Hillary: Has this crone flown?


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
Even the Huffington Post seems to think her email problems are unsolvable:

Hillary Clinton s Email Problem Is Unsolvable

But by commingling the two -- government and personal -- Clinton opened the door to this criticism, because we can't be sure by what rules Clinton follows to guide her decisions to archive or delete emails. Does she follow State Department guidelines, or her own whims?

It is a thing that can't be known, and so, Hillary's email flap has become a problem that she can't solve, to anybody's satisfaction. This is true in the literal sense, because a lot of emails that were once in her "possession" have been deleted. But it's also true in a figurative sense. What is the ur-email she can provide, that once it is read, will assure everyone that full transparency has been achieved?
Even the Huffington Post seems to think her email problems are unsolvable:

Hillary Clinton s Email Problem Is Unsolvable

But by commingling the two -- government and personal -- Clinton opened the door to this criticism, because we can't be sure by what rules Clinton follows to guide her decisions to archive or delete emails. Does she follow State Department guidelines, or her own whims?

It is a thing that can't be known, and so, Hillary's email flap has become a problem that she can't solve, to anybody's satisfaction. This is true in the literal sense, because a lot of emails that were once in her "possession" have been deleted. But it's also true in a figurative sense. What is the ur-email she can provide, that once it is read, will assure everyone that full transparency has been achieved?

Unfortunately, she doesn't have to solve it, all she has to do is wait and that seems to be what she is doing. The defense is already started. Liberals are saying Powell did the same thing. That the right is just looking for the latest "scandal." That the right hates women. The excuse train is just rolling out of the station it will get worse. Until it is just dropped by the MSM and the people only remember the propaganda of the left wing. Because what Hillary really did is too hard to understand. The smear that the right hates women, now that is easy for the 47 percent to remember.
Even the Huffington Post seems to think her email problems are unsolvable:

Hillary Clinton s Email Problem Is Unsolvable

But by commingling the two -- government and personal -- Clinton opened the door to this criticism, because we can't be sure by what rules Clinton follows to guide her decisions to archive or delete emails. Does she follow State Department guidelines, or her own whims?

It is a thing that can't be known, and so, Hillary's email flap has become a problem that she can't solve, to anybody's satisfaction. This is true in the literal sense, because a lot of emails that were once in her "possession" have been deleted. But it's also true in a figurative sense. What is the ur-email she can provide, that once it is read, will assure everyone that full transparency has been achieved?
There is a reason this came out now. Calls for independent investigation will be blocked and no one will ever see the emails that were saved, let alone an attempt to recover the deleted emails from the hard drive. Clinton has already stated that the server will remain in her custody.

By February of 2016, this will have all been forgotten. Or if it is brought up, Clinton lemmings will all say this is ancient history and why are you dredging this up now when we have real issues to deal with!

Never underestimate a Clinton to move a goal post.....or lie.
This is not an isolated incident. The Clinton's have been under a cloud of scandal since Arkansas,

Add to that Hillary's incompetence in campaigning and saying things like "we were flat broke", "under sniper fire" and "What difference does it make?" and you have a train wreck of a campaign.

However, this is the most intractable problem yet because it makes her look disingenuous and demands that the public believes she is not hiding anything. For a Clinton, that is a exceedingly tall order.
Chris Mathews: Has Hillary Cast Herself As Nixon's Rose Mary Woods?

Breitbart.com ^ | March 11, 2015 | Pam Key
Tuesday on MSNBC’s Hardball,” while discussing Hillary Clinton’s refusal to turn over her email server to a neutral third party to end the controversy over her use of a private system while serving as secretary of state, host Chris Matthews pondered with former RNC chair Michael Steele that in this scenario, has Clinton cast herself in the role of Rose Mary Woods, the Nixon secretary who erased the 18 minute gap in the infamous Watergate tapes....

This is not an isolated incident. The Clinton's have been under a cloud of scandal since Arkansas,

Add to that Hillary's incompetence in campaigning and saying things like "we were flat broke", "under sniper fire" and "What difference does it make?" and you have a train wreck of a campaign.

However, this is the most intractable problem yet because it makes her look disingenuous and demands that the public believes she is not hiding anything. For a Clinton, that is a exceedingly tall order.

To say Hillary Clinton has done a miserable job responding to her latest scandal would be an understatement. I'm sure this political strategists and big time donors wondering if the old girl is up to the task of surviving the primaries ands winning the general election.

It also shows the Clinton political network is not what it was in 2008. I was surprised to see Diane Feinstein come out last week and openly criticize Hillary's lack of response. This story has gotten much more traction within the mainstream media than an anti-Clinton story normally would. While the local rank and file moonbats seem unfazed, it seems the upper hierarchy of the Democrat Party isn't so eager to hand the keys to the car back over to the Clintons.

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