I could have posted this thread in the Politics forum, the Environment forum, or the Law and Justice System forum. I chose Immigration/Illegal Immigration because Hillary Clinton tied open-borders to environmental crapola and espionage.
Go to the brief video excerpt from the debate and you will hear Wallace ask Clinton about this:
NOTE: Hillary lied about Ronald Reagan’s position. Remember that Ronald Reagan went along with the first amnesty in 1986 based on Democrat promises of border security. Naturally, Democrats did not keep their word. Instead, 3 million illegals got amnesty, Democrats got 3 million legal voters, and Americans lost control of their borders. Instead of border security Democrats went back on their their word to RR by opening the borders even wider so millions more illegal aliens demanding amnesty can come through and head straight for the public trough. In fact, Hillary & Company erased borders entirely in order to accommodate United Nations refugees.
The espionage connection
Go back to the beginning of Clinton’s pivot in the video, move the cursor to 55, and you will hear her doublespeak an accusation of espionage against Donald Trump. Hillary was never the brightest bulb on the tree, but I thought that she was exceptionally stupid to mention espionage since she was the only one in the building last night who is in danger of being convicted of espionage.
As soon as Wallace finished asking Clinton about open-borders, she laid down a neat piece of double-talk before she pivoted to triple-talk about Putin:
The exchange shows that Donald Trump followed Clinton’s pivot by destroying her weird defense of open-borders FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS. Followup question that should have been asked: Does your electric grid include handing control of the Internet to the United Nations?
Trump boxing Hillary’s ears with open-borders was necessary, but he should have also nailed her to the wall with the billions of tax dollars paid out to alternative energy scams. No matter. The Donald did good.
NOTE: It is important to point out that Trump knows how to negotiate in the private sector, but he was as green as grass when he began debating professional politicians in the debates for the nomination. Since then, he came a long way debating politics against professional liars like Hillary Clinton.
As to Putin’s choice:
Putin The Kingmaker!
Finally, I did not watch the debate. I never do. I did read a few comments on the Internet and watched two brief video ecerpts. They told me everything I need to know. Hillary Clinton dared not defend the United Nations which is where everything she advocates originates.
Go to the brief video excerpt from the debate and you will hear Wallace ask Clinton about this:
"My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere."
NOTE: Hillary lied about Ronald Reagan’s position. Remember that Ronald Reagan went along with the first amnesty in 1986 based on Democrat promises of border security. Naturally, Democrats did not keep their word. Instead, 3 million illegals got amnesty, Democrats got 3 million legal voters, and Americans lost control of their borders. Instead of border security Democrats went back on their their word to RR by opening the borders even wider so millions more illegal aliens demanding amnesty can come through and head straight for the public trough. In fact, Hillary & Company erased borders entirely in order to accommodate United Nations refugees.
The espionage connection
Go back to the beginning of Clinton’s pivot in the video, move the cursor to 55, and you will hear her doublespeak an accusation of espionage against Donald Trump. Hillary was never the brightest bulb on the tree, but I thought that she was exceptionally stupid to mention espionage since she was the only one in the building last night who is in danger of being convicted of espionage.
Not only did Ms. Clinton deliberately demonstrate disdain for the Federal Records Act and nullify the protections of the Freedom of Information Act, she violated the Espionage Act by having information relating to the national defense on her server at all. And her deliberate disregard for national security made the job of all hackers that much easier. As Andy McCarthy explained it in the National Review: In fact, the espionage act—which regulates the handling of intelligence by government officials — does not refer to classified information; it refers to information relating to the national defense.
Ms. Clinton, however, established her entire system to avoid the law and in violation of the Espionage Act—as she and her co-conspirators removed all records from the State Department from its inception.
Ms. Clinton, however, established her entire system to avoid the law and in violation of the Espionage Act—as she and her co-conspirators removed all records from the State Department from its inception.
The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton: Special Prosecutor Needed Now Hillary finally hands over her server—after it's been professionally wiped clean
By Sidney Powell | 08/13/15 4:17pm
The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton: Special Prosecutor Needed Now
By Sidney Powell | 08/13/15 4:17pm
The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton: Special Prosecutor Needed Now
As soon as Wallace finished asking Clinton about open-borders, she laid down a neat piece of double-talk before she pivoted to triple-talk about Putin:
"I was talking about energy. You know, we trade more energy with our neighbors than we trade with the rest of the world combined," she said. "And I do want us to have an electric grid, an energy system that crosses borders. I think that will be great benefit to us."
The exchange shows that Donald Trump followed Clinton’s pivot by destroying her weird defense of open-borders FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS. Followup question that should have been asked: Does your electric grid include handing control of the Internet to the United Nations?
Trump boxing Hillary’s ears with open-borders was necessary, but he should have also nailed her to the wall with the billions of tax dollars paid out to alternative energy scams. No matter. The Donald did good.
NOTE: It is important to point out that Trump knows how to negotiate in the private sector, but he was as green as grass when he began debating professional politicians in the debates for the nomination. Since then, he came a long way debating politics against professional liars like Hillary Clinton.
As to Putin’s choice:
You do not have to be a foreign policy expert to understand why Russia has been doing its bit to help Hillary Clinton win the election. If Putin’s Master Plan is only half-right Hillary Clinton has to point to Trump when Putin clearly prefers her as the next president. Putin’s master plan to date would not have been possible without the jumpstart Obama-Clinton-Kerry gave him:
I do not agree with all of the interpretations and solutions Miller’s article puts forth, but I do agree that the next American president is key to Putin’s continued success. To me, there is not a doubt that Hillary Clinton is his choice. The proof is seen in Clinton’s first loyalty to the United Nations where Russia has some control over the US with its Security Council veto.
NOTE: China also prefers Hillary Clinton for the same reasons.
There is where the rubber hits the road. Anything that strengthens the UN’s grip on America also strengthens Russia’ grip. So it is insane to say that Russia is working to elect Donald Trump:
Donald Trump’s immigration policies clearly defend America’s sovereignty against the United Nations, Russia, China and Muslim combatants. Trump’s stated immigration policy is the exact opposite of what Putin wants to see in an American president.
Incidentally, neither Russia nor China will give up one iota of their sovereignty.
My point: Hillary implied Trump’s disloyalty to the US in order to disguise her own loyalty to the United Nations. Trump is well within the bounds in the final debate if he takes full advantage of Hillary’s espionage/treason against this country through her e-mail server. Tying Hillary to Russia through the United Nations along the lines I suggest should be a walk in the park.
NOTE: Regardless of how Trump handles Clinton’s Russia card the media will spin it in her favor. Except for media influencing voters who will not vote for Trump anyway —— who gives a rat’s ass about what the media says? Both camps are set in their ways. The important factor for Trump is to cut through Hillary’s smoke and mirrors and lay out a clear choice for undecided voters. Vote for sovereignty, or vote for Putin’s master plan.
Happily, Donald Trump will not lose one vote by defending America’s sovereignty, while Hillary Clinton will lose a great number of Democrats once they understand where she wants to take the country.
Finally, every Republican running for Congress is holding a winning hand, but only if they know how to use it against Democrat opponents who are all Hillary clones in foreign policy.
I do not agree with all of the interpretations and solutions Miller’s article puts forth, but I do agree that the next American president is key to Putin’s continued success. To me, there is not a doubt that Hillary Clinton is his choice. The proof is seen in Clinton’s first loyalty to the United Nations where Russia has some control over the US with its Security Council veto.
NOTE: China also prefers Hillary Clinton for the same reasons.
There is where the rubber hits the road. Anything that strengthens the UN’s grip on America also strengthens Russia’ grip. So it is insane to say that Russia is working to elect Donald Trump:
Donald Trump’s immigration policies clearly defend America’s sovereignty against the United Nations, Russia, China and Muslim combatants. Trump’s stated immigration policy is the exact opposite of what Putin wants to see in an American president.
Incidentally, neither Russia nor China will give up one iota of their sovereignty.
My point: Hillary implied Trump’s disloyalty to the US in order to disguise her own loyalty to the United Nations. Trump is well within the bounds in the final debate if he takes full advantage of Hillary’s espionage/treason against this country through her e-mail server. Tying Hillary to Russia through the United Nations along the lines I suggest should be a walk in the park.
NOTE: Regardless of how Trump handles Clinton’s Russia card the media will spin it in her favor. Except for media influencing voters who will not vote for Trump anyway —— who gives a rat’s ass about what the media says? Both camps are set in their ways. The important factor for Trump is to cut through Hillary’s smoke and mirrors and lay out a clear choice for undecided voters. Vote for sovereignty, or vote for Putin’s master plan.
Happily, Donald Trump will not lose one vote by defending America’s sovereignty, while Hillary Clinton will lose a great number of Democrats once they understand where she wants to take the country.
Finally, every Republican running for Congress is holding a winning hand, but only if they know how to use it against Democrat opponents who are all Hillary clones in foreign policy.
Putin The Kingmaker!
Finally, I did not watch the debate. I never do. I did read a few comments on the Internet and watched two brief video ecerpts. They told me everything I need to know. Hillary Clinton dared not defend the United Nations which is where everything she advocates originates.