Hillary Clinton balances out the ticket with a man as unprincipled as she is


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
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Tim Kaine is a coward and a weakling, a Catholic who is personally opposed to abortion and the death penalty, but doesn't do a damn thing about it because he is too afraid to stand up for what he believes.

We don't need more unprincipled politicians in Washington.

We don't need a yellow-bellied dog one heartbeat away from the Presidency.

We don't need Tim Kaine.
Hillary has now made the election crystal clear: Cleaning house with Trump or continuing to live in filth with Hillary. Make your pick.
Tim Kaine is a coward and a weakling, a Catholic who is personally opposed to abortion and the death penalty, but doesn't do a damn thing about it because he is too afraid to stand up for what he believes.

We don't need more unprincipled politicians in Washington.

We don't need a yellow-bellied dog one heartbeat away from the Presidency.

We don't need Tim Kaine.

I have news for all you angry little guys. Like it or not Hillary and Tim will be sitting in the White House in January. For all of Trumps fire and brimstone, he just doesn't have the votes to win. Trump can't even get the backing of his own party. You can throw all the temper tantrums you want, but you'll be saying "Madam President" very soon. Have a nice day!
Tim Kaine is a coward and a weakling, a Catholic who is personally opposed to abortion and the death penalty, but doesn't do a damn thing about it because he is too afraid to stand up for what he believes.

We don't need more unprincipled politicians in Washington.

We don't need a yellow-bellied dog one heartbeat away from the Presidency.

We don't need Tim Kaine.

I have news for all you angry little guys. Like it or not Hillary and Tim will be sitting in the White House in January. For all of Trumps fire and brimstone, he just doesn't have the votes to win. Trump can't even get the backing of his own party. You can throw all the temper tantrums you want, but you'll be saying "Madam President" very soon. Have a nice day!

Do you really think anyone is interested in your predictions? :desk:
Hillary will carry on Obamas third and forth term.....You better get used to it

Depending on how he does, Kaine could be President in 2024-2032
Tim Kaine is a coward and a weakling, a Catholic who is personally opposed to abortion and the death penalty, but doesn't do a damn thing about it because he is too afraid to stand up for what he believes.

We don't need more unprincipled politicians in Washington.

We don't need a yellow-bellied dog one heartbeat away from the Presidency.

We don't need Tim Kaine.
he is not running for your pope a dope he is running to represent all the people which catholics make up a portion of this country
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