees in a bag. Big whoop d doo!!

Well, good point. Let them ridicule and mock a voting bloc that Romney won by 12 points...

...Seniors over 65.

a voting block--------------catheter users? the vast majority of seniors don't use catheters and the ones that do are not offended by pointing out that Hillary may have to use one.

BTW, why is she taking a few weeks off with no scheduled appearances? Seems strange at a time when Trump's numbers are rising and hers are falling. Rehab?

You're blind to how the real world works. Wake up.

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