Hillary Clinton cleared of mishandling classified information after 3-year private email probe

Not much surprise considering she used bleachbit on all the evidence. Not finding any blood at the crime scene doesn't mean a murder didn't take place.

Well then that means Comey lied because he told the American people under oath that Hillary mishandled classified information.

Everyone deletes 30000 emails with bleachbit after being subpoenaed and destroys cell phones with hammers if they're innocent.
Poor fools......
They can never THINK for themselves.
The Elites are playing you against each other....I don't care if you're leftist or rightwing.......

It's them (The Elitist vs YOU....a peasant)

They're obviously WAY smarter than you.
Lefty Think:

Trump is a fucking criminal.

Hillary never did anything wrong.

It's not even a legit "investigation".

The foxes investigated themselves, and found that it was not they who ate the chickens.


It's like the Mafia investigating itself.
This is exactly like when the "whistleblower" story came out....It was right in the text of the story that he/she was peddling hearsay, but the liberoids ignored that fact because it gave them the "WE GOTEEM NOW!" narrative.

This shit has moved beyond tiresome.
The phrase that jumps out at me from the above is this:

"released on Friday".

Uh huh.

I was wondering the same thing. Why the delay in reporting?

Classic "News Dump". Got something you don't really want to admit, put it out at the time it will get the least amount of attention.

The date/time on the Newsweek OP story is 10/19/19 AT 6:12 AM EDT.

That's Saturday morning.

I know. But Coyote's thread is the first I've heard about it. I've heard nothing on CNN, MSNBC, and HuffPost all day. Why?

Page 16 of the NYT.
Time to move on folks...3 years? Seriously? And Benghazi - how many years was that? If a Republican administration, supported by a Republican congress was not able to find any wrong doing....there probably isn't any.

Trump is silent on this.

Hillary Clinton cleared of mishandling classified information after 3-year email probe, Trump silent

A major investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state found no evidence of deliberate mishandling of classified information.

The finding by the U.S. State Department, released on Friday by Republican Senator Chuck Grassley's office, follows a three-year investigation, for which Clinton handed over roughly 33,000 emails.

Assertions of wrongdoing had been a major cornerstone of President Donald Trump's 2016 election campaign—with repeated chants and demands to "lock up crooked Hillary"—however, Trump made no mention of the findings on Friday.

The investigation was launched by Grassley in 2017 when he was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Grassley remained critical of Clinton's handling of classified information after it was revealed she had been using a private email to conduct official business when she was the top U.S. diplomat from 2009 to 2013.

The Iowa Republican pressed on with his investigation despite then-FBI Director James Comey stating in 2016 that he would not recommend any criminal charges. Comey did, however, criticize Clinton's use of a private email server as "extremely careless."

The Justice Department's inspector general also said that FBI specialists had not found evidence that the server was hacked.

This latest report concluded there was "no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information."

Great news! Thank you! I'm not surprised. Go Hillary!

So much of it really was a witch hunt - the investigations produced nothing. Benghazi should have been open and shut with a focus on how to prevent this from happening again, but it clearly wasn't.
Benghazi was so long ago the 4 dead Americans must be alive by now. Oh wait they're still dead. And Obama is still the Commander-In-Hiding who sealed their fate. And Hillary is still the worthless SOS who left them unprotected sitting ducks in the middle of Extremist Muslim country.
Someone should investigate that whole Benghazi thing!
I nominate Trey Gowdy...he'll get to the bottom of it!!
Benghazi was so long ago the 4 dead Americans must be alive by now. Oh wait they're still dead. And Obama is still the Commander-In-Hiding who sealed their fate. And Hillary is still the worthless SOS who left them unprotected sitting ducks in the middle of Extremist Muslim country.

Total utter bullshit...
What is utter bullshit is that President Trump is under Impeachment Inquiry for a phone call. If we are using that as the guideline, then Obama should have been executed.
Benghazi was so long ago the 4 dead Americans must be alive by now. Oh wait they're still dead. And Obama is still the Commander-In-Hiding who sealed their fate. And Hillary is still the worthless SOS who left them unprotected sitting ducks in the middle of Extremist Muslim country.

Total utter bullshit...
No, that would be your average post.
What is utter bullshit is that President Trump is under Impeachment Inquiry for a phone call. If we are using that as the guideline, then Obama should have been executed.

A phone call where the Orange Buffoon was trying to blackmail a Ukranian politician into lying about Biden. What did Obama do that was so bad.

Bengahzi? You mean the incident where Stephenson was told repeatedly not to go but went anyway? That's Hillary's fault? How? Was she supposed to fly over there and physically restrain him from going?Where you righties have no right to criticise or any morality on the matter is when you whine like little bitches about those four poor bugger's who died due to 1) Libyan arseholes; 2) Stephenson's own stupidity, yet don't find any fault with Bush starting two wars of choice that have cost 1000s of US and their allies' lives. I couldn't make this shit up. You hatred of Hillary is so blind, you want to blame her for something that was out of her control, but give a free pass to the Chimp who purposefully started not one, but two wars, on lies. If Steven Spielberg made a movie about this and told me it was based on fact I'd call him a liar. Yes, it is that unbelievable.
How did Trump win in 2016? By making Hillary look slimier than himself.

He's got his work cut out for him to pull the same wool over the voter's eyes next year!

Sorry for the mixed metaphor. No Trumpian would notice though.

Hate to break it to ya pal, but everyone that voted for him in 16, will be voting for him in 20. That’s not including the defecting dims, and anybody that isn’t enamored with the selection of twits on parade currently.

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How did Trump win in 2016? By making Hillary look slimier than himself.

He's got his work cut out for him to pull the same wool over the voter's eyes next year!

Sorry for the mixed metaphor. No Trumpian would notice though.

Hate to break it to ya pal, but everyone that voted for him in 16, will be voting for him in 20. That’s not including the defecting dims, and anybody that isn’t enamored with the selection of twits on parade currently.

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Bad news butch ,,the hate hillary people will vote Biden
How did Trump win in 2016? By making Hillary look slimier than himself.

He's got his work cut out for him to pull the same wool over the voter's eyes next year!

Sorry for the mixed metaphor. No Trumpian would notice though.

Hate to break it to ya pal, but everyone that voted for him in 16, will be voting for him in 20. That’s not including the defecting dims, and anybody that isn’t enamored with the selection of twits on parade currently.

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Poll numbers in the tank, impeachment hanging around his neck like an anchor. The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!
Last edited:
How did Trump win in 2016? By making Hillary look slimier than himself.

He's got his work cut out for him to pull the same wool over the voter's eyes next year!

Sorry for the mixed metaphor. No Trumpian would notice though.

Hate to break it to ya pal, but everyone that voted for him in 16, will be voting for him in 20. That’s not including the defecting dims, and anybody that isn’t enamored with the selection of twits on parade currently.

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This was discovered this year by me and two years later than 2014, and makes reasons for the secret state use of private server of Hillary Clinton:

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