Hi, I'm new here. A refugee.

That site won't exist in another week.

As Hillary said.

What difference does it make?

Runaway, please use the "Quote" feature. We have no idea who you're talking to.
I am neither of what you have alluded to.

No extremes right or left.

Common sense.
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
- Albert Einstein

So you are saying that you know and have learned everything by the age of eighteen?

That there are no new experiences to learn from or change your position on something after the age of eighteen?
EINSTEIN is saying that "common sense" is not very valuable or useful, not that you can't learn past 18. He is saying not to depend on "common sense" because it is biased and therefore unreliable. How you got "you can't learn past 18" from his quote is beyond …. common sense! :D

""I know what Einstein said and thought.

I know that common sense is a collection of bias and prejudice that we collectively as people build into our minds and our societies. It's human nature.

But to say it is of no use is being short minded.

You are essentially creating a box or wall around a human mind that says this is the way we are, we can't change or adjust our common sense (bias and prejudices) as we see and learn new things.

This (your) type of thinging is why racism won't go away.

You are saying that bias and prejudices can't be unlearned.""
Welcome to our obscure little corner of the interwebs.

I hope you've had all of your shots.
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
- Albert Einstein

So you are saying that you know and have learned everything by the age of eighteen?

That there are no new experiences to learn from or change your position on something after the age of eighteen?
EINSTEIN is saying that "common sense" is not very valuable or useful, not that you can't learn past 18. He is saying not to depend on "common sense" because it is biased and therefore unreliable. How you got "you can't learn past 18" from his quote is beyond …. common sense! :D

""I know what Einstein said and thought.

I know that common sense is a collection of bias and prejudice that we collectively as people build into our minds and our societies. It's human nature.

But to say it is of no use is being short minded.

You are essentially creating a box or wall around a human mind that says this is the way we are, we can't change or adjust our common sense (bias and prejudices) as we see and learn new things.

This (your) type of thinging is why racism won't go away.

You are saying that bias and prejudices can't be unlearned.""
So you are one of those people who reads what YOU want into what other people say, the Right will love you on this board.
EINSTEIN is saying that "common sense" is not very valuable or useful, not that you can't learn past 18. He is saying not to depend on "common sense" because it is biased and therefore unreliable. How you got "you can't learn past 18" from his quote is beyond …. common sense! :D

""I know what Einstein said and thought.

I know that common sense is a collection of bias and prejudice that we collectively as people build into our minds and our societies. It's human nature.

But to say it is of no use is being short minded.

You are essentially creating a box or wall around a human mind that says this is the way we are, we can't change or adjust our common sense (bias and prejudices) as we see and learn new things.

This (your) type of thinging is why racism won't go away.

You are saying that bias and prejudices can't be unlearned.""
So you are one of those people who reads what YOU want into what other people say, the Right will love you on this board.

I read what you said.

Did you mean something different?
""I know what Einstein said and thought.

I know that common sense is a collection of bias and prejudice that we collectively as people build into our minds and our societies. It's human nature.

But to say it is of no use is being short minded.

You are essentially creating a box or wall around a human mind that says this is the way we are, we can't change or adjust our common sense (bias and prejudices) as we see and learn new things.

This (your) type of thinging is why racism won't go away.

You are saying that bias and prejudices can't be unlearned.""
So you are one of those people who reads what YOU want into what other people say, the Right will love you on this board.

I read what you said.

Did you mean something different?
How is that not so obvious that you have to ask?

What Einstein is obviously saying is bias and prejudice NEED to be unlearned and overcome.
You're not off to a good start, bub.

Aren't first impressions a bias and prejudice?

Does not common sense tell us that?

Just ask Edthecynic.

You and Ed don't know me, but both have used your common sense (A sense that Ed claims to be of no use and invalid) to figure out, assume and tell me what my political beliefs are.

Ed said that the right would love me. He used common sense to come to that conclusion, but at the same time claims calims common sense is worthless.
So you are one of those people who reads what YOU want into what other people say, the Right will love you on this board.

I read what you said.

Did you mean something different?
How is that not so obvious that you have to ask?

What Einstein is obviously saying is bias and prejudice NEED to be unlearned and overcome.

So why don't you start at home.

Your common sense (Bias & Prejudice) has already figured out and judged me.

You claim that common sense is worthless and not a good way to figure things out, but you yourself use it to figure out who I am and the political beliefs I might hold.

Did I miss anything?
So you are one of those people who reads what YOU want into what other people say, the Right will love you on this board.

I read what you said.

Did you mean something different?
How is that not so obvious that you have to ask?

What Einstein is obviously saying is bias and prejudice NEED to be unlearned and overcome.

How is it that you can't see that your common sense (bias and prejudice) is judging me?

The vary thing that you claim is worthless and faulty (Common Sense).

It what you are judging me with.
I read what you said.

Did you mean something different?
How is that not so obvious that you have to ask?

What Einstein is obviously saying is bias and prejudice NEED to be unlearned and overcome.

So why don't you start at home.

Your common sense (Bias & Prejudice) has already figured out and judged me.

You claim that common sense is worthless and not a good way to figure things out, but you yourself use it to figure out who I am and the political beliefs I might hold.

Did I miss anything?
Obviously you missed the influence of your own behavior!
I am neither of what you have alluded to.

No extremes right or left.

Common sense.
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
- Albert Einstein

So you are saying that you know and have learned everything by the age of eighteen?

That there are no new experiences to learn from or change your position on something after the age of eighteen?
EINSTEIN is saying that "common sense" is not very valuable or useful, not that you can't learn past 18. He is saying not to depend on "common sense" because it is biased and therefore unreliable. How you got "you can't learn past 18" from his quote is beyond …. common sense! :D

Einstein was an Idot Savant.

His mind could only work in one realm. Equations.

He hand no concept of real time reality.

He could not even figure out how to tie his own shoes.

Common Sense, the idea of unpredictable variables was foreign to him. He had no ability to grasp the concept.

So it would stand to reason.

Einstians concept of common sense or his lack of it.
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
- Albert Einstein

So you are saying that you know and have learned everything by the age of eighteen?

That there are no new experiences to learn from or change your position on something after the age of eighteen?
EINSTEIN is saying that "common sense" is not very valuable or useful, not that you can't learn past 18. He is saying not to depend on "common sense" because it is biased and therefore unreliable. How you got "you can't learn past 18" from his quote is beyond …. common sense! :D

Einstein was an Idot Savant.

His mind could only work in one realm. Equations.

He hand no concept of real time reality.

He could not even figure out how to tie his own shoes.

Common Sense, the idea of unpredictable variables was foreign to him. He had no ability to grasp the concept.

So it would stand to reason.

Einstians concept of common sense or his lack of it.

Had a drawer full of paychecks and could never find his keys. He should have just left it at "I personally have no use for common sense" --- and been done with that..
Saying that Einstein knows anything or common sense is almost like saying Obama know anything about being a President or running a country.

Just saying.
I just realized that I have an addition to reporting the latest news events and any other breaking news on political events.

I was just placed on quarantine for thirty days for posting a news event on the [] (some of you my know what I'm referring to) that was on all the major news media but was not PC correct for the []. The new Mods on the box said posting the truth would upset too many people. So here I am.

The irony of this. Is that the [] is going to be discontinued on June 2. I've been posting there for more than a decade and now I can't even say goodbye to all my friends or stick it up your's to all the people that constantly harassed me.

We'll see how this goes.

Hi Runaway! Welcome. :)

I'm a refugee too. I was perma banned for no reason. No warnings,explainations,no infractions,I didn't violate TOS, I just tried to log on and found myself premenantly banned after 7 years. Oh well. This is my new home and I'm liking it already.
I just realized that I have an addition to reporting the latest news events and any other breaking news on political events.

I was just placed on quarantine for thirty days for posting a news event on the [] (some of you my know what I'm referring to) that was on all the major news media but was not PC correct for the []. The new Mods on the box said posting the truth would upset too many people. So here I am.

The irony of this. Is that the [] is going to be discontinued on June 2. I've been posting there for more than a decade and now I can't even say goodbye to all my friends or stick it up your's to all the people that constantly harassed me.

We'll see how this goes.

Hi Runaway! Welcome. :)

I'm a refugee too. I was perma banned for no reason. No warnings,explainations,no infractions,I didn't violate TOS, I just tried to log on and found myself premenantly banned after 7 years. Oh well. This is my new home and I'm liking it already.

Thank you for your responce.

Although I have not been permanently band. The forum that I have posted on for over a decade is as of June 2 being taken off line.

So I have no ability to say goodbye to all of the people that I've made freinds with over the years and screw yourselves to all the people that have created this demise.

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