Hey Trump, Look: Corruption in Iraq!


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
For those deluded/devout partisan souls who see Donald Trump as a corruption fighter, maybe Thanksgiving in Iraq will change your minds?

Iraqis Rise Up Against 16 Years of ‘Made in the USA’ Corruption

"As Americans sat down to Thanksgiving dinner, Iraqis were mourning 40 protesters killed by police and soldiers on Thursday in Baghdad, Najaf and Nasiriyah.

"Nearly 400 protesters have been killed since hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets at the beginning of October.

"Human rights groups have described the crisis in Iraq as a 'bloodbath,'

"Prime Minister Abdul-Mahdi has announced he will resign, and Sweden has opened an investigation against Iraqi Defense Minister Najah Al-Shammari, who is a Swedish citizen, for crimes against humanity...."

"Western reporting conveniently casts Iran as the dominant foreign player in Iraq today.

"But while Iran has gained enormous influence and is one of the targets of the protests, most of the people ruling Iraq today are still the former exiles that the U.S. flew in with its occupation forces in 2003, 'coming to Iraq with empty pockets to fill' as a taxi-driver in Baghdad told a Western reporter at the time. "
Oh boy, a Leftard blog as a source.

Fuck Iraq. We did what we could there so they're on their own.

Maybe georgephillip will go over there and straighten them out for us.
Oh boy, a Leftard blog as a source.

View attachment 292685
Can you find any inaccuracies in my link or are you relying on your usual logic?

Iraqis Rise Up Against 16 Years of ‘Made in the USA’ Corruption

"According to Al Jazeera, 'Protesters are demanding the overthrow of a political class seen as corrupt and serving foreign powers while many Iraqis languish in poverty without jobs, healthcare or education.”

"Only 36% of the adult population of Iraq have jobs, and despite the gutting of the public sector under U.S. occupation, its tattered remnants still employ more people than the private sector, which fared even worse under the violence and chaos of the U.S.’s militarized shock doctrine."
Obama really screwed up Iraq.
What makes Obama's mistakes in Iraq any worse than Bush's or Trump's?

Iraqis Rise Up Against 16 Years of ‘Made in the USA’ Corruption

"The corruption of both U.S. and Iraqi officials during the U.S. occupation is well documented. UN Security Council resolution 1483 established a $20 billion Development Fund for Iraq using previously seized Iraqi assets, money left in the UN’s 'oil for food' program and new Iraqi oil revenues.

"An audit by KPMG and a special inspector general found that a huge proportion of that money was stolen or embezzled by U.S. and Iraqi officials."
Fuck Iraq. We did what we could there so they're on their own.

Maybe georgephillip will go over there and straighten them out for us.
Let's send L. Paul instead?

"Lebanese customs officials found $13 million in cash aboard Iraqi-American interim Interior Minister Falah Naqib’s plane.

"Occupation crime boss Paul Bremer maintained a $600 million slush fund with no paperwork.

"An Iraqi government ministry with 602 employees collected salaries for 8,206.

"A U.S. Army officer doubled the price on a contract to rebuild a hospital, and told the hospital’s director the extra cash was his 'retirement package.'"

Iraqis Rise Up Against 16 Years of ‘Made in the USA’ Corruption
Fuck Iraq. We did what we could there so they're on their own.

Maybe georgephillip will go over there and straighten them out for us.
Let's send L. Paul instead?

"Lebanese customs officials found $13 million in cash aboard Iraqi-American interim Interior Minister Falah Naqib’s plane.

"Occupation crime boss Paul Bremer maintained a $600 million slush fund with no paperwork.

"An Iraqi government ministry with 602 employees collected salaries for 8,206.

"A U.S. Army officer doubled the price on a contract to rebuild a hospital, and told the hospital’s director the extra cash was his 'retirement package.'"

Iraqis Rise Up Against 16 Years of ‘Made in the USA’ Corruption

Not very high on the things I care to lose any sleep over. Come back when you have something better.

Fuck Iraq. We did what we could there so they're on their own.

Maybe georgephillip will go over there and straighten them out for us.
Let's send L. Paul instead?

"Lebanese customs officials found $13 million in cash aboard Iraqi-American interim Interior Minister Falah Naqib’s plane.

"Occupation crime boss Paul Bremer maintained a $600 million slush fund with no paperwork.

"An Iraqi government ministry with 602 employees collected salaries for 8,206.

"A U.S. Army officer doubled the price on a contract to rebuild a hospital, and told the hospital’s director the extra cash was his 'retirement package.'"

Iraqis Rise Up Against 16 Years of ‘Made in the USA’ Corruption

Not very high on the things I care to lose any sleep over. Come back when you have something better.

Not very high on the things I care to lose any sleep over. Come back when you have something better.


Iraqis Rise Up Against 16 Years of ‘Made in the USA’ Corruption

"Today, this corrupt system keeps dominant power in the hands of a cabal of corrupt Shiite and Kurdish politicians who spent many years in exile in the West, working with Ahmed Chalabi’s U.S.-based Iraqi National Congress (INC), Ayad Allawi’s U.K.-based Iraqi National Accord (INA) and various factions of the Shiite Islamist Dawa Party.

"Voter turnout has dwindled from 70% in 2005 to 44.5% in 2018.

"Ayad Allawi and the INA were the instrument for the CIA’s hopelessly bungled military coup in Iraq in 1996.

"The Iraqi government followed every detail of the plot on a closed-circuit radio handed over by one of the conspirators and arrested all the CIA’s agents inside Iraq on the eve of the coup.

"It executed thirty military officers and jailed a hundred more, leaving the CIA with no human intelligence from inside Iraq."
For those deluded/devout partisan souls who see Donald Trump as a corruption fighter, maybe Thanksgiving in Iraq will change your minds?

Iraqis Rise Up Against 16 Years of ‘Made in the USA’ Corruption

"As Americans sat down to Thanksgiving dinner, Iraqis were mourning 40 protesters killed by police and soldiers on Thursday in Baghdad, Najaf and Nasiriyah.

"Nearly 400 protesters have been killed since hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets at the beginning of October.

"Human rights groups have described the crisis in Iraq as a 'bloodbath,'

"Prime Minister Abdul-Mahdi has announced he will resign, and Sweden has opened an investigation against Iraqi Defense Minister Najah Al-Shammari, who is a Swedish citizen, for crimes against humanity...."

"Western reporting conveniently casts Iran as the dominant foreign player in Iraq today.

"But while Iran has gained enormous influence and is one of the targets of the protests, most of the people ruling Iraq today are still the former exiles that the U.S. flew in with its occupation forces in 2003, 'coming to Iraq with empty pockets to fill' as a taxi-driver in Baghdad told a Western reporter at the time. "

Any of our high ranking elected officials or their degenerate sons involved in said corruption in Iraq?
For those deluded/devout partisan souls who see Donald Trump as a corruption fighter, maybe Thanksgiving in Iraq will change your minds?

Iraqis Rise Up Against 16 Years of ‘Made in the USA’ Corruption

"As Americans sat down to Thanksgiving dinner, Iraqis were mourning 40 protesters killed by police and soldiers on Thursday in Baghdad, Najaf and Nasiriyah.

"Nearly 400 protesters have been killed since hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets at the beginning of October.

"Human rights groups have described the crisis in Iraq as a 'bloodbath,'

"Prime Minister Abdul-Mahdi has announced he will resign, and Sweden has opened an investigation against Iraqi Defense Minister Najah Al-Shammari, who is a Swedish citizen, for crimes against humanity...."

"Western reporting conveniently casts Iran as the dominant foreign player in Iraq today.

"But while Iran has gained enormous influence and is one of the targets of the protests, most of the people ruling Iraq today are still the former exiles that the U.S. flew in with its occupation forces in 2003, 'coming to Iraq with empty pockets to fill' as a taxi-driver in Baghdad told a Western reporter at the time. "

Any of our high ranking elected officials or their degenerate sons involved in said corruption in Iraq?
Any of our high ranking elected officials or their degenerate sons involved in said corruption in Iraq?
Good question.
How many Americans are currently residing in the Green Zone?


Tourist's Guide to Baghdad's Green Zone (Updated)

"Finally, in 2009, Iraq’s leaders and their U.S. puppet-masters gave up on PSAs (for the time being…) and invited foreign oil companies to bid on 'technical service agreements' (TSAs) worth $1 to $6 per barrel for increases in production from Iraqi oilfields.

"Ten years later, production has only increased to 4.6 million barrels per day, of which 3.8 million are exported.

"From Iraqi oil exports of about $80 billion per year, foreign firms with TSAs earn only $1.4 billion, and the largest contracts are not held by U.S. firms.

"China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is earning about $430 million in 2019; BP earns $235 million; Malaysia’s Petronas $120 million; Russia’s Lukoil $105 million; and Italy’s ENI $100 million.

"The bulk of Iraq’s oil revenues still flow through the Iraq National Oil Company (INOC) to the corrupt U.S.-backed government in Baghdad."

Iraqis Rise Up Against 16 Years of ‘Made in the USA’ Corruption
Obama really screwed up Iraq.
What makes Obama's mistakes in Iraq any worse than Bush's or Trump's?

Iraqis Rise Up Against 16 Years of ‘Made in the USA’ Corruption

"The corruption of both U.S. and Iraqi officials during the U.S. occupation is well documented. UN Security Council resolution 1483 established a $20 billion Development Fund for Iraq using previously seized Iraqi assets, money left in the UN’s 'oil for food' program and new Iraqi oil revenues.

"An audit by KPMG and a special inspector general found that a huge proportion of that money was stolen or embezzled by U.S. and Iraqi officials."
So how many us citizens have been convicted for corruption in Iraq?
Obama really screwed up Iraq.
What makes Obama's mistakes in Iraq any worse than Bush's or Trump's?

Iraqis Rise Up Against 16 Years of ‘Made in the USA’ Corruption

"The corruption of both U.S. and Iraqi officials during the U.S. occupation is well documented. UN Security Council resolution 1483 established a $20 billion Development Fund for Iraq using previously seized Iraqi assets, money left in the UN’s 'oil for food' program and new Iraqi oil revenues.

"An audit by KPMG and a special inspector general found that a huge proportion of that money was stolen or embezzled by U.S. and Iraqi officials."
So how many us citizens have been convicted for corruption in Iraq?
So how many us citizens have been convicted for corruption in Iraq?
Who would prosecute any US citizen for their war crimes in Iraq?

Iraqis Rise Up Against 16 Years of ‘Made in the USA’ Corruption

"In 2003, the U.S. and its allies unleashed unspeakable, systematic violence against the people of Iraq.

"Public health experts reliably estimated that the first three years of war and hostile military occupation cost about 650,000 Iraqi lives.

"But the U.S. did succeed in installing a puppet government of formerly Western-based Shiite and Kurdish politicians in the fortified Green Zone in Baghdad, with control over Iraq’s oil revenues.

"As we can see, many of the ministers in the U.S.-appointed interim government in 2004 are still ruling Iraq today."
For those deluded/devout partisan souls who see Donald Trump as a corruption fighter, maybe Thanksgiving in Iraq will change your minds?

Iraqis Rise Up Against 16 Years of ‘Made in the USA’ Corruption

"As Americans sat down to Thanksgiving dinner, Iraqis were mourning 40 protesters killed by police and soldiers on Thursday in Baghdad, Najaf and Nasiriyah.

"Nearly 400 protesters have been killed since hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets at the beginning of October.

"Human rights groups have described the crisis in Iraq as a 'bloodbath,'

"Prime Minister Abdul-Mahdi has announced he will resign, and Sweden has opened an investigation against Iraqi Defense Minister Najah Al-Shammari, who is a Swedish citizen, for crimes against humanity...."

"Western reporting conveniently casts Iran as the dominant foreign player in Iraq today.

"But while Iran has gained enormous influence and is one of the targets of the protests, most of the people ruling Iraq today are still the former exiles that the U.S. flew in with its occupation forces in 2003, 'coming to Iraq with empty pockets to fill' as a taxi-driver in Baghdad told a Western reporter at the time. "
...another OP that doesn't make sense= babble
For those deluded/devout partisan souls who see Donald Trump as a corruption fighter, maybe Thanksgiving in Iraq will change your minds?

Iraqis Rise Up Against 16 Years of ‘Made in the USA’ Corruption

"As Americans sat down to Thanksgiving dinner, Iraqis were mourning 40 protesters killed by police and soldiers on Thursday in Baghdad, Najaf and Nasiriyah.

"Nearly 400 protesters have been killed since hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets at the beginning of October.

"Human rights groups have described the crisis in Iraq as a 'bloodbath,'

"Prime Minister Abdul-Mahdi has announced he will resign, and Sweden has opened an investigation against Iraqi Defense Minister Najah Al-Shammari, who is a Swedish citizen, for crimes against humanity...."

"Western reporting conveniently casts Iran as the dominant foreign player in Iraq today.

"But while Iran has gained enormous influence and is one of the targets of the protests, most of the people ruling Iraq today are still the former exiles that the U.S. flew in with its occupation forces in 2003, 'coming to Iraq with empty pockets to fill' as a taxi-driver in Baghdad told a Western reporter at the time. "
...another OP that doesn't make sense= babble
...another OP that doesn't make sense= babble
Can't spot the corruption in Iraq?

"BAGHDAD — Rebuking their prime minister, Iraqi protesters demanding jobs and official accountability defied security forces Friday to throng central Baghdad and other cities, confronting the government with perhaps its biggest challenge since the chaotic aftermath of the American invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein 16 years ago.

"At least 30 people were reported killed around the country, including eight in Baghdad, according to the Iraqi High Commission on Human Rights.

"It said at least 2,312 people were injured, mostly protesters, in angry confrontations with security forces."

‘All of Them Are Thieves’: Iraqis Defy Security Forces to Protest Corruption

Why doesn't Trump get the US out of Iraq?
Despite Vow to End ‘Endless Wars,’ Here’s Where About 200,000 Troops Remain

"Despite Vow to End ‘Endless Wars,’ Here’s Where About 200,000 Troops Remain

"Under President Trump, there are now more troops in the Middle East than when he took office, and he has continued the mission for tens of thousands of others far from the wars of 9/11."

Another lie Trump has perpetrated on the desperate, gullible voters who put him in office?
Its Iraq, who cares.

They run their own country. Elect their own leaders and if they have problems to bad.

No one but the Op gives a shit. I sure don't.

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