Hillary is a puppet, literally and figuratively


That fella is old and decrepit.
Is that why Obama bitch slapped him and tried to sabotage him?

While you parrot nonsense and code words, the real record is as follows:

1. Obama never re-opened the 911 investigation to find out why Bibi thought it was so "good for Israel":
2. Obama kept the Gitmos there, even though Israel was behind 911 and the Gitmos were completely innocent
3. Obama's credibility with world leaders is absolute zero, the Nobel Peace Prize winner who sold out
4. Obama continues to arm and fund Israel with money the US borrows from China
5. The US is still the 1 in the 1-14 UN Security Council Vote to re-pack Israel back into its 1948 border

and that is why O gets such wonderful media coverage, and his daughters are already worth tens of millions of dollars...

No way.

Vince shot himself, wrapped himself in a carpet, beamed himself to Ft. Marcy Park, and then beamed the carpet back to the White House.

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