Hi - just joined.

or maybe taffy...

thyse dydes yre sy tynglyd yp, y nyvyr syw y pyyply why lyvyd thy lyttyr "y" sy mych.

Sut dych chi ?

No, 'Taffy' wouldn't be very appropriate (though thanks for the thought). I'd have to be a Welshman to qualify. I'm English, just living in Wales.

All the street signs are bilingual. Makes me feel like I might be being sworn at. Same with train announcements, though true Welsh speakers in Wales are very much a minority, except maybe for in a handful of rural areas in the north of the country.

They have (or had ?) their own TV channel, called 'S4C'. It was watched by so few people that it was in danger of going out of business. I think the BBC had to step in to rescue it.

They also ran a football programme called 'Sgorio', I think it was. Viewing figures were so low that the company given the task of measuring its audience couldn't even get measurements of what the numbers were - -

well, i hope they save their language. it would be a shame to lose it.

i feel bad for little owain tate.

i wouldn't call a welshman "taffy". i was just givin' ya a hard time.
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There must be someone here that hates the British; perhaps you'll find her/him.

Good luck. (by the way, have you seen 'Lincoln' yet?)

Sounds like 'fun' .. well, happy to argue my corner against any such contributor !

Many thanks for your wishes - and no, I've not seen 'Lincoln'. Perhaps I'll make a point of it.

So, how well did the actor playing the part manage it ? Was he convincing, do you think ?

Daniel Day-Lewis was (and usually is) superb. The scenario is well written and historically it is consistent in spirit if not in exactly every detail.

The real story is how the government of the US worked (and works), passage of an amendment of forever end slavery, and some of the personal struggles for that. There may have been some lack of explanation and/or sympathy for the opposition, but defending the 'institution of slavery' as it was called is hard for modern audiences to digest.
Welcome. Good luck and have fun. Litmus test for ya. Would Sarah Palin have been a good v.p.?

Many thanks.

On Sarah Palin, no, I don't think she'd have been a good VP. I think she would've been a GREAT VP !!

I think, over time, she would have energised American politics and forced Liberals into full defensive mode. And quite likely ... in the hearts of Americans, before too long, she'd have outclassed her boss !

It's such a shame that she didn't get a crack at that job. I hope we've not seen the last of her political ambitions.

Oh, how we love that dry British sense of humor! Please, keep it up; its almost as funny as Palin herself (this coming from someone neither Dem nor Rep, just observant). The only thing she would have been better than is 'W', but then what or who wouldn't?
Just to add: I'm receiving Reputations for my posts, but as yet I'm unable to acknowledge them. It seems I still haven't added enough posts on this forum to send replies to any but, apparently, a select few.

To say, to those who've sent me those 'Reputations', thank you for them ! All appreciated.
Many thanks.

On Sarah Palin, no, I don't think she'd have been a good VP. I think she would've been a GREAT VP !!

I think, over time, she would have energised American politics and forced Liberals into full defensive mode. And quite likely ... in the hearts of Americans, before too long, she'd have outclassed her boss !

It's such a shame that she didn't get a crack at that job. I hope we've not seen the last of her political ambitions.

OK, you just stated Palin would have been good for this country.

I dont mind those on the right. A good republican is what this country needs. Anyone who thinks Palin would have been good for this country is a right wing nut, not a republican or honest conservative.

Good luck and honestly, you will fit in just fine here.

Right wing nut.


I appreciate the welcome.

For the life of me, though, I fail to see why you're so apparently strongly opposed to Sarah Palin. Besides, how can you claim anyone seeing her as good for the country isn't a republican ?

Do you perhaps think McCain WASN'T a Republican ?

I think you overlook the fact that Sarah Palin as VP was untried and untested. You cannot, surely, know how she'd have ultimately settled into the role, regardless of any reservations you might've had about her otherwise. How can you know she wouldn't have excelled ?

I can only think that your objections are partisan-based. Am I correct ?

I believe that the Republican Party badly needs some new blood, someone at the helm who fully connects not only with its Conservative roots, but who can appeal to decent, grassroots Conservative thinking. For the Republicans to rediscover such true, decent Conservative values and to wholeheartedly embrace them, cannot be a bad thing.

To offer you a British parallel - consider Margaret Thatcher. She was from the Right of our Conservative Party, and some distrusted her, were wary of where she might lead the Party. But she was a particularly successful Prime Minister who did our country a power of good, and despite being 'hated' by many people, still managed to gain THREE successive landslide victories.

You can't beat good, strong, full-blooded Conservative policies and instinct. I submit to you that Sarah Palin has these in abundance.

Sadly auto-zona is so far left anyone with the Fabian Society would be considered far right nutters by his estimation.
Just to add: I'm receiving Reputations for my posts, but as yet I'm unable to acknowledge them. It seems I still haven't added enough posts on this forum to send replies to any but, apparently, a select few.

To say, to those who've sent me those 'Reputations', thank you for them ! All appreciated.
Sure you can. To access who gave you rep, look at the upper right of your screen where it says "private messages," and click or double click on it. Then a menu comes up of who gave you rep. You should see some dialog in the menu such as "new reputation" with someone's name underneath it. Click on "New reputation." A dialog box will appear below their message, and you can say something corny like "thanks", click send, and it will add your user name. If someone sends you a private message, you click on the same button. It's usually flashing red on mine. Some of the notices will not be found in a dialog box, but in a drop down menu in which you click on the message or just go directly to your public profile page. In the box below, people can send you a public message that everyone can see, and you can as well. You can access it all in the bar by clicking on "Quick Links." There are multiple ways to do everything here. Our mods are super great. :)

If I have any rep, I'll send it, and you can try when you see your "private messages" box light up in a different color, unless you turned the setting off when you set up your profile page. If you did that, you should check your pms daily. It might even be good news. :)

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