Hey Libs!

Each and every time the President has tried to raise taxes on the upper 2%, tried to close tax loopholes or close GITMO, he has been met with a solid wall of obstructionism from Republicans and Blue Dogs. Sorry, but you can't pin those on the President.

95% of Americans got a tax break. I realize most Faux "news" watchers don't know that, but it is still the truth.

As for the Insurance mandate, the President opposed a mandate, but since it was Congress that drafted the insurance reform bill, he couldn't really control that could he? Do I wish he had fought harder for a Public Option and against an insurance mandate? Absolutely, but once again the fault lies with Blue Dogs and insurance companies that threw ungodly amounts of cash at our elected representatives, not the President. Unfortunately, because of the way the bill was crafted, without a mandate, it doesn't save people and our country money. With the mandate, it does.

Take a look at the President's campaign promises and then look at what he has accomplished of those promises. He's doing damn good for a President that was faced with historic obstructionism from the get go.

You DO realized that Barack Obama signed an Executive Order to keep GTMO open, right?!
How is that being obstructed from closing it?

In the next paragraph you try to tell me that the most powerful democratic politician in office has no control over his democratically controlled congress??????

I'm not researching for an answer to a question I posed to you.
I repeat my question;
Can you tell me something that he has been honest about?

I already told you what he has been "honest" about. He has kept 137 of his campaign promises, compromised on 41 of them, has 219 of them in the works, 70 stalled and has broken 40. That's a pretty good track record for a first term.

Just what do you propose the President DO to close GITMO in the face of the obstructionism?

Oh, and the Dems NEVER had a "super majority" like the right wingers like to say they did. You can't simply discount the Blue Dogs and folks like Lieberman. Just because they have a (D) after their name does not mean they operate in lock step like the Republicans always did. (Now that the Tea Baggers are "in the house", the Republicans know what that feels like) :D

That has got to be the all time wimpiest, whiningest, cop out of crap I've ever seen on this board. EVER.:lol::lol::lol:
You DO realized that Barack Obama signed an Executive Order to keep GTMO open, right?!
How is that being obstructed from closing it?

In the next paragraph you try to tell me that the most powerful democratic politician in office has no control over his democratically controlled congress??????

I'm not researching for an answer to a question I posed to you.
I repeat my question;
Can you tell me something that he has been honest about?

I already told you what he has been "honest" about. He has kept 137 of his campaign promises, compromised on 41 of them, has 219 of them in the works, 70 stalled and has broken 40. That's a pretty good track record for a first term.

Just what do you propose the President DO to close GITMO in the face of the obstructionism?

Oh, and the Dems NEVER had a "super majority" like the right wingers like to say they did. You can't simply discount the Blue Dogs and folks like Lieberman. Just because they have a (D) after their name does not mean they operate in lock step like the Republicans always did. (Now that the Tea Baggers are "in the house", the Republicans know what that feels like) :D

That has got to be the all time wimpiest, whiningest, cop out of crap I've ever seen on this board. EVER.:lol::lol::lol:

Especially when SeaBiscuit looks like she tends to follow ALL Bam-Bam's campaign promises...she mush be a real fan...and excuses the Bamster when he fails to follow through.
What the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:


Now you see why Bfgrn is dangerous when he cannot cut-and paste into his posts from some Lefty Blog like Huffington Post

And then play stupid by denying it.

Maybe there is another explanation...you, Sampson and kaz don't understand because it is over your head. Our founding fathers created an entity and a vehicle to address the needs of we, the people...maybe you can guess what it is?

Now you see why Bfgrn is dangerous when he cannot cut-and paste into his posts from some Lefty Blog like Huffington Post

And then play stupid by denying it.

Maybe there is another explanation...you, Sampson and kaz don't understand because it is over your head. Our founding fathers created an entity and a vehicle to address the needs of we, the people...maybe you can guess what it is?

Son? Just ADMIT that you're Cut N' Paste campaign failed and move on?
Just heard it on the Factor. GE made $5B dollars last year and paid zero in taxes.. Immelt is obie wan's good buddy..

What do you think about that?


Any corporation that dodges paying taxes is flat out wrong. Not one person here can tax dodge to this extent and not see the inside of a federal prison and Corporations shouldnt be exempt either.
Most U.S. Corporations Pay No Income Tax - NYTimes.com

When America was in its hey day how much of the tax revenues were the corps paying into our coffers?

Corporate taxes are double taxation on the shareholders and job killers. The ideal corporate tax rate is zero.

Total bullshit.

I think the ideal tax rate for business is zero as well. I am sure if you would think the situation through you would see Kaz is correct.

And it is also true the ideal business-Congress connection is bad for the American people.

We need corporate power out of Congress, and the way to save your tax dollars is to deregulate business, stop taxing them, and disallow them any government privileges.:eusa_angel:
Just heard it on the Factor. GE made $5B dollars last year and paid zero in taxes.. Immelt is obie wan's good buddy..

What do you think about that?


Any corporation that dodges paying taxes is flat out wrong. Not one person here can tax dodge to this extent and not see the inside of a federal prison and Corporations shouldnt be exempt either.

They didn't dodge anything. They got the law changed so they wouldn't have to pay taxes.
Most U.S. Corporations Pay No Income Tax - NYTimes.com

When America was in its hey day how much of the tax revenues were the corps paying into our coffers?

Corporate taxes are double taxation on the shareholders and job killers. The ideal corporate tax rate is zero.

Total bullshit.
You pool your money with someone else. The pool pays taxes and you do again. That is double taxation no matter how much bull you want to spin. No one should have to pay tax on the same investment income twice.
Just heard it on the Factor. GE made $5B dollars last year and paid zero in taxes.. Immelt is obie wan's good buddy..

What do you think about that?


Any corporation that dodges paying taxes is flat out wrong. Not one person here can tax dodge to this extent and not see the inside of a federal prison and Corporations shouldnt be exempt either.

They didn't dodge anything. They got the law changed so they wouldn't have to pay taxes.

True, let me ammend that by saying any corp that pays NOTHING in taxes is flat out wrong. Then some of these bastards still get a refund. A fucking Refund??
And then play stupid by denying it.

Maybe there is another explanation...you, Sampson and kaz don't understand because it is over your head. Our founding fathers created an entity and a vehicle to address the needs of we, the people...maybe you can guess what it is?

Son? Just ADMIT that you're Cut N' Paste campaign failed and move on?


Are you aware Ronald Reagan was not a founding father? Because what has culminated from a few of his comments created this whole narrative that government is the evil in our lives. Then our founding fathers were wrong, and Reagan was right, because our founding fathers created a government, not a corporation or a private entity.

Our founding fathers treated corporations like evil entities. They heavily regulated them, forbid them from influencing the political process, held their shareholders personally liable for any harm they caused to the people and would only issue charters for them to exist if their purpose was a benefit to the people.
Any corporation that dodges paying taxes is flat out wrong. Not one person here can tax dodge to this extent and not see the inside of a federal prison and Corporations shouldnt be exempt either.

They didn't dodge anything. They got the law changed so they wouldn't have to pay taxes.

True, let me ammend that by saying any corp that pays NOTHING in taxes is flat out wrong. Then some of these bastards still get a refund. A fucking Refund??

So are you on record as opposing anyone getting taxes back they didn't pay?
what i don't understand is we have always have some rich people who did quite well when the top tax rates were at 91% or even 71% and the corps were covering 30% of budget which is now 6%, but all you guys on the right think that we need to lower everything so a few more can get to the top, while 80% of the people fall further behind as the fed govt transfer more and more on to the states and the states transfer more and more onto the middle class.

I don't get it how 20% of the population who is benefiting from what is going on somehow can control 50% of the votes? the lower we lower rates does nothing for the middle class except to transfer the cost of running our states more on the backs of those who can least afford it.

The right has sold a bill of goods to those in the bottom 80% that what we need to do is give you a few more dollars in your weekly pay and things will be better. But the truth is all that happens is more cost is passed on to the majority of the people since the top tax payers get the majority of the cash and can well afford the small amount that they are asked to pay to the state budgets, because of the tax cuts out of their windfall amounts from the Fed's.

Wake up middle America, they are taking control of everything with just a few benefiting, I just don't get it.
Maybe there is another explanation...you, Sampson and kaz don't understand because it is over your head. Our founding fathers created an entity and a vehicle to address the needs of we, the people...maybe you can guess what it is?

Son? Just ADMIT that you're Cut N' Paste campaign failed and move on?


Are you aware Ronald Reagan was not a founding father? Because what has culminated from a few of his comments created this whole narrative that government is the evil in our lives. Then our founding fathers were wrong, and Reagan was right, because our founding fathers created a government, not a corporation or a private entity.

Our founding fathers treated corporations like evil entities. They heavily regulated them, forbid them from influencing the political process, held their shareholders personally liable for any harm they caused to the people and would only issue charters for them to exist if their purpose was a benefit to the people.

So NOW your on the defense of corporations when YOU have been one of those that sees them as evil as well? You are one mixed-up Son-Of-A-Bitch. :cuckoo:
Maybe there is another explanation...you, Sampson and kaz don't understand because it is over your head. Our founding fathers created an entity and a vehicle to address the needs of we, the people...maybe you can guess what it is?

Son? Just ADMIT that you're Cut N' Paste campaign failed and move on?


Are you aware Ronald Reagan was not a founding father? Because what has culminated from a few of his comments created this whole narrative that government is the evil in our lives. Then our founding fathers were wrong, and Reagan was right, because our founding fathers created a government, not a corporation or a private entity.

Our founding fathers treated corporations like evil entities. They heavily regulated them, forbid them from influencing the political process, held their shareholders personally liable for any harm they caused to the people and would only issue charters for them to exist if their purpose was a benefit to the people.

Ronald Reagan knew the power of the free market...as did the Founders...LIBERTY

And when you find proof that the founders were against free trade and commerce? let us know?

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