High Octane Tea Party Convention

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Just the facts:
'Tea Party' Fireworks: Speaker Rips McCain, Obama, 'Cult of Multiculturalism'

The opening-night speaker at first ever National Tea Party Convention ripped into President Obama, Sen. John McCain and "the cult of multiculturalism," asserting that Obama was elected because "we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country."

The speaker, former Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., told about 600 delegates in a Nashville, Tenn., ballroom that in the 2008 election, America "put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House ... Barack Hussein Obama."

Tancredo did not stop at the Democratic president -- ripping McCain, R-Ariz., the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, for shaping up to be a repeat of "Bush 1 and Bush 2." "Thank God John McCain lost the election," he said, voicing his belief that...
-some internet link on my moblie phone
Tea parties aren't nearly as loud a voice as people are making them out to be.
Tea parties aren't nearly as loud a voice as people are making them out to be.

This is real. It's the 1st time in my 57 years that Americans, which includes democrats, republicans & independants are finally taking back their government.

$2 million tea-partiers.jpg

"Very scary to a liberal"--:lol::lol:
Dems have nothing to fear from these Tea Parties. NOTHING!

Dems need to move further left, they lost the last few election because their base was upset that they weren't far left enough.
The tea party movement should start with their LOCAL governments.
MORE corruption and waste and budget deficits there than anywhere.
States and local governments can not print $.
The tea party movement has no base here. They remind me of the liberal Democrats.
How do they get every where to march and such? Most look like they could not get a job anywhere as it is obvious they have too much free time on their hands.
My neighbor and his wife are tea partiers. He is retired from post office. She is on social security disaility at age 45. She rides horses and motorcycles but her back "hurts". Nothing at all wrong with her as she is on the teet and never misses a tea party rally.
The tea party movement should start with their LOCAL governments.
MORE corruption and waste and budget deficits there than anywhere.
States and local governments can not print $.
The tea party movement has no base here. They remind me of the liberal Democrats.
How do they get every where to march and such? Most look like they could not get a job anywhere as it is obvious they have too much free time on their hands.
My neighbor and his wife are tea partiers. He is retired from post office. She is on social security disaility at age 45. She rides horses and motorcycles but her back "hurts". Nothing at all wrong with her as she is on the teet and never misses a tea party rally.

You have nothing to fear from these tea parties, Comrade. We will prevail and remake America into the Utopia Obama dreams about
I am a former DE. Had to take on those man mountain offensive tackles at around 265 a piece and more. Since then I have been a private detective for 30 years.
I do not fear anyone.
I own 3 businesses and pay 6 figures in taxes. More power to them but they are going about it ass backwards.
You do not get things done partying in the streets. Just my opinion but the tea party movement is a joke my man. No one that I know that is a working capitalist with millions of their capital on the line gives these party animals any credibility. Wet T shirt party with fat chicks and sacks of sand.
Tommy Tancredo leads off the Teaparty convention?

The movement is doomed

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