Hillary Murders Another One.....Wikileaks Co-founder Found Dead

And just as a clarification, Gavin MacFayden had nothing to do with the "founding" of wikileaks.

He was involved with Assange and wikileaks, though.
Oh.......well that changes it from a murder to a harsh rebuke...

He died of lung cancer, clown shoes.
Suuuuure he did........they all die accidentally as reported by the media.....and the media never lies....
I was wondering why it was so difficult to find out anything online about this guy.

Probably a planted story used to get someone to put two and two together so they could be make fun of, and you feel this is your opportunity to tee off on someone.

Well done asshole.

You earned your pay.


So it's our fault that you got suckered by bullshit clickbait?

It took seconds to find out that he died of lung cancer. Do you not know how to Google?

And when I did it wasn't as easy as you say.

But then again I don't get paid to sit on my ass in front of a pc all day. I'm doing this on my break on a cell.

I'm on my phone too, clown shoes. And yeah, it was that easy.

If you had actually bothered to google "Gavin MacFayden", the very first result would have answered your question.

No offense, but I don't believe you.

I Googled it. That's where I got the fucking story from, sperm breath.
I'm on my phone too, clown shoes. And yeah, it was that easy.

If you had actually bothered to google "Gavin MacFayden", the very first result would have answered your question.

So you think the guy in Arkansas that committed suicde by cutting his own head off with an axe is legit to 'cause it was in the paper?

Lol, you are so gullible, dude.
I'm on my phone too, clown shoes. And yeah, it was that easy.

If you had actually bothered to google "Gavin MacFayden", the very first result would have answered your question.

So you think the guy in Arkansas that committed suicde by cutting his own head off with an axe is legit to 'cause it was in the paper?

Lol, you are so gullible, dude.
The story I linked to omitted cause of death.

Even said that his original cause of death was a short illness, but that was withdrawn.
If Hillary, as a presidential candidate, has the power to kill people, so does Trump.

Also: is it really that suspicious when someone dies at 76 years of age?
FYI, Hillary is in collusion with Obama......so :anj_stfu:
It's one thing to have the power and another to consistently use that power.

Libel will get you sued.
She has to prove damages first...and being sued by that kunt is the last thing she would do to me.
I know least ONE MOD that would supply all the evidence Hillary would needs to get you either fitted for an orange jumpsuit or the poorhouse.
Heh heh heh!
I was wondering why it was so difficult to find out anything online about this guy.

Probably a planted story used to get someone to put two and two together so they could be make fun of, and you feel this is your opportunity to tee off on someone.

Well done asshole.

You earned your pay.


So it's our fault that you got suckered by bullshit clickbait?

It took seconds to find out that he died of lung cancer. Do you not know how to Google?

And when I did it wasn't as easy as you say.

But then again I don't get paid to sit on my ass in front of a pc all day. I'm doing this on my break on a cell.

I'm on my phone too, clown shoes. And yeah, it was that easy.

If you had actually bothered to google "Gavin MacFayden", the very first result would have answered your question.

No offense, but I don't believe you.

I Googled it. That's where I got the fucking story from, sperm breath.


Keep digging, this is fun.

Screen Shot 2016-10-24 at 12.22.17 PM.png
I'm on my phone too, clown shoes. And yeah, it was that easy.

If you had actually bothered to google "Gavin MacFayden", the very first result would have answered your question.

So you think the guy in Arkansas that committed suicde by cutting his own head off with an axe is legit to 'cause it was in the paper?

Lol, you are so gullible, dude.
The story I linked to omitted cause of death.

Even said that his original cause of death was a short illness, but that was withdrawn.

Cancer can be caused by stress and that in turn by persecution and harassment.

So yeah, that nasty bitch still killed his ass.
I'm on my phone too, clown shoes. And yeah, it was that easy.

If you had actually bothered to google "Gavin MacFayden", the very first result would have answered your question.

So you think the guy in Arkansas that committed suicde by cutting his own head off with an axe is legit to 'cause it was in the paper?

Lol, you are so gullible, dude.

Did you wander into the wrong thread by mistake?

This is about Gavin MacFayden, not whoever the fuck you're talking about.
I'm on my phone too, clown shoes. And yeah, it was that easy.

If you had actually bothered to google "Gavin MacFayden", the very first result would have answered your question.

So you think the guy in Arkansas that committed suicde by cutting his own head off with an axe is legit to 'cause it was in the paper?

Lol, you are so gullible, dude.
The story I linked to omitted cause of death.

Even said that his original cause of death was a short illness, but that was withdrawn.

Cancer can be caused by stress and that in turn by persecution and harassment.

So yeah, that nasty bitch still killed his ass.


This might be the most entertaining attempt to save face that I've ever seen here.

Which is really saying something.
I'm on my phone too, clown shoes. And yeah, it was that easy.

If you had actually bothered to google "Gavin MacFayden", the very first result would have answered your question.

So you think the guy in Arkansas that committed suicde by cutting his own head off with an axe is legit to 'cause it was in the paper?

Lol, you are so gullible, dude.
The story I linked to omitted cause of death.

Even said that his original cause of death was a short illness, but that was withdrawn.

Cancer can be caused by stress and that in turn by persecution and harassment.

So yeah, that nasty bitch still killed his ass.


This might be the most entertaining attempt to save face that I've ever seen here.

Which is really saying something.

So which are you saying is not true?

That cancer cannot be caused by excessive amounts of stress?

That stress cannot be caused by harassment or persecution?

Or that Hillary Clinton is not a four legged, mouth breathing, morally bankrupt crook and a total female cur bitch dog in heat and most noted for humping passing cars?

I was wondering why it was so difficult to find out anything online about this guy.

Probably a planted story used to get someone to put two and two together so they could be make fun of, and you feel this is your opportunity to tee off on someone.

Well done asshole.

You earned your pay.


So it's our fault that you got suckered by bullshit clickbait?

It took seconds to find out that he died of lung cancer. Do you not know how to Google?

And when I did it wasn't as easy as you say.

But then again I don't get paid to sit on my ass in front of a pc all day. I'm doing this on my break on a cell.

I'm on my phone too, clown shoes. And yeah, it was that easy.

If you had actually bothered to google "Gavin MacFayden", the very first result would have answered your question.

No offense, but I don't believe you.

I Googled it. That's where I got the fucking story from, sperm breath.


Keep digging, this is fun.

View attachment 95075
That may be what was there when you looked, however I jumped on it early in the game and snopes was not the lead article.

You do know that links change over time on Google, don't you?
The piles of bodies keep growing around Hillary. This latest death isn't being reported by the media, which only makes it even more suspicious :e.

LOL- if Hillary is so dangerous aren't you taking your life in your own hands pointing this out?

You are on her list now- I expect you will be found brain dead tomorrow.....oh wait.......
I'm on my phone too, clown shoes. And yeah, it was that easy.

If you had actually bothered to google "Gavin MacFayden", the very first result would have answered your question.

So you think the guy in Arkansas that committed suicde by cutting his own head off with an axe is legit to 'cause it was in the paper?

Lol, you are so gullible, dude.
The story I linked to omitted cause of death.

Even said that his original cause of death was a short illness, but that was withdrawn.

Cancer can be caused by stress and that in turn by persecution and harassment.

So yeah, that nasty bitch still killed his ass.


This might be the most entertaining attempt to save face that I've ever seen here.

Which is really saying something.
Unlike you, I'm not some dishonest mod who is only here to fuck with people who make what appears to be an honest mistake.
I'm on my phone too, clown shoes. And yeah, it was that easy.

If you had actually bothered to google "Gavin MacFayden", the very first result would have answered your question.

So you think the guy in Arkansas that committed suicde by cutting his own head off with an axe is legit to 'cause it was in the paper?

Lol, you are so gullible, dude.
The story I linked to omitted cause of death.

Even said that his original cause of death was a short illness, but that was withdrawn.

Cancer can be caused by stress and that in turn by persecution and harassment.

So yeah, that nasty bitch still killed his ass.


This might be the most entertaining attempt to save face that I've ever seen here.

Which is really saying something.
Unlike you, I'm not some dishonest mod who is only here to fuck with people who make what appears to be an honest mistake.

There's nothing "honest" about "mistakenly" starting a thread accusing Clinton of murder based on your own delusions, clown shoes.
So you think the guy in Arkansas that committed suicde by cutting his own head off with an axe is legit to 'cause it was in the paper?

Lol, you are so gullible, dude.
The story I linked to omitted cause of death.

Even said that his original cause of death was a short illness, but that was withdrawn.

Cancer can be caused by stress and that in turn by persecution and harassment.

So yeah, that nasty bitch still killed his ass.


This might be the most entertaining attempt to save face that I've ever seen here.

Which is really saying something.
Unlike you, I'm not some dishonest mod who is only here to fuck with people who make what appears to be an honest mistake.

There's nothing "honest" about "mistakenly" starting a thread accusing Clinton of murder based on your own delusions, clown shoes.
Funny, considering you support a party that did that to Mitt Romney, where exactly do you get off?
There's nothing "honest" about "mistakenly" starting a thread accusing Clinton of murder based on your own delusions, clown shoes.

What one murder or a hundred among friends?

Seriously, Hillary Clinton is responsible for many deaths in her own entourage and connected to dozens more circumstantially.

To get all worked up about this one is like arguing whether it was the lead that killed the child or the trauma.
The story I linked to omitted cause of death.

Even said that his original cause of death was a short illness, but that was withdrawn.

Cancer can be caused by stress and that in turn by persecution and harassment.

So yeah, that nasty bitch still killed his ass.


This might be the most entertaining attempt to save face that I've ever seen here.

Which is really saying something.
Unlike you, I'm not some dishonest mod who is only here to fuck with people who make what appears to be an honest mistake.

There's nothing "honest" about "mistakenly" starting a thread accusing Clinton of murder based on your own delusions, clown shoes.
Funny, considering you support a party that did that to Mitt Romney, where exactly do you get off?

I know how hard you're trying to change the subject, but I don't "support" the Democratic Party, nor did the DNC ever accuse Mitt Romney of murder.
The piles of bodies keep growing around Hillary. This latest death isn't being reported by the media, which only makes it even more suspicious :


Gavin MacFadyen,

Wikileaks Co Director, Gavin MacFadyen Found Dead

He was the model of what a journalist should be… He spearheaded the creation of a journalistic landscape which has irrevocably lifted the bar for ethical and hard-hitting reporting. Gavin worked tirelessly to hold power to account.

“His life and how he lived it was completely in sync with the principles that he held dear and practised as a journalist and educator – to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable,” Benn wrote.
It was reported.
There's nothing "honest" about "mistakenly" starting a thread accusing Clinton of murder based on your own delusions, clown shoes.

What one murder or a hundred among friends?

Seriously, Hillary Clinton is responsible for many deaths in her own entourage and connected to dozens more circumstantially.

To get all worked up about this one is like arguing whether it was the lead that killed the child or the trauma.


If you look at each have and every one of the supposed "Clinton kill list" claims , you'll find them all the best as equally bullshit as this one.

But you're still trying to change the subject. is it so hard to just admit you were wrong and move on?

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