Hi from Australia

G'day Might, and welcome aboard. My ex-roommate, a German radioastronomer, still wants to move to Australia because there are parts of the sky available for viewing that are not available to other observatories. When we lived in Albuquerque, an Aboriginal band who was performing in town came to our house after the show. Unfortunately, the name of the band has been forgotten, likely because it was an Aboriginal name. They did complain about Crocodile Dundee using a bull-roarer in one of his movies, which was taboo for them. If you hear of such a band's trip to New Mexico, let us know!

Warrumpi ?

Out of Papunya.

Warumpi band seems not to have visited the U.S. but they apparently did a European tour according to the wikipage. A thread placed in the Music forum entitled Aboriginal Bands Visiting U.S. and Europe is forthcoming.

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