Hidden truths behind Mormonism and the Church of the Latter Day


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
[ame=http://youtu.be/a1BLR4rufYA]Hidden truths behind Mormonism and the Church of the Latter Day Saints (James R White) - YouTube[/ame]
Are you the same troll who continually posts negatively about Mormons?

Using every effort to debase it?

Putting up any little item you can in order for others to think negatively about it?

Just curious. :eusa_whistle:
1) It's the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It seems odd that you want to leave Jesus Christ out of the name of the Church. Usually only done by those who want to falsely claim we don't believe in Christ. Are you one of those?

2) White has no credibility with me. Read enough of his stuff to be unimpressed. Is there as specific point you want to address. If so feel free to talk about it. If you just want to regergitate stuff that has probably been addressed over a decade ago without actually taking any ownership of it for yourself, than im not that interesting in discussing things because you aren't.
Atheists, whose belief system is based on faith also, are not honest.
1) It's the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It seems odd that you want to leave Jesus Christ out of the name of the Church. Usually only done by those who want to falsely claim we don't believe in Christ. Are you one of those?

If the Mormon Church is the most correct church on earth then why would Joseph Smith try to join Methodism?

In June 1828 Joseph Smith, Jr., the founder of Mormonism, joined the Methodist Church [probationary class] in Harmony, Pennsylvania. This was a strange thing for this prophet of a new religion to do, and seriously challenges the story he put out ten years later about the origin of his work.

The Mormon Prophet Attempts to Join the Methodists by Wesley P. Walters

If Mormonism says that the Bible is only true insofar as it is correctly translated then you are just applying a name to a religion when it's Christianity has been taken away.
the morman church so believed their founder and his revelations that they changed the religion when it ran up against the rest of the worlds thoughts.

The answer is simple: LDS can argue that the church is evolving, God does it in His way, and such requires a prophet in this day and age

Now, I don't agree with Mormonism, but you guys are going to have to do far better than the above.
1) It's the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It seems odd that you want to leave Jesus Christ out of the name of the Church. Usually only done by those who want to falsely claim we don't believe in Christ. Are you one of those?

If the Mormon Church is the most correct church on earth then why would Joseph Smith try to join Methodism?

In June 1828 Joseph Smith, Jr., the founder of Mormonism, joined the Methodist Church [probationary class] in Harmony, Pennsylvania. This was a strange thing for this prophet of a new religion to do, and seriously challenges the story he put out ten years later about the origin of his work.

The Mormon Prophet Attempts to Join the Methodists by Wesley P. Walters

If Mormonism says that the Bible is only true insofar as it is correctly translated then you are just applying a name to a religion when it's Christianity has been taken away.

If the goal is to take care of your family and be a good neighbor I don't care if you believe in Sto-vokor, a Klingon belief in the afterlife.

LDS strongly believes in both. (Not Sto-vokor)
the morman faith started out all messed up.

so they changed a bunch of things.

does that mean they admit is was NOT the one true religion in the world.

remember only ONE religion can be correct

The answer is simple: LDS can argue that the church is evolving, God does it in His way, and such requires a prophet in this day and age

Now, I don't agree with Mormonism, but you guys are going to have to do far better than the above.

all religions claim to be the ONE true answer.

That means all BUT ONE are WRONG.

think about that

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