Hey,‭ ‬McConnell,‭ ‬Have You Spoken To Your Employers Lately‭?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Hey,‭ ‬McConnell,‭ ‬Have You Spoken To Your Employers Lately‭?

No,‭ ‬not the voters in your home state,‭ ‬your real employers.‭ ‬How do they feel about the right-wing extremism you are permitting to control their political party‭?

Are they pleased at the way you cater to these radical members of their GOP‭?

Yes,‭ ‬the rational Americans understand why your goal is to hinder congressional activity and progress.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬that keeping voters divided on issues is a very important task in your job description.‭ ‬But you have plenty of help in this area,‭ ‬so delegate,‭ ‬make others with the same employers do their part (you are surrounded by them).

That aside,‭ ‬we can‭ ‬get back to the main issue.‭ ‬Haven’t your employers become increasingly concerned by the level of discord you’ve permitted to grow within the ranks their party‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬this is the primary reason the Democrats now control,‭ ‬so to speak,‭ ‬two of the three branches of government.‭ ‬What are your solutions to be used,‭ ‬as Minority Leader,‭ ‬to obstruct legislation your employers deem...‭ ‬unwanted‭?

It’s certain your employers realize the major problem you faced for the past four years has been a major contributing factor to your becoming Minority Leader,‭ ‬but the influence of that problem has been considerably lessened.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬that problem was of some benefit to your employers for the short-term,‭ ‬but its detrimental,‭ ‬long-term effects must be dealt with immediately.‭

Also,‭ ‬this talk among the more militant members of the rank-and-file voting base about breaking away and forming a competing conservative party,‭ ‬how do you plan to address that‭? ‬It has,‭ ‬undoubtedly,‭ ‬caused a growing uneasiness in your employers as they are fully aware that these are the voters most susceptible to manipulation and,‭ ‬over the decades,‭ ‬have been their most reliable voting block.

You obviously realize your employers have been most generous in compensation and bonuses during your many years of service to them,‭ ‬and they needn’t remind you how they made you one of the most powerful men in the world.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬use that power and get your people to quash this nonsense among the rabble about a third political party.‭

You know very well your employers have too much money and time invested building their Republican Party to see it destroyed by a handful of second rate,‭ ‬power seeking political hacks,‭ ‬financed by outsiders,‭ ‬and exploiting a known con man’s success in stealing their most steadfast voting block.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬get off your a$$‭ ‬and take care of this,‭ ‬now.

Mitch McConnell’s filibustering could prompt Democrats to weigh chipping away at the filibuster

Hey,‭ ‬McConnell,‭ ‬Have You Spoken To Your Employers Lately‭?

No,‭ ‬not the voters in your home state,‭ ‬your real employers.‭ ‬How do they feel about the right-wing extremism you are permitting to control their political party‭?

Are they pleased at the way you cater to these radical members of their GOP‭?

Yes,‭ ‬the rational Americans understand why your goal is to hinder congressional activity and progress.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬that keeping voters divided on issues is a very important task in your job description.‭ ‬But you have plenty of help in this area,‭ ‬so delegate,‭ ‬make others with the same employers do their part (you are surrounded by them).

That aside,‭ ‬we can‭ ‬get back to the main issue.‭ ‬Haven’t your employers become increasingly concerned by the level of discord you’ve permitted to grow within the ranks their party‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬this is the primary reason the Democrats now control,‭ ‬so to speak,‭ ‬two of the three branches of government.‭ ‬What are your solutions to be used,‭ ‬as Minority Leader,‭ ‬to obstruct legislation your employers deem...‭ ‬unwanted‭?

It’s certain your employers realize the major problem you faced for the past four years has been a major contributing factor to your becoming Minority Leader,‭ ‬but the influence of that problem has been considerably lessened.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬that problem was of some benefit to your employers for the short-term,‭ ‬but its detrimental,‭ ‬long-term effects must be dealt with immediately.‭

Also,‭ ‬this talk among the more militant members of the rank-and-file voting base about breaking away and forming a competing conservative party,‭ ‬how do you plan to address that‭? ‬It has,‭ ‬undoubtedly,‭ ‬caused a growing uneasiness in your employers as they are fully aware that these are the voters most susceptible to manipulation and,‭ ‬over the decades,‭ ‬have been their most reliable voting block.

You obviously realize your employers have been most generous in compensation and bonuses during your many years of service to them,‭ ‬and they needn’t remind you how they made you one of the most powerful men in the world.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬use that power and get your people to quash this nonsense among the rabble about a third political party.‭

You know very well your employers have too much money and time invested building their Republican Party to see it destroyed by a handful of second rate,‭ ‬power seeking political hacks,‭ ‬financed by outsiders,‭ ‬and exploiting a known con man’s success in stealing their most steadfast voting block.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬get off your a$$‭ ‬and take care of this,‭ ‬now.

Mitch McConnell’s filibustering could prompt Democrats to weigh chipping away at the filibuster

Mitch has lost control. 99.9% of the energy in party is in the hands of angry, paranoid conspiracy theorists.

What's he supposed to do? I don't see him biting the bullet and ripping off the scab.

If you'll forgive the mixed metaphors.
Mitch has lost control. 99.9% of the energy in party is in the hands of angry, paranoid conspiracy theorists.
Says the asshole who carries the water for the angry loons who screeched RUSSIA! three years, and have pushed two impeachments based upon nothing but paranoid conspiracy theories.

Go fuck yourself, fraud.
Hey,‭ ‬McConnell,‭ ‬Have You Spoken To Your Employers Lately‭?

No,‭ ‬not the voters in your home state,‭ ‬your real employers.‭ ‬How do they feel about the right-wing extremism you are permitting to control their political party‭?

Are they pleased at the way you cater to these radical members of their GOP‭?

Yes,‭ ‬the rational Americans understand why your goal is to hinder congressional activity and progress.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬that keeping voters divided on issues is a very important task in your job description.‭ ‬But you have plenty of help in this area,‭ ‬so delegate,‭ ‬make others with the same employers do their part (you are surrounded by them).

That aside,‭ ‬we can‭ ‬get back to the main issue.‭ ‬Haven’t your employers become increasingly concerned by the level of discord you’ve permitted to grow within the ranks their party‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬this is the primary reason the Democrats now control,‭ ‬so to speak,‭ ‬two of the three branches of government.‭ ‬What are your solutions to be used,‭ ‬as Minority Leader,‭ ‬to obstruct legislation your employers deem...‭ ‬unwanted‭?

It’s certain your employers realize the major problem you faced for the past four years has been a major contributing factor to your becoming Minority Leader,‭ ‬but the influence of that problem has been considerably lessened.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬that problem was of some benefit to your employers for the short-term,‭ ‬but its detrimental,‭ ‬long-term effects must be dealt with immediately.‭

Also,‭ ‬this talk among the more militant members of the rank-and-file voting base about breaking away and forming a competing conservative party,‭ ‬how do you plan to address that‭? ‬It has,‭ ‬undoubtedly,‭ ‬caused a growing uneasiness in your employers as they are fully aware that these are the voters most susceptible to manipulation and,‭ ‬over the decades,‭ ‬have been their most reliable voting block.

You obviously realize your employers have been most generous in compensation and bonuses during your many years of service to them,‭ ‬and they needn’t remind you how they made you one of the most powerful men in the world.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬use that power and get your people to quash this nonsense among the rabble about a third political party.‭

You know very well your employers have too much money and time invested building their Republican Party to see it destroyed by a handful of second rate,‭ ‬power seeking political hacks,‭ ‬financed by outsiders,‭ ‬and exploiting a known con man’s success in stealing their most steadfast voting block.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬get off your a$$‭ ‬and take care of this,‭ ‬now.

Mitch McConnell’s filibustering could prompt Democrats to weigh chipping away at the filibuster

Mitch has lost control. 99.9% of the energy in party is in the hands of angry, paranoid conspiracy theorists.

What's he supposed to do? I don't see him biting the bullet and ripping off the scab.

If you'll forgive the mixed metaphors.
The billionaires and Big Business helped McConnel at every turn in creating the RWNJ-monster that's tearing at the throats of the Republican Party and at the democracy of the United States.

The OP was a commentary on how the powers that be are looking for a scapegoat to take the blame for decades of wrong decisions and too much brainwashing of the weak-minded.

But, the genie was let out of the bottle long ago, and it's created 74 million problems for the GOP and the rest of the American public.

Hey,‭ ‬McConnell,‭ ‬Have You Spoken To Your Employers Lately‭?

No,‭ ‬not the voters in your home state,‭ ‬your real employers.‭ ‬How do they feel about the right-wing extremism you are permitting to control their political party‭?

Are they pleased at the way you cater to these radical members of their GOP‭?

Yes,‭ ‬the rational Americans understand why your goal is to hinder congressional activity and progress.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬that keeping voters divided on issues is a very important task in your job description.‭ ‬But you have plenty of help in this area,‭ ‬so delegate,‭ ‬make others with the same employers do their part (you are surrounded by them).

That aside,‭ ‬we can‭ ‬get back to the main issue.‭ ‬Haven’t your employers become increasingly concerned by the level of discord you’ve permitted to grow within the ranks their party‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬this is the primary reason the Democrats now control,‭ ‬so to speak,‭ ‬two of the three branches of government.‭ ‬What are your solutions to be used,‭ ‬as Minority Leader,‭ ‬to obstruct legislation your employers deem...‭ ‬unwanted‭?

It’s certain your employers realize the major problem you faced for the past four years has been a major contributing factor to your becoming Minority Leader,‭ ‬but the influence of that problem has been considerably lessened.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬that problem was of some benefit to your employers for the short-term,‭ ‬but its detrimental,‭ ‬long-term effects must be dealt with immediately.‭

Also,‭ ‬this talk among the more militant members of the rank-and-file voting base about breaking away and forming a competing conservative party,‭ ‬how do you plan to address that‭? ‬It has,‭ ‬undoubtedly,‭ ‬caused a growing uneasiness in your employers as they are fully aware that these are the voters most susceptible to manipulation and,‭ ‬over the decades,‭ ‬have been their most reliable voting block.

You obviously realize your employers have been most generous in compensation and bonuses during your many years of service to them,‭ ‬and they needn’t remind you how they made you one of the most powerful men in the world.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬use that power and get your people to quash this nonsense among the rabble about a third political party.‭

You know very well your employers have too much money and time invested building their Republican Party to see it destroyed by a handful of second rate,‭ ‬power seeking political hacks,‭ ‬financed by outsiders,‭ ‬and exploiting a known con man’s success in stealing their most steadfast voting block.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬get off your a$$‭ ‬and take care of this,‭ ‬now.

Mitch McConnell’s filibustering could prompt Democrats to weigh chipping away at the filibuster

Mitch has lost control. 99.9% of the energy in party is in the hands of angry, paranoid conspiracy theorists.

What's he supposed to do? I don't see him biting the bullet and ripping off the scab.

If you'll forgive the mixed metaphors.
The billionaires and Big Business helped McConnel at every turn in creating the RWNJ-monster that's tearing at the throats of the Republican Party and at the democracy of the United States.

The OP was a commentary on how the powers that be are looking for a scapegoat to take the blame for decades of wrong decisions and too much brainwashing of the weak-minded.

But, the genie was let out of the bottle long ago, and it's created 74 million problems for the GOP and the rest of the American public.

Sheer projection. That's all you've got.
Hey,‭ ‬McConnell,‭ ‬Have You Spoken To Your Employers Lately‭?

No,‭ ‬not the voters in your home state,‭ ‬your real employers.‭ ‬How do they feel about the right-wing extremism you are permitting to control their political party‭?

Are they pleased at the way you cater to these radical members of their GOP‭?

Yes,‭ ‬the rational Americans understand why your goal is to hinder congressional activity and progress.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬that keeping voters divided on issues is a very important task in your job description.‭ ‬But you have plenty of help in this area,‭ ‬so delegate,‭ ‬make others with the same employers do their part (you are surrounded by them).

That aside,‭ ‬we can‭ ‬get back to the main issue.‭ ‬Haven’t your employers become increasingly concerned by the level of discord you’ve permitted to grow within the ranks their party‭? ‬After all,‭ ‬this is the primary reason the Democrats now control,‭ ‬so to speak,‭ ‬two of the three branches of government.‭ ‬What are your solutions to be used,‭ ‬as Minority Leader,‭ ‬to obstruct legislation your employers deem...‭ ‬unwanted‭?

It’s certain your employers realize the major problem you faced for the past four years has been a major contributing factor to your becoming Minority Leader,‭ ‬but the influence of that problem has been considerably lessened.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬that problem was of some benefit to your employers for the short-term,‭ ‬but its detrimental,‭ ‬long-term effects must be dealt with immediately.‭

Also,‭ ‬this talk among the more militant members of the rank-and-file voting base about breaking away and forming a competing conservative party,‭ ‬how do you plan to address that‭? ‬It has,‭ ‬undoubtedly,‭ ‬caused a growing uneasiness in your employers as they are fully aware that these are the voters most susceptible to manipulation and,‭ ‬over the decades,‭ ‬have been their most reliable voting block.

You obviously realize your employers have been most generous in compensation and bonuses during your many years of service to them,‭ ‬and they needn’t remind you how they made you one of the most powerful men in the world.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬use that power and get your people to quash this nonsense among the rabble about a third political party.‭

You know very well your employers have too much money and time invested building their Republican Party to see it destroyed by a handful of second rate,‭ ‬power seeking political hacks,‭ ‬financed by outsiders,‭ ‬and exploiting a known con man’s success in stealing their most steadfast voting block.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬get off your a$$‭ ‬and take care of this,‭ ‬now.

Mitch McConnell’s filibustering could prompt Democrats to weigh chipping away at the filibuster

You really should get the dipsh!ts on your side of the Senate aisle to convict the twice impeached, former president trump. If you don't, that a$$hole will be a thorn in your side for the next four years.

Take away any chance for him to run in 2024, and he will go away. His malignant narcissistic needs cannot permit him to take on a secondary role to promote another candidate. In politics, the kingmaker must not overshadow the protégé.

Without their weasel-in-chief's constant inspiration, the RWNJs will come crawling back to the GOP to await the appearance of a new messiah. Someone to goose step behind down Pennsylvania Avenue.

Hey,‭ ‬McConnell,‭ ‬Have You Spoken To Your Employers Lately‭? ‬How do they feel about the right-wing extremism you are permitting to control their political party‭?

The only extremism going around is in the leftwing party calling anyone daring to oppose it an "extremist." Sorry, won't work, fucker.
So is Robert Lemke an extremist?

He's the Oath Keeper just arrested for threatening to kill A Dem Congressman, his family , George Stephenopopus and HIS family...because ya know..."the steal"

That creep sent pictures of the Congressman's brothers house and claimed to have cameras on him.

He's one of yours.
Dems are 0 for 2 under Biden already. The Trump sham impeachment is DOA in the Senate and McConnel has retained veto power in the Senate via the filibuster.
Hey dope...Turtle just backed DOWN on that. He held up ordinary crap for a week over a demand of a promise to keep the filibuster. He didn't get it and caved.

The rules can be changed to keep it and lower the threshold to 55...or to keep it change it to 60% of ATTENDING Senators. That would require that GOP Senators ALL be in chambers EVERY day or poof...the legislation passes.

They REALLY don't want that
Dems are 0 for 2 under Biden already. The Trump sham impeachment is DOA in the Senate and McConnel has retained veto power in the Senate via the filibuster.
Hey dope...Turtle just backed DOWN on that. He held up ordinary crap for a week over a demand of a promise to keep the filibuster. He didn't get it and caved.

The rules can be changed to keep it and lower the threshold to 55...or to keep it change it to 60% of ATTENDING Senators. That would require that GOP Senators ALL be in chambers EVERY day or poof...the legislation passes.

They REALLY don't want that

You are clueless like most of your ilk. McConnel got two Dems to vote against getting rid of the filibuster :itsok:
McConnell will be pivotal in approving the next unnecessary war as well as the next trade deal that sells us out to the CCP. So you notice how lefties are defending him now.

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