High Court Rejects Gas Company's Pipeline Stay Request

...higher prices thanks to the environmentalists --they don't realize THEY will have to pay also....they are TERRORISTS
....what people don't understand is gas prices affect ALL prices--truckers supply the stores
I thought they lived on off-grid organic farms and shit. Are you telling me they're just ignorant hypocrites most of the time?
I thought they lived on organic farms and shit. Are you telling me they're just ignorant hypocrites most of the time?
..they are like the Hare Krishnas---live on organic farms--preach love and then murder people
I'm surprised that roberts has rejected the request.

I would have expected roberts to allow the stay.

I'm glad he didn't.

What am I missing? The pipeline is up and operational, right? Is it causing some existing or new problem that warrants removing it? Does it pose some sort of danger? Is it just because some group thinks pipelines are evil in some way? Why does somebody want it shut down?
Ted Kaczynski approves of Roberts' decision. He promises not to blow up any more people if they let him out of prison.

Ted Kaczynski - Wikipedia

Thanks, old man. I was just talking shit in a low-effort drive by post anyway. It's fun sometimes. I didn't click the link. haha
Ignorance is a curable problem. Stupidity is chronic. Not attempting to cure your ignorance is stupid.

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