Hey "Fight for 15" idiots: You realize at $15/hr...YOU aren't getting/keeping that job anymore right

Yes. I co-own a business.
Yes. I hire minimum wage workers.
No. They are not illegals.
Yes....if their minimum wage doubles...our budget would require either raising our product prices a lot (and losing customers) or firing 1/3 or more of those employees.

When choosing between losing customers or losing low skill non-essential labor.....guess what? We'll work extra hours ourselves if necessary. We aren't losing customers over jacking up prices to pay our floor mopper the same starting pay a local fireman makes.

I hire 2 people to come in a mop/clean after 7pm because I like watching football at night in the fall and working out at night. Push comes to shove....they'll be fired and I'll just watch the games here and workout later.

You don't own a business that hires minimum wage workers. You are a habitual liar.
So you own a business and paying your hirelings $30 an hour?

I own a business. I am a one man show. No employees. I pay myself well.
You don't own a business that hires minimum wage workers. You are a habitual liar.
So you own a business and paying your hirelings $30 an hour?

I own a business. I am a one man show. No employees. I pay myself well.
how much do clowns get for a kids birthday party now?
I think I remember something like 250 back when My daughter was younger, but it came with a pony too
you can buy a shetland pony for 50 bucks. better yet, the buyer should pay you to take it off their hands they're so worthless.
What if you were a midget with an unfounded fear of heights? would it be worthless then?

Then He better only work on the first floor
A job paying minimum wage properly reflects the worth of that job: MINIMUM. If that job did not exist, the world would still go on with MINIMUM interruption

A person who works for minimum wage should realize that his/her contribution to society is reflected in his/her wages: Minimum.

A person who promotes mandated higher minimum wage is a hypocrite who sees no reality.

A person who now works for minimum wage and wants more, should PROVE that he/she is worth more.
Without the minimum wage workers in this country, you and I would soon be properly humbled and much more appreciative of what they do. We are already inviting millions of immigrants into the country to fill these jobs. Our country would not survive without them.
It may not be bright to double the minimum wage in such a short time, but allowing them to feed their families and not be eligible for welfare while working full-time seems like a reasonable goal.
Double minimum wage and you can expect to double the cost of just about everything else. Illegals are filling many minimum wage jobs now because low-skilled Americans have bought into the myth that such jobs are beneath them, that their unskilled, untrained selves are worth more. The country would survive just fine without the invasion of cheap, illegal invaders if the underqualified locals had no other options than to find work (at any price) or starve. End welfare (public assistance) NOW! End illegal invasion, NOW! No work, no food. Tough luck.
God damn you're just begging for it. Ok...if we must.

1. I work for a company that sells equipment and other gym services....and that means clients.
2. How did I meet these folks I befriended and went into business with??? Oh yeah....and client of the large company.
3. Saved money. Bought in to their gym.
4. Preworkout shake in the car??? You obviously don't workout much. But if you must know....early morning trying to wakeup and drinking preworkout....I'd rather sit in truck and listen to SIRIUS XM than go inside and be asked a million fucking questions. Not to mention....former cop....nowhere is as great of a comfort zone than in an idling car alone. Alone key word.

Any other life details you need to know to fulfill your obsession with me?

Dude....if you owned the gym....you would go inside and have your drink. It is insulting that you'd think anyone would believe that you sit outside your own gym for nearly an hour while you have customers and the other owners inside. Who does that?

Earlier, you said that you like to work out at night. Did you forget that?
I DO THAT. I'll get to my place of business and sit in the car listening to the radio and catching up on email or text messages. I have a partner and staff that can deal with customers. I see no real difference in sitting in the car or locking myself in the office, other than, if I'm in the parking lot, most people don't know I'm on site and I don't get interrupted by inane questions from assholes in clown costumes.

Bullshit? Oh I forget. Your business is a one man show. You have no partners, employees or customers that would be interrupting you.

Really guy. You have no fucking idea what I do, where I do it or how many people I will have to devote time to when I arrive at my place of business.
I can't get any peace and quiet here at home lately, so I hide out in the parking lot where I have wifi, shade and nobody bothering me.
Or are you calling bullshit because I've never mentioned sitting in my pick-up before so it can't be so?

You are the owner of a business and you can't get quiet time anywhere but in your car? I think you are doing it wrong.
And you are a lying shit if you claim to have a business of your own. Ernie works his butt off, has a ton of people dependent on him for jobs, and devotes most of his waking hours to running the business he loves. While such an endeavor is worth the effort, it can be trying.
Is there anything you'd like to clarify? You told us that you worked for the gym that you now own for a few years before buying in. Do you remember that?

It is also strange that you sit outside the gym that you own for 45 minutes having a pre-workout drink. Isn't it? Do your co-owners appreciate that shit? I wouldn't. Unless the gym you work out at is not the one you co-own. That would be weird indeed.

God damn you're just begging for it. Ok...if we must.

1. I work for a company that sells equipment and other gym services....and that means clients.
2. How did I meet these folks I befriended and went into business with??? Oh yeah....and client of the large company.
3. Saved money. Bought in to their gym.
4. Preworkout shake in the car??? You obviously don't workout much. But if you must know....early morning trying to wakeup and drinking preworkout....I'd rather sit in truck and listen to SIRIUS XM than go inside and be asked a million fucking questions. Not to mention....former cop....nowhere is as great of a comfort zone than in an idling car alone. Alone key word.

Any other life details you need to know to fulfill your obsession with me?

Dude....if you owned the gym....you would go inside and have your drink. It is insulting that you'd think anyone would believe that you sit outside your own gym for nearly an hour while you have customers and the other owners inside. Who does that?

Earlier, you said that you like to work out at night. Did you forget that?
I DO THAT. I'll get to my place of business and sit in the car listening to the radio and catching up on email or text messages. I have a partner and staff that can deal with customers. I see no real difference in sitting in the car or locking myself in the office, other than, if I'm in the parking lot, most people don't know I'm on site and I don't get interrupted by inane questions from assholes in clown costumes.

Bullshit? Oh I forget. Your business is a one man show. You have no partners, employees or customers that would be interrupting you.

Really guy. You have no fucking idea what I do, where I do it or how many people I will have to devote time to when I arrive at my place of business.
I can't get any peace and quiet here at home lately, so I hide out in the parking lot where I have wifi, shade and nobody bothering me.
Or are you calling bullshit because I've never mentioned sitting in my pick-up before so it can't be so?

YES Ernie....I completely agree. LoneLaugher found it so appalling that I claimed to sit in my car for 10-15 minutes to get my mind focused...no distractions....before walking in to our gym to workout and inevitably answer work questions.

I know EXACTLY what you mean about that alone and quiet time in the car.

LoneLaugher is a moron who has never done shit but be a parasite on society so of course the idea of it blows his mind.
God damn you're just begging for it. Ok...if we must.

1. I work for a company that sells equipment and other gym services....and that means clients.
2. How did I meet these folks I befriended and went into business with??? Oh yeah....and client of the large company.
3. Saved money. Bought in to their gym.
4. Preworkout shake in the car??? You obviously don't workout much. But if you must know....early morning trying to wakeup and drinking preworkout....I'd rather sit in truck and listen to SIRIUS XM than go inside and be asked a million fucking questions. Not to mention....former cop....nowhere is as great of a comfort zone than in an idling car alone. Alone key word.

Any other life details you need to know to fulfill your obsession with me?

Dude....if you owned the gym....you would go inside and have your drink. It is insulting that you'd think anyone would believe that you sit outside your own gym for nearly an hour while you have customers and the other owners inside. Who does that?

Earlier, you said that you like to work out at night. Did you forget that?
I DO THAT. I'll get to my place of business and sit in the car listening to the radio and catching up on email or text messages. I have a partner and staff that can deal with customers. I see no real difference in sitting in the car or locking myself in the office, other than, if I'm in the parking lot, most people don't know I'm on site and I don't get interrupted by inane questions from assholes in clown costumes.

Bullshit? Oh I forget. Your business is a one man show. You have no partners, employees or customers that would be interrupting you.

Really guy. You have no fucking idea what I do, where I do it or how many people I will have to devote time to when I arrive at my place of business.
I can't get any peace and quiet here at home lately, so I hide out in the parking lot where I have wifi, shade and nobody bothering me.
Or are you calling bullshit because I've never mentioned sitting in my pick-up before so it can't be so?

YES Ernie....I completely agree. LoneLaugher found it so appalling that I claimed to sit in my car for 10-15 minutes to get my mind focused...no distractions....before walking in to our gym to workout and inevitably answer work questions.

I know EXACTLY what you mean about that alone and quiet time in the car.

LoneLaugher is a moron who has never done shit but be a parasite on society so of course the idea of it blows his mind.

Nope. Not 10-15 minutes. You spoke of much longer than that.

You don't own a gym. That has already been established. You lied about that. Own up.

You don't know what a parasite is, do you?
God damn you're just begging for it. Ok...if we must.

1. I work for a company that sells equipment and other gym services....and that means clients.
2. How did I meet these folks I befriended and went into business with??? Oh yeah....and client of the large company.
3. Saved money. Bought in to their gym.
4. Preworkout shake in the car??? You obviously don't workout much. But if you must know....early morning trying to wakeup and drinking preworkout....I'd rather sit in truck and listen to SIRIUS XM than go inside and be asked a million fucking questions. Not to mention....former cop....nowhere is as great of a comfort zone than in an idling car alone. Alone key word.

Any other life details you need to know to fulfill your obsession with me?

Dude....if you owned the gym....you would go inside and have your drink. It is insulting that you'd think anyone would believe that you sit outside your own gym for nearly an hour while you have customers and the other owners inside. Who does that?

Earlier, you said that you like to work out at night. Did you forget that?
I DO THAT. I'll get to my place of business and sit in the car listening to the radio and catching up on email or text messages. I have a partner and staff that can deal with customers. I see no real difference in sitting in the car or locking myself in the office, other than, if I'm in the parking lot, most people don't know I'm on site and I don't get interrupted by inane questions from assholes in clown costumes.

Bullshit? Oh I forget. Your business is a one man show. You have no partners, employees or customers that would be interrupting you.

Really guy. You have no fucking idea what I do, where I do it or how many people I will have to devote time to when I arrive at my place of business.
I can't get any peace and quiet here at home lately, so I hide out in the parking lot where I have wifi, shade and nobody bothering me.
Or are you calling bullshit because I've never mentioned sitting in my pick-up before so it can't be so?

You are the owner of a business and you can't get quiet time anywhere but in your car? I think you are doing it wrong.
I can. I prefer being outside with music I want to listen to and no one asking questions.
Dude....if you owned the gym....you would go inside and have your drink. It is insulting that you'd think anyone would believe that you sit outside your own gym for nearly an hour while you have customers and the other owners inside. Who does that?

Earlier, you said that you like to work out at night. Did you forget that?
I DO THAT. I'll get to my place of business and sit in the car listening to the radio and catching up on email or text messages. I have a partner and staff that can deal with customers. I see no real difference in sitting in the car or locking myself in the office, other than, if I'm in the parking lot, most people don't know I'm on site and I don't get interrupted by inane questions from assholes in clown costumes.

Bullshit? Oh I forget. Your business is a one man show. You have no partners, employees or customers that would be interrupting you.

Really guy. You have no fucking idea what I do, where I do it or how many people I will have to devote time to when I arrive at my place of business.
I can't get any peace and quiet here at home lately, so I hide out in the parking lot where I have wifi, shade and nobody bothering me.
Or are you calling bullshit because I've never mentioned sitting in my pick-up before so it can't be so?

YES Ernie....I completely agree. LoneLaugher found it so appalling that I claimed to sit in my car for 10-15 minutes to get my mind focused...no distractions....before walking in to our gym to workout and inevitably answer work questions.

I know EXACTLY what you mean about that alone and quiet time in the car.

LoneLaugher is a moron who has never done shit but be a parasite on society so of course the idea of it blows his mind.

Nope. Not 10-15 minutes. You spoke of much longer than that.

You don't own a gym. That has already been established. You lied about that. Own up.

You don't know what a parasite is, do you?
You established that, as if your judgment is sound... Your lack of knowledge is not proof or even support of your claim he lied. Just a suggestion, but if you are in the habit of calling people liars without proof to support your accusation, you'd better stay away from South Alabama.
Dude....if you owned the gym....you would go inside and have your drink. It is insulting that you'd think anyone would believe that you sit outside your own gym for nearly an hour while you have customers and the other owners inside. Who does that?

Earlier, you said that you like to work out at night. Did you forget that?
I DO THAT. I'll get to my place of business and sit in the car listening to the radio and catching up on email or text messages. I have a partner and staff that can deal with customers. I see no real difference in sitting in the car or locking myself in the office, other than, if I'm in the parking lot, most people don't know I'm on site and I don't get interrupted by inane questions from assholes in clown costumes.

Bullshit? Oh I forget. Your business is a one man show. You have no partners, employees or customers that would be interrupting you.

Really guy. You have no fucking idea what I do, where I do it or how many people I will have to devote time to when I arrive at my place of business.
I can't get any peace and quiet here at home lately, so I hide out in the parking lot where I have wifi, shade and nobody bothering me.
Or are you calling bullshit because I've never mentioned sitting in my pick-up before so it can't be so?

YES Ernie....I completely agree. LoneLaugher found it so appalling that I claimed to sit in my car for 10-15 minutes to get my mind focused...no distractions....before walking in to our gym to workout and inevitably answer work questions.

I know EXACTLY what you mean about that alone and quiet time in the car.

LoneLaugher is a moron who has never done shit but be a parasite on society so of course the idea of it blows his mind.

Nope. Not 10-15 minutes. You spoke of much longer than that.

You don't own a gym. That has already been established. You lied about that. Own up.

You don't know what a parasite is, do you?

Um....pretty sure I did fag boy. 10 mins. 15 mins. 25 mins. I'm not on a time limit in my own damn car moron. At 5am it takes longer some days than other to get the motor going to workout. At 7pm...after a long 12 hours of working it's even harder (not that you libs would grasp how that feels).
Dude....if you owned the gym....you would go inside and have your drink. It is insulting that you'd think anyone would believe that you sit outside your own gym for nearly an hour while you have customers and the other owners inside. Who does that?

Earlier, you said that you like to work out at night. Did you forget that?
I DO THAT. I'll get to my place of business and sit in the car listening to the radio and catching up on email or text messages. I have a partner and staff that can deal with customers. I see no real difference in sitting in the car or locking myself in the office, other than, if I'm in the parking lot, most people don't know I'm on site and I don't get interrupted by inane questions from assholes in clown costumes.

Bullshit? Oh I forget. Your business is a one man show. You have no partners, employees or customers that would be interrupting you.

Really guy. You have no fucking idea what I do, where I do it or how many people I will have to devote time to when I arrive at my place of business.
I can't get any peace and quiet here at home lately, so I hide out in the parking lot where I have wifi, shade and nobody bothering me.
Or are you calling bullshit because I've never mentioned sitting in my pick-up before so it can't be so?

You are the owner of a business and you can't get quiet time anywhere but in your car? I think you are doing it wrong.
I can. I prefer being outside with music I want to listen to and no one asking questions.

He can't grasp that man. I said the same thing. Especially when I'm there to use the facility to workout and NOT for business purposes. He thinks I'd cherish a barrage of questions just before I start my workout and I'd wanna small talk with everyone. Of course during business time. But that 1.5 hours of work out time is my time. Even sitting in the truck for 10-20 minutes before.

He claims to be the parent of a cop but spews anti cop hatred on here. He claims to own his own 1 man business. Both are lies.

The only business he runs is when he sits at the table and organizes all his welfare checks.

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