*Hillary The Best Democrats Got?,….Really?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. But is Hillary all you got Democrats?
2. Please explain to us why she is the best you got!
3. Run Christie!
4. He claims to be a Republican but everyone knows he isn't.
5. Ask him to run, he I think would be a hell of a lot better than Hillary for you Democrats!
6. Hillary is pure shit man and we all know it!!!!!

Sorry bout that,

1. I know Hillary would of been better than Obama if she had gotten the nod last time, but now after her fucking *ROYAL SCREW UPS*, with so many countless things and sayings of hers, you Democrats have to find some one a little better to make it interesting in this election.
2. It will be a major beat down on Hillary, and it won't be pretty…
3. Please get some one better, for the sake of politics in America.

Hilary and Obama have much the same training and background in Alinsky type politics and connections to CPUSA members and sympathizers. Hillary may be smarter at least she can read a teleprompter and having Bill as predator in chief might provide some amusements in a lurid sort of way but they have the same goals, a Marxist socialist form of government in the USA, Both are equally abhorrent to most thinking USA citizens.
Hilary and Obama have much the same training and background in Alinsky type politics and connections to CPUSA members and sympathizers. Hillary may be smarter at least she can read a teleprompter and having Bill as predator in chief might provide some amusements in a lurid sort of way but they have the same goals, a Marxist socialist form of government in the USA, Both are equally abhorrent to most thinking USA citizens.
I have to wonder if people support her because they are simply ignorant, or because they have same goals she does. Either one is inexcusable.

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