Highland Park Shooter Antifa? Images of Crimo from Twitter account...

Illinois has red flag laws and has had since January first 2019...

Now just stop…. Posting actual facts that show Winco is an idiot isn’t fair….or something..




Not sure what to make of this yet.
Also known as Awake the Rapper

Here's his music

Andy Gno….. good source, he’s been following antifa forever
Ngo has not told Americans that the flip side of fascism is eye pain. Crimo has deliberately inflicted eye pain on Americans, a premeditated violence that was customized for Independence Day.


That looks like a very old image (no tattoos) with the Chinese "Sad Frog" emoji...

"Friends who introduce Pepe to me during QQ conversations call him shangxin qingwa, or sad frog. When I ask them why they like him or enjoy using his pictures in chat messages, they reply that he is weird, funny, and they can empathize with his existential sadness. Multiple local versions of shangxin qingwa, augmented with Mandarin captions, accumulate over the years in my database of Chinese digital folklore. Pepe becomes a sad frog crossing local genres of vernacular content, from pixelated screen-captures shared on QQ and edited on-the-fly to more codified 表情 biaoqing [literally ‘expressions’, a wide category including emoticons, reaction images and stickers] popular on WeChat and collected in variegated 表情包 biaoqing bao [expression packs] ready for use on chat programs and apps. Pepe has made it to China as a sad frog, and sits snugly in personalized sticker menus, reaction image folders and biaoqing repositories along with political figures, Korean celebrities and local social media mascotte Tuzki the rabbit."



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