HHS Watchdog Finds Federal Gov’t Partially Responsible For Medical Supply Crisis


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Christi Grimm, the principal deputy inspector general at the Health and Human Services Department, released a report on Monday that found the “significant challenges” hospitals are grappling with in treating COVID-19 were partially due to the federal government’s flailing response to the outbreak.

In a survey held from March 23 to 27, hospital workers informed Grimm’s office that they had not been sufficiently informed of the process of obtaining crucial medical supplies from the federal government’s national stockpile.

One medical staffer told the inspector general that the means to receiving those supplies posed “a major challenge” and that the equipment that the hospital did get were inadequate.

“Some hospitals noted that at the time of our interview they had not received supplies from the Strategic National Stockpile, or that the supplies that they had received were not sufficient in quantity or quality,” Grimm wrote.

Just more evidence of the Trump admin's ineptitude for The Following to excuse away.
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The problem will be rectified by firing the inspector general who filed that report.
It's Trump's fault they didn't do their job.


It's Trump's fault all our medical supplies and medicines are made in China.
I posted an article and link earlier that addressed the fact that after the Swine Flew epidemic the Obama administration failed to resupply a depleted supply of medical resources which contributed to (not 'is responsible for') some of the current shortages.

Despite their best efforts to do so, blame can not be heaped upon 1 man's shoulders. Another example is how Cuomo rejected the CDC's recommendation in 2015 to purchase 2,000 Ventilator beds to meet the projected number needed due to an Influenza outbreak.

In the end, what nation was prepared for the COVID-ID pandemic caused in large part by the Chinese who KNEW what was going on yet failed to report it in a timely manner, refused to share accurate information, and allowed known infected citizens to travel internationally, spreading COVID-19?

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