I think liberals have chosen to ignore or dismiss all of Hillary's emails.
I also find it funny that Hillary claimed she was the best person to ensure cyber security. Such a laugh considering she's claimed not to know anything about computers and she couldn't even keep her own emails safe. Not to mention her idiotic comment about wiping the server clean with a cloth. But, yea, she'll be right on top of security for the rest of us.
We all know Hillary started saying bad things about Obama in 2008. Now, the left acts like she was fond of him from the start.
And the minions are too busy watching a stupid amount of coverage of Trump's tape while the media chose not to inform them of the bigger story, which is Hillary's leaked emails.
The emails show us just how corrupt she and her cohorts are, yet liberals aren't seeing their bias informers discuss any of them.
Do liberals really want open borders and a path to a one world order government? Are they okay with the discussion on Scalia's death 4 days before he actually died? Not to mention her accusations regarding Obama or her wanting to kill Assange by drone strike.
The libs are willing to outright ignore all of Hillary's scandals. Their skewed reasoning is that since the admittedly bias liberal media didn't report it then it must not be news. The libs are willing to allow the media to shape their opinion and they are willing to disregard anything that the media says is irrelevant.
What do they think Hillary is going to accomplish other than flood the states with radical Muslims, raise taxes to continue the elimination of middle class, call for gun bans, open borders and one world order. Does this mean the radical leftwing nut jobs are finally admitting what they are all about? And the blind followers must think they'll get something for free and are willing to sell us down the river for those handouts.
The left continues to pretend that Hillary never attacked Obama during the 2008 primaries and that everything she dug up and threw at him is just some right wing conspiracy. Just amazing that her followers have the attention span of a gnat and they can be fed new talking points every day and instantly forget what they knew in the past.