Hey GOP! If you don't broaden the party...

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Arms for hostages: according to many of the right wing-nuts here and elsewhere Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and now Barack Obama are unpatriotic and deal with our enemies (opinions based solely on philosophical disagreements absent rational argument), but when conservatives and Republicans...

you get the point.
You absolutely correct. We traded arms with Iran.

Of course, the point isn't to point this out. The point is that cheap demagoguery and simplistic bumper sticker sloganeering is no way to run foreign policy.
Isn't it funny how it works? Funding and arming brutal terrorist regimes makes America safer, but talking to elected heads of government makes America less safe. That is why Reagan was such a great guy, for selling BOMBS to Iran in order to make a buck to send it terrorists in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua.
My observation: People who admire Ronald Reagan are often ignorant of Reagan's actions. Too bad they are usually only knowledgeable of his words.

Reaganites: fortune cookie ideologues
Thank the Democrats and all right thinking Americans (liberals), for not allowing Social security to be privatized.

lunacy up front and close:
Privatizing Social Security, transforming it from an unfunded pay-as-you-go system to a system of mandatory private savings accounts, would solve both of those problems and increase economic growth. ~www.cato.org



I guess people have short memories. :lol:

Meanwhile, some investment-minded observers among those who do not support privatization, point out potential pitfalls to the trust fund's undiversified portfolio, containing only treasuries. Many of these support the government itself investing the trust fund into other securities, to help boost the system's overall soundness through diversification, in a plan similar to CalPERS in the state of California. Among the proponents of this idea were some members of President Bill Clinton's 1996 Social Security commission that studied the issue; the majority of the group supported partial privatization, and other members put forth the idea that Social Security funds should themselves be invested in the private markets to gain a higher rate of return.[2]
social security debate
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Actually it's partisan nitwits who blame one party over another that have nearly ruined America.

No, the Republicans are mostly to blame.

Phil Gramm and George Bush specifically.

Xenophon is right ... and Chris is a case in point.

No really.

Phil Gramm put the amendment into a spending bill on the day before Christmas recess that allowed the creation of the financial derivatives that destroyed the banks.

George Bush cut taxes for the rich and increased the National Debt to fund the ridiculous invasion of Iraq.
No, the Republicans are mostly to blame.

Phil Gramm and George Bush specifically.

Xenophon is right ... and Chris is a case in point.

No really.

Phil Gramm put the amendment into a spending bill on the day before Christmas recess that allowed the creation of the financial derivatives that destroyed the banks.

George Bush cut taxes for the rich and increased the National Debt to fund the ridiculous invasion of Iraq.

... and who keeps pushing to force these banks to loan money to high risk people that can not nor have any intention of paying them back?
Xenophon is right ... and Chris is a case in point.

No really.

Phil Gramm put the amendment into a spending bill on the day before Christmas recess that allowed the creation of the financial derivatives that destroyed the banks.

George Bush cut taxes for the rich and increased the National Debt to fund the ridiculous invasion of Iraq.

... and who keeps pushing to force these banks to loan money to high risk people that can not nor have any intention of paying them back?

No really.

Phil Gramm put the amendment into a spending bill on the day before Christmas recess that allowed the creation of the financial derivatives that destroyed the banks.

George Bush cut taxes for the rich and increased the National Debt to fund the ridiculous invasion of Iraq.

... and who keeps pushing to force these banks to loan money to high risk people that can not nor have any intention of paying them back?


When they weren't doing it before for profit, before the introduction of government intervention, I think not.
I completely agree with DevNell on this position.

My reasons for not being as active a member of the Republican Party are related to the support of the socialistic attitudes of the State finding individuals too ignorant to manage their own future. By creating an easy to find crutch, we have created an ever-growing collective of individuals dependent on a system that cannot self sustain, regardless of who controls it.
Again, I agree with DevNell.

I think that Charlie Wilson put it best when he commented that our moves in Afghanistan were great, but we (messed) up the end game. For just a few more dollars, we could have built alliances in the sects that we fueled during their interactions with Russia, instead we turned our back on them.

Personally, I blame Congress more than anything on this matter, as it was a financial delegation opportunity that they passed on. Had the Congress of that time listened to what Wilson advised them, 9/11 may never of happened.

Fortunately, it appears that both Bush and Obama have learned from this approach. I have noticed that these two Presidents have placed considerable political and media attention on the need to "stay the course" so that we don't abandon people to create future enemies. I have complete faith that Obama will carry on Bush's policy here, as he is a great man that understands the need to help those that really need a leg up from the U.S.
No, the Republicans are mostly to blame.

Phil Gramm and George Bush specifically.

Xenophon is right ... and Chris is a case in point.

No really.

Phil Gramm put the amendment into a spending bill on the day before Christmas recess that allowed the creation of the financial derivatives that destroyed the banks.

George Bush cut taxes for the rich and increased the National Debt to fund the ridiculous invasion of Iraq.

Ten Myths About the Bush Tax Cuts
Furthermore, tax revenues in 2006 were actually above the levels projected before the 2003 tax cuts. Immediately before the 2003 tax cuts, the CBO pro*jected a 2006 budget deficit of $57 billion, yet the final 2006 budget deficit was $247 billion. The $190 billion deficit increase resulted from federal spend*ing that was $237 billion more than projected. Rev*enues were actually $47 billion above the projection, even after $75 billion in tax cuts enacted after the baseline was calculated.[6] By that standard, new spending was responsible for 125 percent of the higher 2006 budget deficit, and expanding revenues actually offset 25 percent of the new spending.
Xenophon is right ... and Chris is a case in point.

No really.

Phil Gramm put the amendment into a spending bill on the day before Christmas recess that allowed the creation of the financial derivatives that destroyed the banks.

George Bush cut taxes for the rich and increased the National Debt to fund the ridiculous invasion of Iraq.

Ten Myths About the Bush Tax Cuts
Furthermore, tax revenues in 2006 were actually above the levels projected before the 2003 tax cuts. Immediately before the 2003 tax cuts, the CBO pro*jected a 2006 budget deficit of $57 billion, yet the final 2006 budget deficit was $247 billion. The $190 billion deficit increase resulted from federal spend*ing that was $237 billion more than projected. Rev*enues were actually $47 billion above the projection, even after $75 billion in tax cuts enacted after the baseline was calculated.[6] By that standard, new spending was responsible for 125 percent of the higher 2006 budget deficit, and expanding revenues actually offset 25 percent of the new spending.


And opinion piece from Heritage.org, a partisan rightwing think tank that worshipped Geroge Bush and supported 99% of everthing he did?

Are you fucking serious with this shit?

Are you ever going to stop defending Bush with all your heart and soul? :lol:

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