Hillary Clinton Promised Obama & Attorney General Lynch U.S. Supreme Court Justice Posts


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2015
"According to White House sources, Obama has confided to key insiders that the reason he chose to reside in Washington. D.C. after his second term, and not Hawaii as originally planned, is because Clinton has promised him the now open chair on the Supreme Court. Now it is starting to make sense why Obama never pushed back on Merrick Garland’s nomination rebuke by the GOP-controlled Senate. Obama nominated Garland to the Supreme Court after the mysterious death of Justice Scalia in early 2016. The Senate never even considered the nomination.

The bigger surprise here is Lynch, who by many accounts has posted an even worse public record trampling the Constitution than Obama since she arrived in Washington D.C. Nonetheless, Lynch is more than just a strong rumor to replace Justice Ginsburg, according to Justice Department sources who spoke to True Pundit. Clinton has promised the job to Lynch, sources said, but the attorney general is still considering the offer. Will Lynch decline? Doubtful, Justice Department sources said."

Hillary Clinton Promised Obama & Attorney General Lynch U.S. Supreme Court Justice Posts For Life

Huh, whoda thunk it.
Another reason Obama is willing to start a war with Russia to keep Trump from becoming POTUS.
Obama didn't even know Judicial Review, what a farce to put him on SCOTUS. He should do a Late Night Talk show instead

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