Hillary Clinton


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
The fact that so many see her as a progressive icon is a testament to the ignorance of the electorate.

Hillary is a despicable person, and it is an insult to this nation's Founders that this crooked, lying woman is so close to becoming our Art. I Commander in Chief. Shameful.
The fact that so many see her as a progressive icon is a testament to the ignorance of the electorate.

Oh for crying out loud, Bernbots....Sanders did great, let it go.

Sanders did better than great, he won. Well, until the DNC realized he was going to win and decided to let Hillary win 6 straight coin tosses.

The Fix is in
If Hillary had ANY integrity or honor she would offer to split the six delegates rather than claiming a bogus victory because of rigged coin tosses.
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coin toss? delegates? What is Grampa talking about?

Coin toss broke 6 Clinton-Sanders deadlocks in Iowa — and Hillary won each time

While it was hard to call a winner between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders last night, it’s easy to say who was luckier. The race between the Democrat presidential hopefuls was so tight in the Iowa caucus Monday that in at least six precincts, the decision on awarding a county delegate came down to a coin toss. And Clinton won all six, media reports said.
coin toss? delegates? What is Grampa talking about?

After watching that video. All of Clinton supporters are hypocrites. They nick pick republicans, but will overlook all if that?
Oh for crying out loud, Bernbots....Sanders did great, let it go.

Ignorance should be confronted and dispelled regardless of how positive things look for Bernie right now.

Look, I don't mean to rain on your parade, but Sanders has no chance. And, since this involves Hillary, don't be surprised if Sanders suddenly has a fatal heart attack, alone, in his hotel room.
Look, I don't mean to rain on your parade, but Sanders has no chance.

I respectfully disagree. His biggest challenge so far has been his lack of name recognition. A huge amount of low information voters don't support Bernie simply because they have no idea who he is or what he stands for. When he wins the nomination and all of America is paying attention he will be unstoppable. It's a bad idea to underestimate Bernie Sanders.
Look, I don't mean to rain on your parade, but Sanders has no chance.

I respectfully disagree. His biggest challenge so far has been his lack of name recognition. A huge amount of low information voters don't support Bernie simply because they have no idea who he is or what he stands for. When he wins the nomination and all of America is paying attention he will be unstoppable. It's a bad idea to underestimate Bernie Sanders.
Maybe he's the second coming of Christ and we never knew it. Shame on us!
I'm sick of Hillary constantly insulting my intelligence with the lie, "Violence has nothing to do with the teachings of Islam." When I have READ the Quran and it's a book of bloodthirst page after page after motherfucking page. This religion of 300-million-dead has committed so many genocides, I'm wondering how many more MILLIONS does this crybaby religion have to kill before liberal psychopaths call it violent.
Sanders supporters chanting She's A LIAR..................this shit cracks me up.


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