Hillary Clinton uses the deaths and illnesses of Americans to mock Trump

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

She is as disconnected from reality as our media.

And if YOU believe America has more cases than China I have a bridge to sell you...
You gotta be REALLY foolish to believe ANYTHING China has reported about this virus. The test kits they gave other nations were defective. I've heard similar stories about the respirators they sent out. They kidnapped citizens from their own homes and PUT THEM IN METAL CAGES in the back of trucks. The LITERALLY boarded people into their homes.
Considering those facts alone you know Chinas numbers are total bullshit. It wouldn't surprise me if China murdered THOUSANDS of it's own citizens in an attempt to stop the virus.

And here we have Hillary and our media CELEBRATING and mocking Trump.....
hillary negative.jpg

She is as disconnected from reality as our media.

And if YOU believe America has more cases than China I have a bridge to sell you...
You gotta be REALLY foolish to believe ANYTHING China has reported about this virus. The test kits they gave other nations were defective. I've heard similar stories about the respirators they sent out. They kidnapped citizens from their own homes and PUT THEM IN METAL CAGES in the back of trucks. The LITERALLY boarded people into their homes.
Considering those facts alone you know Chinas numbers are total bullshit. It wouldn't surprise me if China murdered THOUSANDS of it's own citizens in an attempt to stop the virus.

And here we have Hillary and our media CELEBRATING and mocking Trump.....

Good to see that with the virus spreading fast and the absolute mass of incompetence that the Trump administration demonstrates on a daily basis that the right wing in this country can still find their distractions in people who are essentially private citizens. But I suppose if I were a Trump supporter, I'd be looking for distractions too. This isn't going to end well for him.

Oh yeah, and the only media disconnected from reality is the right wing and alt-right media. Remember, it's just the latest Democrat hoax.

She is as disconnected from reality as our media.

And if YOU believe America has more cases than China I have a bridge to sell you...
You gotta be REALLY foolish to believe ANYTHING China has reported about this virus. The test kits they gave other nations were defective. I've heard similar stories about the respirators they sent out. They kidnapped citizens from their own homes and PUT THEM IN METAL CAGES in the back of trucks. The LITERALLY boarded people into their homes.
Considering those facts alone you know Chinas numbers are total bullshit. It wouldn't surprise me if China murdered THOUSANDS of it's own citizens in an attempt to stop the virus.

And here we have Hillary and our media CELEBRATING and mocking Trump.....

Good to see that with the virus spreading fast and the absolute mass of incompetence that the Trump administration demonstrates on a daily basis that the right wing in this country can still find their distractions in people who are essentially private citizens. But I suppose if I were a Trump supporter, I'd be looking for distractions too. This isn't going to end well for him.

Oh yeah, and the only media disconnected from reality is the right wing and alt-right media. Remember, it's just the latest Democrat hoax.
Can't help but lie can you vermin?
Not to worry.

According to your Orange Baboon demigod, it's all a Liberal media hoax egged on by Democrats to make him look bad.

If there's any truth whatsoever to this business about Shrillary, then she's only making noises about a Hoax - right?
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At least Trump did a great thing by wanting to send people checks. This was a great thing.
Not to worry.

According to your Orange Baboon demigod, it's all a Liberal media hoax egged on by Democrats to make him look bad.

If there's any truth whatsoever to this business about Shrillary, then she's only making noises about a Hoax - right?
hillary rest1.jpg
She will be the Dem nominee by Summer. We have to accept that reality. They aren't going with old Joe. In fact, there were not many scenarios where Clinton could step back in. But, once it became apparent Joe wasn't up to it, i am sure she went straight to work on her strategy. In fact, the Dems will treat her like a returning hero when Joe makes the sacrifice and steps aside.
It should be clear to everyone by now, this woman Is simply never going to go away, she's going to continue to be a spiteful bitter old woman taking her pot shots all the way up until she dies.
It should be clear to everyone by now, this woman Is simply never going to go away, she's going to continue to be a spiteful bitter old woman taking her pot shots all the way up until she dies.
How dare this woman speak! Who gave her permission to do so?
Well this is a new day and age in politics. Both sides in the op mock and name call. Critizing one for doing this kind of stuff is hypocritical.
It should be clear to everyone by now, this woman Is simply never going to go away, she's going to continue to be a spiteful bitter old woman taking her pot shots all the way up until she dies.
How dare this woman speak! Who gave her permission to do so?

The Chinese Communist Party.
Enemies of the state those commies! How dare they encourage Americans to speak freely about their government. Yet another devious plot to destroy the freedoms of true Americans!
It tries so hard to be human, but it just can't fight nature. That's a soulless rodent that will be recalled back up satan's ass someday and the planet will be noticeably cleaner. Here's to wishing a dry cough to the beast.

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