Hillary Is Dealing From A Deck Of Tarot Cards


Sep 23, 2010


“Mr. Trump accused me of playing the woman card. Well, if fighting for women’s health care​

Fighting for women’s health is doublespeak for funding Planned Parenthood to butcher children.

and paid family leave​

Paid family leave growing from two weeks into 6 months is standard Socialist more free stuff.

and equal pay is playing the woman card, then deal me in,” Mrs. Clinton says in the video.​

Equal pay is a major item on the Left’s failed EQUALITY agenda. What Hillary fights for is special privileges for the parasite class.

‘Deal me in:’ Clinton welcomes Trump’s ‘woman card’ attack
By Ben Wolfgang - The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hillary Clinton welcomes Donald Trump’s ‘woman card’ attack: ‘Deal me in’
I do not know why USMB moved this thread from the Healthcare forum. Hillary Clinton brought up the issue of healthcare:
“Mr. Trump accused me of playing the woman card. Well, if fighting for women’s health care
I know very well why Clinton stooges do not want to talk about healthcare, Planned Parenthood, and the ACA. It is much safer to turn it into politics. Okay. Let’s try this:
Equal pay is a major item on the Left’s failed EQUALITY agenda.
Babs gets it wrong again. Democrat baby butchers like Hillary Clinton and Babs rail about equality in all things, while they oppose equality in PRENATAL HEALTHCARE:

“Inequality is the root of all evil,” said left-wing senator Barbara Boxer recently, while lecturing a Catholic priest about Catholicism. Boxer claimed to be quoting Pope Francis, referencing a tweet he sent in April 2014. Yet despite the fact she was reading prepared notes, she misquoted the pope, who actually said “Inequality is the root of social evil.” Defenders such as Ramesh Ponnuru have said that Francis’ words must be placed in perspective, that they allude to the evil of prenatal infanticide, along with many other things. Whatever the case, Boxer’s formulation is certainly an authentic Marxist idea — and this is not hyperbole.

April 29, 2016
Boxing Barbara Boxer: Is ‘Inequality the Root of All Evil’?
By Selwyn Duke

Articles: Boxing Barbara Boxer: Is ‘Inequality the Root of All Evil’?
And republicans thanks to their choice of low life con man trump are dealing from the bottom of the deck
Babs gets it wrong again. Democrat baby butchers like Hillary Clinton and Babs rail about equality in all things, while they oppose equality in PRENATAL HEALTHCARE:
It is no wonder top Democrats love Communist China. The butchers running Planned Parenthood’s baby parts business must be sick with envy:

Chinese sources have estimated an astonishing 13 million babies are aborted annually, but a new U.S. State Department report calculates the toll is 23 million, or 43 abortion deaths every minute.​

China's annual abortion toll double estimates!
Posted By Bob Unruh On 05/06/2016 @ 9:23 pm

China’s annual abortion toll double estimates!
Hillary is dealing from the bottom of a stacked deck:


Serious observers of the American political scene can all agree; charges such as Hillary and the Democrats made against Donald last week do more to keep the Ku Klux Klan alive than a grant from the Ford Foundation. Both have been the sustainers of racism in America for years, and now they have found another fringe group that is supposedly equally terrifying. As Hillary sees it, this group will guarantee that every person of color in America rushes to the polls.​

Hillary plays the race card on cue
By R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. - - Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Hillary Clinton plays the race card on cue

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