Hey Republicans

You didn't have any choice but to switch to Trump. That's how it works. Unless you just didn't vote. But if you're a die hard loyal republican, you'll vote for who they tell you to vote for.

And like it.
And given 2 choices who the fuck else am I going to vote for............Might as well flush it down the toilet............

I choose to LIVE IN REALITY...........You would have me throw my vote away and pump my chest and say............I DIDN'T VOTE FOR THE WINNER BUT THE GOOD GUY WHO LOST.

As the left laughs at you Packing the Court and giving us their JUDIICIAL ACTIVISM LAWS...........

What is your purpose.........Because I think you are a wolf in sheeps clothing.
No. I would not have worked for her, since she was like trump and unworthy of casting a vote for her, just as I would never work for trump.
Well we see how that has worked out for you.. lol.

Just admit it, Biden is a nut job who has plagiarised his way through life. Go ahead, it'll make you feel better.
Well we see how that has worked out for you.. lol.

Just admit it, Biden is a nut job who has plagiarised his way through life. Go ahead, it'll make you feel better.
Yea, retirement before trump inaugural, several Fl vacations, ski trips, in-ground pool installation, grown kids stable in their careers, we older, but they have not forced us to start taking money out any of our investments, and still having a pretty good time. We're suffering through this presidency even easier than we suffered through several others since we married over 47 years ago, when we were new young slaves to the system. That's how it has worked out for us. Obviously we're just not getting this new suffering thing down, correctly, but got to admit, we're really not working at it. Do you need me to feel bad for you maybe?
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Yea, retirement before trump inaugural, several Fl vacations, ski trips, in-ground pool installation, grown kids stable in their careers, we older, but they have not forced us to start taking money out any of our investments, and still having a pretty good time. We're suffering through this presidency even easier than we suffered through several others since we married over 47 years ago, when we were new young slaves to the system. That's how it has worked out for us. Obviously we're just not getting this new suffering thing down, correctly, but got to admit, we're really not working at it. Do you need me to feel bad for you maybe?
You know the old saying... All good things must come to an end...
You know the old saying... All good things must come to an end...
Another one is.., This too, shall pass...
You'd be surprised at how many on the right and left fringes, so quickly forget this universal truth, especially on the pendulum choices of free elections lost.
Another one is.., This too, shall pass...
You'd be surprised at how many on the right and left fringes, so quickly forget this universal truth, especially on the pendulum choices of free elections lost.

Are you still pushing the fiction that 2020 was a free and fair election, even though you know better?

THAT after all, is a pretty serious pendulum swinging right at you.
Are you still pushing the fiction that 2020 was a free and fair election, even though you know better?

THAT after all, is a pretty serious pendulum swinging right at you.
You still against the judicial system, judges, juries, state legislative bodies, (red and blue alike if they did not vote to overrule the recorded votes) the constitution, peaceful transfer, etc, etc? I really didn't do anything, but go out, stand in line for early voting and vote.
Good, bad or indifferent, this too shall pass. Hopefully you have a life off the internet.
You still against the judicial system, judges, juries, state legislative bodies, (red and blue alike if they did not vote to overrule the recorded votes) the constitution, peaceful transfer, etc, etc? I really didn't do anything, but go out, stand in line for early voting and vote.
Good, bad or indifferent, this too shall pass. Hopefully you have a life off the internet.
Can you highlight the top three verdicts in the suits brought?

There were no juries, no trials. The judicial system was closed to those who questioned the now openly known to be corrupt election. No cases were adjudicated. The authoritarian state denied access to the courts while state legislatures violated their own and the United States Constitution,

Gaslighting for two years while the evidence mounts is you of the left pushing the pendulum as far over as it could go.

Now that pendulum is rocketing back, and you remain in denial that it was you of the left that set it in motion.
You still against the judicial system, judges, juries, state legislative bodies, (red and blue alike if they did not vote to overrule the recorded votes) the constitution, peaceful transfer, etc, etc? I really didn't do anything, but go out, stand in line for early voting and vote.
Good, bad or indifferent, this too shall pass. Hopefully you have a life off the internet.
those who took bribes you fking bet. You want a judicial system that takes bribes?
True & true.

Wrong. They want a rapid change back to the constitution. Agreeably, the democrat progressives have increasing changed the face of this nation into something horrible. How the moderate democrats allowed these people to take over their party is shameful, to say the least.
But with that said, there just aren't enough actual conservatives in DC to even start trying to get the GOP back on track. The elected republicans we have now, are probably 99% party loyalist. The party leaders are owned by lobbyist and people way more rich and powerful that any of our presidents combined. Those people don't care about the party. They care about the party following orders. And so if you're someone like Justin Amash, and only vote with the party 75% of the time, you get thrown under the bus. You get kicked off committees. He even got ran out of the Liberty Caucus. And he started the Liberty Caucus. Remember them? They're the ones who filibustered the FISA bill. They stopped Trump. (Obama care on steroids).
Maybe calling the GOP "progressives" was a little harsh. Honestly, they're no where near as bad as the democrats progressives. But none the less, the GOP of today isn't fiscal conservatives. They're not even Constitutional Conservatives.

Thank you. I'll check that out.

The LP's platform is utopian-istic. Anarcistic? Not really. It just brings us back to fiscal conservatism. Or at least the last one I read did(a few years ago).

Fiscal conservatism isn't allowed in the GOP. Especially when the GOP has the majority and the POTUS. It's none existent. It's pretty sad when republican voters complain about the current debt, and blame it solely on the democrats or Biden, without acknowledging the fact that the entire debt wasn't created after Biden took office. All that debt that accumulated during every GOP president and every GOP majority in the house, helped to build that debt. Trump was a huge spender. But getting his worshippers to admit it is impossible. Getting them to admit that the current inflation hike has a lot to do with Trump & Pelosi's spending is just as impossible.

Spending and debt is a big part of the LP's platform. It's also part of the RNC's platform. Only the Republicans don't adhere to their own platform when they're in power.

Why? IMO it's because they, like the democrats, are owned and not allowed to be fiscal conservatives. Which is why I support voting out all incumbents, from both parties for at least the next 3 elections.

Republicans and democrats have ruled over this country for 153 years now. And all they've done is get us into wars with countries that posed no threat to us, they've created a $30 trillion debt to the Federal Reserve (with interest), they've created a monetary system where $10hr is a poverty wage. And soon, $15hr will be a poverty wage. And in the mean time, made it almost impossible for American manufacturers to compete on a global scale because of the high wages and over inflated USD value.

And until the LP's start getting elected, or people stop supporting people like Trump in favor of fiscal and constitutional conservatives, nothing is going to change.
It's been over 40 years and the Libertarian Party has never taken the power to convince We the People of their ideals. As I noted above, your party is based upon a foundation of Objectivism.
It's been over 40 years and the Libertarian Party has never taken the power to convince We the People of their ideals. As I noted above, your party is based upon a foundation of Objectivism.


Libertarian ideals have dominated the Republican party for the last two decades. The LP USA is garbage, but the ideals are now mainstream. The real war is between fascism from the democrat/progressive Reich and the ideals of liberty, libertarianism. People like Quid Pro are just tools for Soros and Xi to push fascism. Trump is just a tool for the regular, decent people to promote the ideals of liberty.

Our politics are a war of fascism vs. liberty. The democrat Reich vs. the American remnant.
You people have to stop using the word "conservative" when labeling people like Trump or even yourselves. There's a huge difference between republicans and conservatives. You know what those difference are. "Conservative" is off limits to you people. You can't have it.
The only time yall even act conservative is when a democrat is the potus or the dems have the majority.
When there's a republican in the white house, all yall do is grow the size of government and spend spend spend. Totally opposite of what conservatives stand for.
Fact: Trumps first two years in office, with a GOP majority in the House and Senate, yall funded not only planned parenthood. But also gender studies in Pakistan.

Here's a help. These two people are conservative. And were both pushed out of the GOP for actually trying to do things in a conservative way.
Example: Justin Amash was kicked off the congressional budget committee for trying to cut spending, by the GOP committee chairman, John Boehner.

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EmperorShitzHizPantz dropped an especially poopy load for you to worship today.

Here is a dose of Truth for you. The Swamp also consists of people in The GOP like asshole Mitt Romney, Commie Collins and enough Lying RHINOS that a majority for The GOP does not matter. RINOS neutralize any GOP Majority so The Deep State and New World Order will continue to rule, continue to destroy America unless there is more of a grass roots majority "AMERICA FIRST" majority in Congress.

Until that happens America continues to circle the drain.
Can you highlight the top three verdicts in the suits brought?

There were no juries, no trials. The judicial system was closed to those who questioned the now openly known to be corrupt election. No cases were adjudicated. The authoritarian state denied access to the courts while state legislatures violated their own and the United States Constitution,

Gaslighting for two years while the evidence mounts is you of the left pushing the pendulum as far over as it could go.

Now that pendulum is rocketing back, and you remain in denial that it was you of the left that set it in motion.
No. I can't. I don't have to. With that many recounts, that many challenges, in that many courts hearing that many arguments, under judges, of different political appointing background, even appointed by trump as political favor, I don't have to and neither do you, unless Donny has single-handedly convinced you all courts and the judicial system as well as constitutional rule are shit. Remember "the Kraken"? Remember the recounts supervised or even contracted by republicans that found little or sometime more vote that went to Joe, like the months long thing out in Arizona? With the constitution setting the time period for proving grievance or fraud before certification, how much of the constitution are you wanting to do away with? What limits to get your way do you have anymore?
those who took bribes you fking bet. You want a judicial system that takes bribes?
Which ones took bribes? Why has this evidence not come out in lawsuits and trial in other courts in the same state, the charges made, if they have been made?
No. I can't.

Of course you can't - there WERE NO TRIALS, not even one.

Every man has his day in court - unless he is against the ruling democrat Reich.

I don't have to. With that many recounts, that many challenges, in that many courts hearing that many arguments,

Again with the gaslighting. The courts were closed to any questioning the openly corrupt election.

Justice denied.

ZERO cases were heard in court - the authoritarian state allowed no challenge to the pre-determined election results.

under judges, of different political appointing background, even appointed by trump as political favor, I don't have to and neither do you, unless Donny has single-handedly convinced you all courts and the judicial system as well as constitutional rule are shit. Remember "the Kraken"? Remember the recounts supervised or even contracted by republicans that found little or sometime more vote that went to Joe, like the months long thing out in Arizona? With the constitution setting the time period for proving grievance or fraud before certification, how much of the constitution are you wanting to do away with? What limits to get your way do you have anymore?

So, you support denying judicial access to political enemies.

You have ended the rule of law.

You REALLY think that pendulum won't swing back on you?

You rule purely on the authority of the law - the law that you have discarded.

How can this possibly end? THINK.
Of course you can't - there WERE NO TRIALS, not even one.

Every man has his day in court - unless he is against the ruling democrat Reich.

Again with the gaslighting. The courts were closed to any questioning the openly corrupt election.

Justice denied.

ZERO cases were heard in court - the authoritarian state allowed no challenge to the pre-determined election results.

So, you support denying judicial access to political enemies.

You have ended the rule of law.

You REALLY think that pendulum won't swing back on you?

You rule purely on the authority of the law - the law that you have discarded.

How can this possibly end? THINK.
Would the words court cases or hearings make you feel better?
EmperorShitzHizPantz dropped an especially poopy load for you to worship today.

Here is a dose of Truth for you. The Swamp also consists of people in The GOP like asshole Mitt Romney, Commie Collins and enough Lying RHINOS that a majority for The GOP does not matter. RINOS neutralize any GOP Majority so The Deep State and New World Order will continue to rule, continue to destroy America unless there is more of a grass roots majority "AMERICA FIRST" majority in Congress.

Until that happens America continues to circle the drain.

Let me guess, it's all the Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew's fault too, right?