Hey politicians…what’s worse…mass shootings or fentanyl and cartels coming across our open border?

The only potential benefit I can see in the Fentanyl boom is that it will make euthanasia available without a doctor's help. Buy a few pills that you KNOW has Fentanyl and keep them stored in case you ever decide to pull the plug to get out of terminal pain and suffering. I went to a dentist today for an abscessed tooth and the only "pain relief" he offered was amoxicillin. Thanks a lot, junkies...
Which results in the deaths of more Americans? Are we sure our attention is where it needs to be?
Bingo. We should be focusing our attention on what will do the greatest good for the greatest number. We have 100,000 people a year dying from drug ODs and Fentanyl POISONING. We have thousands more dying in the streets from drug/gang banger gun fire. We have drug cartels getting 30 million dollars a day from drugs sales and human smuggling. But our government is focused on a war that doesn't involve us, a kangaroo court trying to indict Citizen Trump and "gun control" whatever that is. We are fukked.
Which results in the deaths of more Americans? Are we sure our attention is where it needs to be?
If the Democrats' objective were to be solving problems, I would agree with your question. But to Democrats, the attention is exactly where they want it to be, because their only concern is pushing the Marxist anti-gun agenda, which has nothing to do with solving any problem.
No. Our leaders have limited energy and attention spans. They only focus on what is politically expedient, not what does the most good for the American people.
I don’t know any politicians not willing to fight both

Do you?
I didn't realize we had to choose one or the other.

Can’t we fight both?
Maybe/probably. But there are an infinite number of problems and a finite amount of time and resources. If these were the only 2 problems facing our nation it wouldn’t be a problem but that’s hardly the case. We have become pretty terrible as a country at focusing and solving problems. We seem to want to keep the problems around forever and never actually solve them.
Which results in the deaths of more Americans? Are we sure our attention is where it needs to be?
Since the vast majority of mass shootings in our cities are perpetrated by the illegal drug cartels and their affiliates, it's not an either/or proposition.

Secure the border to prevent mass shootings. Invaders should be killed on sight by the US military or captured alive then tortured and executed in public.
Maybe/probably. But there are an infinite number of problems and a finite amount of time and resources. If these were the only 2 problems facing our nation it wouldn’t be a problem but that’s hardly the case. We have become pretty terrible as a country at focusing and solving problems. We seem to want to keep the problems around forever and never actually solve them.

If you solve the problems, you have nothing to divide the people with.
Most drugs come in through our ports of entry.

Also, CHINA is the biggest source of illegal fentanyl. Are you tards going to build a wall along the Pacific coast?

Lol, fail...

Currently, China remains the primary source of fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances trafficked through international mail and express consignment operations environment, as well as the main source for all fentanyl-related substances trafficked into the United States.

https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2020-03/DEA_GOV_DIR-008-20 Fentanyl Flow in the United States_0.pdf

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