Hilary Clinton/Bernie Sanders vs. Rand Paul/Jeb Bush

I gotta tell ya. It looks like feeling good is the prime motivator for nutters when it comes to their political predictions.

Some of you people ought to consider reality. You are wishing so hard. Remember how you felt on November 7th, 2012? You don't really want to relive that do you?

Let's talk about midterm election first.

Remember how you felt November 7th, 2010, when the House was won by Republicans, because that horrible bill that no one read, and had to be passed in order to find out what was in it, was PERCEIVED as horrible?

Perhaps YOU should consider reality.
You don't want to, but you WILL relive that.

Imagine how you are going to feel on November 5th, 2014, when Democrats will have lost the Senate because Obamacare is now KNOWN to be a horrible act.

What lie will the President use to avoid that, since he obviously used the biggest and most fraudulent lie in his vast reservoir of lies in order to win the presidency?
Liz Warren and Sen Richard Blumenthal. Fake Indian and Fake Veteran

That nay work for the Dems!
Only person I would consider voting for is Bernie Sanders there. I agree with a lot of his Socialist tendencies but I am a Social Conservative...so I will be left in the cold again...such is life for the time being.
I don't see Jeb picking Rand under any circumstances.
Jeb could never get the nomination, under the current teabagger climate.

Well, most of us who believe in The Tea Party principles are also believers in the principles of Reagan. Reagan believed it was smart to get "part of the pie" instead of none.

Republicans will support Paul more than most think, especially since Rand is more flexible and more open to mainstream conservatism than Ron was.

These are different times, and I believe the liberals/progressives are FOS as usual!:badgrin:

Rand Paul only got 10% of the straw poll at the cpac two weeks ago. Calling the GOP bad pizza crust won't get him the nomination. But I would like to see it. They are looking for a "dyed in the wool" con, not a renegade off the reservation.
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I agree. Jeb might pick Rand, but I doubt it. A Bush/Paul ticket would be much stronger than most think.

I don't see Jeb picking Rand under any circumstances.
Jeb could never get the nomination, under the current teabagger climate.

Jeb Bush signed the Statement of Principles (signed by other Neo Cons***) who supported the PNAC (The Project for the New American Century) and were instrumental in the invasion of and occupation of Iraq.

***The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), an influential neoconservative think tank, publishes a letter to President Clinton urging war against Iraq and the removal of Saddam Hussein because he is a “hazard” to “a significant portion of the world’s supply of oil.” In a foretaste of what eventually happens, the letter calls for the US to go to war alone, attacks the United Nations, and says the US should not be “crippled by a misguided insistence on unanimity in the UN Security Council.” The letter is signed by many who will later lead the 2003 Iraq war. 10 of the 18 signatories later join the Bush Administration, including Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Assistant Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretaries of State Richard Armitage and Robert Zoellick, Undersecretaries of State John Bolton and Paula Dobriansky, presidential adviser for the Middle East Elliott Abrams, Defense Policy Board chairman Richard Perle, and George W. Bush’s special Iraq envoy Zalmay Khalilzad. Other signatories include William Bennett, Jeffrey Bergner, Francis Fukuyama, Robert Kagan, William Kristol, Peter Rodman, William Schneider, Vin Weber, and James Woolsey


History Commons

I doubt anyone on the left or right supports any person who signed this document - Neo Conservatism is as close to German Fascism as any of us want to see; only the idiot fringe belongs to and supports them.
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Walker may not even win re-election for Governor. He's got too much baggage, with the recent revelations of misuse of power.

Bull shit. I live in Wisconsin and listen to the nightly news and read local articles on politics, and Walker is doing just FINE in Wisconsin, and if he can do fine here, he can do fine NATIONALLY.

In all actuality, you leftards have NO ONE decent to run for president, that's... NO ONE. Even as much as you all get wet over the thought of Hitlery running, she'd be once again shredded by her own party if she even thinks about it. She's done before she even gets started. In truth, the ONLY person that can win on the left is someone that's an even BIGGER RADICAL and SOCIALIST than OBAMA. You libtards have gone SOOOOO far out in the radical left, a main stream democrat now doesn't stand a chance. You're voter base is split worse than the conservative's is. There's no way in hell a dem will follow the kenyan into the white house.

look at what the best they've got has brought us. what a mess. never have I been less proud of my country. never did I think this country would be comprised of a majority looking for the free ride. Never did I think this would be a country that would have so many people willing to give up their rights. let alone allow a do nothing government take them from them. never did I think this would be a country where so many people would lie for their leaders who have let them down. to defend them in the face of such blatant failure. its disgusting.
After the first two Shrubs, I don't think Jeb could win as the GOP nominee. But as the VP on the ticket, he could be the "life insurance" policy, so to speak if the cons could somehow come up with a winner, which at this point isn't in the realm of possibility. Like Quayle was H.W.'s bullet proof vest.
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After the first two Shrubs, I don't think Jeb could win as the GOP nominee. But as the VP on the ticket, he could be the "life insurance" policy, so to speak if the cons could somehow come up with at winner, which at this point isn't in the realm of possibility. Like Quayle was H.W.'s bullet proof vest.

Actually, in that vein of thought, the best insurance policy any president has ever had is that of president Obama's VP.
After the first two Shrubs, I don't think Jeb could win as the GOP nominee. But as the VP on the ticket, he could be the "life insurance" policy, so to speak if the cons could somehow come up with a winner, which at this point isn't in the realm of possibility. Like Quayle was H.W.'s bullet proof vest.

Actually, in that vein of thought, the best insurance policy any president has ever had is that of president Obama's VP.

The GOP base(KKK) would far prefer Bidden.
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Wishing? Tell us lone wingnut, what happened to Hillary last time she was a LOCK to win? I seem to recall her getting beaten by an inexperience jr senator who spoke in metaphors and had a proclivity to vote "present" ..... :lol:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'd possibly bet my car that you did not predict an Obama win in that primary.

He voted "present"? Can you cite the cases?

Can't remember? Hillary brought it up during the primaries (while she was getting beaten for not being left enough)http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2008/feb/13/obamas-present-tension/

Hillary lost because she voted for Bush's failed quagmire in Iraq.
I don't see Jeb picking Rand under any circumstances.
Jeb could never get the nomination, under the current teabagger climate.

Well, most of us who believe in The Tea Party principles are also believers in the principles of Reagan. Reagan believed it was smart to get "part of the pie" instead of none.

Republicans will support Paul more than most think, especially since Rand is more flexible and more open to mainstream conservatism than Ron was.

These are different times, and I believe the liberals/progressives are FOS as usual!:badgrin:

See? It's beginning - the slow-motion rejection of the teabaggers, in favor of someone who is willing to compromise. :lol:
Reagan believed in science, infrastructure and America being number fucking one! Something the tea party wouldn't know nothing of.
Huh? The Tea Party is a movement, not a person. And what is it with your incessant whining about funding? I've never seen anyone cry about other people's money so much.
It's two people - Charles and David Koch.
Walker may not even win re-election for Governor. He's got too much baggage, with the recent revelations of misuse of power.

Bull shit. I live in Wisconsin and listen to the nightly news and read local articles on politics, and Walker is doing just FINE in Wisconsin, and if he can do fine here, he can do fine NATIONALLY.

In all actuality, you leftards have NO ONE decent to run for president, that's... NO ONE. Even as much as you all get wet over the thought of Hitlery running, she'd be once again shredded by her own party if she even thinks about it. She's done before she even gets started. In truth, the ONLY person that can win on the left is someone that's an even BIGGER RADICAL and SOCIALIST than OBAMA. You libtards have gone SOOOOO far out in the radical left, a main stream democrat now doesn't stand a chance. You're voter base is split worse than the conservative's is. There's no way in hell a dem will follow the kenyan into the white house.

Now, THAT'S an example of political ignorance, folks! :lol:

Why is Walker not trouncing his Democratic challenger in the polls?

Election 2014: Wisconsin Governor

Wisconsin Governor: Walker (R) 45%, Burke (D) 45%

And Democrats haven't even started running the ads about his abuse of power.

And Hillary doesn't have a chance? :lol:


My, my, my - look at all that BLUE!!!!

ya guessing is kind fun ,right?

It's more challenging to make one that isn't so obvious. Castro is so far out in left, it's not even on the planet. Sanders has said that if they want him, he'll run. Didn't say as which party. I'm sure cons wish he'd run as INDEPENDENT. Don't think he'd do that. Cons may be skeerd Paul will run as one. But really, what con ticket could beat Clinton/Sanders? I really don't see one.

You are theorizing about someone as a potential VP candidate, which - of course - will never happen, because he is just too offbeat to be real. Sanders is a coward, and a spineless typical socialist who ALWAYS caucuses with the Democrats, freeloading off them, but never actually wants to be called a Democrat.

Let me theorize about a Republican VP candidate, whose name I have never heard from anyone as such, but would be - in my opinion - a valuable addition to ay Republican ticket: Judge Janine Pirro.


I remember when wingnuts were saying that Carly Fiorini was a shoo-in. As was Sharron Angle.
Walker may not even win re-election for Governor. He's got too much baggage, with the recent revelations of misuse of power.

Bull shit. I live in Wisconsin and listen to the nightly news and read local articles on politics, and Walker is doing just FINE in Wisconsin, and if he can do fine here, he can do fine NATIONALLY.

In all actuality, you leftards have NO ONE decent to run for president, that's... NO ONE. Even as much as you all get wet over the thought of Hitlery running, she'd be once again shredded by her own party if she even thinks about it. She's done before she even gets started. In truth, the ONLY person that can win on the left is someone that's an even BIGGER RADICAL and SOCIALIST than OBAMA. You libtards have gone SOOOOO far out in the radical left, a main stream democrat now doesn't stand a chance. You're voter base is split worse than the conservative's is. There's no way in hell a dem will follow the kenyan into the white house.

look at what the best they've got has brought us.

Yep - the DOW from 6,000 to over 15,000.

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