Hillary Describes HERSELF when Attacking Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
So Hillary calls Trump "dangerous" ? Good grief.
This is a woman who has not just endangered America, she has DAMAGED us beyond repair, by having exposed US TOP SECRET information to the whole world, including enemies who could use that information against us. It wasn't classified TOP SECRET for no reason.

Then there's Benghazi. She gets a phone call at 3 AM of an emergency, and brushes it off because she's sleeping ? And refusing to comply with a request (from Eric Nordstrom) for more security ? And lying to the relatives of the 4 men killed in Bengahzi (about an anti-Muslim video), right as the coffins of those men were being unloaded from the plane that delivered them ? And this listing of endangerings wouldn't be complete, without mentioning her close association with her aide Huma Abedin, a longtime Muslim Brotherhood activist, and the long record of pro-Muslim Brotherhood events of the Hillary State Dept, attest to the ramifications of that.

Then we have Hillary's support of gun-free zones. Did somebody say the word "endanger" ? Yikes! One only need to look at the Paris, Fort Hood, and San Bernardino slaughters, to see the consequences of Hillary policy reckless endangerment there.

This list could go on and on... The fact that Hillary can stand at a podium and spout off charges against Trump, that fit no one in America more than they do the loudmouth idiot Hillary herself, just goes to show how warped a large section of American voters are to express support for her.
I'd like to start a contest...to see who has the best finish to this sentence.
"Being criticized by Hillary Clinton for any conceivable human faults is like...."
Being accused by Michael Moore of being fat

Being accused by Bill Clinton of being a horndog
I saw her on the news a bit ago sayig these things, and I commented that she was talking about herself. LOL
Well, I am not, and I still think that.
No I wasn't. Just merely my opinion as to what it looks like. I don't need to explain him away. He's doing just fine without me it seems.
Only if you're a Trump supporter who feels the need to explain away every bizarre statement.
I'm a Trump supporter, and I feel no need to do that at all. The only need to "explain away" things, are with Hillary supporters, who support allowing her to be president, and import 185,000 alleged Syrian refugees, with ISIS bundled in among them, to detonate nuclear bombs in American cities. The problem the Hillary supporters have is, that they CANNOT explain that away.

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