Hillary Didn't Know About 600 Requests For Security....Then Thought It Was a Joke....

The 600 requests term earns......
Two Pinocchios
Significant omissions and/or exaggerations. Some factual error may be involved but not necessarily. A politician can create a false, misleading impression by playing with words and using legalistic language that means little to ordinary people. (Similar to “half true.”)

More Than 600 Benghazi Security Requests Never Reached Clinton’s Desk, But Reports on Libya from Her ‘Friend’ Did

Hillary Clinton: Stevens Was Joking About Security in Benghazi

Boo, Hillary claimed she never got any of the MANY requests from Stevens for additional security, that her subordinate handled that.

Hillary never received any e-mails about that? Yeah, NO! In her own e-mails it was discovered she WAS notified. She then tried to claim she thought Stevens was JOKING...even laughed about it during the hearing.

Her incompetence, her inability to run her own AGENCY, her loyalty to Obama and their attempt to continue to promote the Obama lie that the 'War on Terror' and that 'Al Qaeida is on the run' ahead of ensuring she did not get any of her people killed is what resulted in 4 Americans NEEDLESSLY dying.

She was the SoS.
It was HER State Department.
The actions of those who worked for her is HER responsibility.
Protecting the lives of those who worked for her was HER responsibility.
She Failed.
People Died.
She Lied.
She then LAUGHED about the death of a US Ambassador and tried to claim she thought his pleas for help were a JOKE.

...and libs like you continue to try to defend her....after all, what is important here (to liberals) is that Hillary remains spotless, not that 4 Americans did for no reason, when they should not have been in harm's way to begin with.

You live in a bubble. The article I provided shows why the 600 figure that gets thrown around is completely misleading. Furthermore, I also posted a link to the Presidents speech when he announced bin Laden death where he specifically rebuffs your allegation on the war on terrorist.

The ambassador knew the risks he was taking and to try and pin those death on anyone but the terrorist who attack the compound is just like saying President Bush was responsible for every death on 9-11. It just isn't so.

But I also know it will not stop you from repeatedly parroting your talking points.
You live in a bubble.

Hillary and the State Department DENIED please for additional security from Ambassador Stevens.

Hillary denied knowing about it...

When that was proven to be a (another) LIE she laughed about his death and the requests, claiming she thought it was a joke....proven!


Keeping defending this sick, incompetent, LYING POS who was so incompetent and partisanly political that she got 4 Americans NEEDLESSLY killed.

Stevens should not have needed additional security because he should never have been left in Benghazi...without adequate security, being guarded by the Al Qaeida-associated militia she hired...
You live in a bubble.

Hillary and the State Department DENIED please for additional security from Ambassador Stevens.

Hillary denied knowing about it...

When that was proven to be a (another) LIE she laughed about his death and the requests, claiming she thought it was a joke....proven!


Keeping defending this sick, incompetent, LYING POS who was so incompetent and partisanly political that she got 4 Americans NEEDLESSLY killed.

Stevens should not have needed additional security because he should never have been left in Benghazi...without adequate security, being guarded by the Al Qaeida-associated militia she hired...

The only one lying is you.

Prove she sent Stevens to Benghazi that day. Prove that February 17th is an al Qaeda associated group. Prove that she laughed about his death.
Boo, Stevens worked for the State Department. Hillary was Secretary of State. She was responsible for EVERYTHING at the State Department. Stevens was in Libya because she wanted him there. It was her esponsibiluty to ensure the safety of those who worked for her. She ultimately is responsible for every denial of extra security, she is responsible for 14 members of his security team being taken away after 2 terrorist attacks, she is responsible for him being the only nation's rep left behind, and she is responsible for his and 3 other Americans' deaths.

You, like Hillary, want her to have all the power, all the leadrship, all of the glory, and none of the accountability...the exact same way it has been with Obama.

FAIL! Reality, real life, doesn't work that way ..m no matter how much you WANT it to or how much you claim it to be so!
I already posted a link to the article with a video.

Your lack of knowledge about all of this is telling. You must have skipped watching the hearings as well.

Your bimbo got 4 Americans needlessly killed, Boo...but she's your candidate so keep in defending her.

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