Hillary Clinton approved of the sale of a Uranium mining firm to Russia, because

I don't have cable, but I do remember Obama stating that he eliminated al-Qaeda. Then oops a plan terrorist attack right before the election. Then the lies started. I knew they were bullshiting from the start.

Obama did eliminate the al-Qaeda leadership, but he never claimed to have eliminated terrorism, or all terrorists. And the attack wasn't "right before the election", it was on September 11th, nearly 3 months before the election, timed to coincide with the anniversary of the World Trade Centre attacks.

The State Department had been putting out endless warnings to Americans and others of the possibility of attacks on 9/11. I read them in magazines, online, and there were pieces on the TV news. How can you say the Obama Administration was blindsided by this attack.

Ambassador Stevens knew that Benghazi was very unstable - all of those requests for enhancements to the security of the outpost; and that travel there could be dangerous on the anniversary of 9/11, but he chose to go, despite State Department warnings.

Republicans chose to politicize the killings and use it to their political advantage, and they continue to do so, on the taxpayers nickel. Despicable, but we are talking about the Republicans.
The Obama administration politicized it by lying about the reason. Hell Obama lied about it then went to Vegas to fundraise and play golf.

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