Hey! Electoral College


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists. His months of campaign rhetoric have already shown Trump’s contempt for the Constitution, and with their show of support, the Republicans in congress have as well.

Understanding these statements to be true, and how the vast majority of European leaders have voiced their concerns for the noticeably despotic tone being set by Trump’s yet-to-confirmed administration, it is of utmost importance that members of the Electoral College realize that Hillary Clinton has received well over 1.5 million more popular votes than Trump.

The dangers posed by Trump and the Republican controlled congress to average Americans’ constitutional rights cannot be overstated. These dangers have become readily apparent a full two months before the traditional Inauguration Day. Additionally, most conservatives have long expressed their overwhelming desire to escalate U. S. military involvement in the Middle East, as has Trump. Also, Trump has proposed even more tax cuts for the super-rich, and with the inevitable increase in military spending, our nation cannot afford to go several more trillions-of-dollars into debt to support the Republicans’ plans to install more corrupt puppet governments.

All the above issues, and many more that will negatively impact average Americans and the citizens in many other parts of the world, can be averted. To this end, the Electors must serve the majority of American voters by making the constitutionally justified decision to elect Hillary Clinton the 45th President of the United States.

The very survival of civilization, now, rests on the Electors shoulders alone. You, the Electors, must realize that any further validation of the stupidity by rank-and-file Republican voters would be unconscionable.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Lead Over Donald Trump Now Exceeds 1.5 Million Votes

The short report at the link above says it all.

It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists. His months of campaign rhetoric have already shown Trump’s contempt for the Constitution, and with their show of support, the Republicans in congress have as well.

Understanding these statements to be true, and how the vast majority of European leaders have voiced their concerns for the noticeably despotic tone being set by Trump’s yet-to-confirmed administration, it is of utmost importance that members of the Electoral College realize that Hillary Clinton has received well over 1.5 million more popular votes than Trump.

The dangers posed by Trump and the Republican controlled congress to average Americans’ constitutional rights cannot be overstated. These dangers have become readily apparent a full two months before the traditional Inauguration Day. Additionally, most conservatives have long expressed their overwhelming desire to escalate U. S. military involvement in the Middle East, as has Trump. Also, Trump has proposed even more tax cuts for the super-rich, and with the inevitable increase in military spending, our nation cannot afford to go several more trillions-of-dollars into debt to support the Republicans’ plans to install more corrupt puppet governments.

All the above issues, and many more that will negatively impact average Americans and the citizens in many other parts of the world, can be averted. To this end, the Electors must serve the majority of American voters by making the constitutionally justified decision to elect Hillary Clinton the 45th President of the United States.

The very survival of civilization, now, rests on the Electors shoulders alone. You, the Electors, must realize that any further validation of the stupidity by rank-and-file Republican voters would be unconscionable.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Lead Over Donald Trump Now Exceeds 1.5 Million Votes

The short report at the link above says it all.


You lost, it's not going to change no matter how many lies you tell. Now get your tissues, safety pins and a beer and enjoy the ride.
It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists.

That's as far as I got. Once I realized that you have no ability to think for yourself, I stopped reading.
It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists. His months of campaign rhetoric have already shown Trump’s contempt for the Constitution, and with their show of support, the Republicans in congress have as well.

Understanding these statements to be true, and how the vast majority of European leaders have voiced their concerns for the noticeably despotic tone being set by Trump’s yet-to-confirmed administration, it is of utmost importance that members of the Electoral College realize that Hillary Clinton has received well over 1.5 million more popular votes than Trump.

The dangers posed by Trump and the Republican controlled congress to average Americans’ constitutional rights cannot be overstated. These dangers have become readily apparent a full two months before the traditional Inauguration Day. Additionally, most conservatives have long expressed their overwhelming desire to escalate U. S. military involvement in the Middle East, as has Trump. Also, Trump has proposed even more tax cuts for the super-rich, and with the inevitable increase in military spending, our nation cannot afford to go several more trillions-of-dollars into debt to support the Republicans’ plans to install more corrupt puppet governments.

All the above issues, and many more that will negatively impact average Americans and the citizens in many other parts of the world, can be averted. To this end, the Electors must serve the majority of American voters by making the constitutionally justified decision to elect Hillary Clinton the 45th President of the United States.

The very survival of civilization, now, rests on the Electors shoulders alone. You, the Electors, must realize that any further validation of the stupidity by rank-and-file Republican voters would be unconscionable.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Lead Over Donald Trump Now Exceeds 1.5 Million Votes

The short report at the link above says it all.

It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists. His months of campaign rhetoric have already shown Trump’s contempt for the Constitution,

Show proof of this statement, please.
Dear BertramN:

The population in California alone of Clinton voters was between 3-4 million more than Trump.
7.2 million to
3.8 for Trump:
2016 election results: California

In NY, there were 1.5 million more voters for Clinton
4.1 million to
2.6 for Trump:
2016 election results: New York

Either of those TWO STATES NY AND/OR CA
easily explain how Clinton can have
1.5 million more than Trump and it doesn't represent the popular vote across the country.

NOTE: When the votes are CAST and counted per state, these are based on people voting for
ELECTORAL votes, not for the popular vote.

If you want an accurate Popular vote, that has to be conducted differently,
not mixed with an Electoral voting system where people have options to
vote for Third Party if their candidate is going to win anyway by Electoral Votes.

So this isn't counting the Third Party voters who MIGHT have voted
for Trump if it was going to be based on Popular vote instead of Electoral.

If you did that, we'd probably have the rest of the nation pushing for
proportional representation and taxation, and not winner take all.

Otherwise BertramN the candidates and supporters
trying to compete with 4 million in CA and 1.5 million in NY voting Democrat
would either focus there or trying to get more of the RED vote out in TX and FL (IL and PA)
or any CITIES with highest populations.
It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists.

No point in reading any further. Just another whining, squalling liberal who can’t comprehend that his agenda was rejected for a reason. There are a lot of them around now.
It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists.
Poor little liberals. Whining and squalling endlessly that they didn’t get their way. After the most resounding electoral defeat in living memory, it still never occurs to them that normal Americans rejected their political agenda for a reason.

Fortunately, they are now out of office in sufficient numbers that we don’t need to listen to them any more. They are left to wonder why nobody is interested in hearing what they have to say, having heard it all from them over and over since time immemorial.

Knowing them, they will undoubtedly go on squalling and whining, waiting for the usual result of normal people giving up and letting them have their way. They just haven’t comprehended that their normal way of doing things, is over.

That’s OK.

Normal Americans have 4 years to demonstrate to the country what happens when these pathetic, sullen crybabies are no longer coddled.

After which we will have 4 more.

Liberals have been making their beds for many years as the legislate against the will of the people, expanding government to take over more and more of normal people’s lives, violating the small-govt nature of the Constitution, etc. Now they will have to lie in those beds.

Early returns state that they don’t like it at all.

The good news is, it doesn’t matter to normal Americans (that’s most of the country) what the liberal fanatics like any more.
It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists. His months of campaign rhetoric have already shown Trump’s contempt for the Constitution, and with their show of support, the Republicans in congress have as well.

Understanding these statements to be true, and how the vast majority of European leaders have voiced their concerns for the noticeably despotic tone being set by Trump’s yet-to-confirmed administration, it is of utmost importance that members of the Electoral College realize that Hillary Clinton has received well over 1.5 million more popular votes than Trump.

The dangers posed by Trump and the Republican controlled congress to average Americans’ constitutional rights cannot be overstated. These dangers have become readily apparent a full two months before the traditional Inauguration Day. Additionally, most conservatives have long expressed their overwhelming desire to escalate U. S. military involvement in the Middle East, as has Trump. Also, Trump has proposed even more tax cuts for the super-rich, and with the inevitable increase in military spending, our nation cannot afford to go several more trillions-of-dollars into debt to support the Republicans’ plans to install more corrupt puppet governments.

All the above issues, and many more that will negatively impact average Americans and the citizens in many other parts of the world, can be averted. To this end, the Electors must serve the majority of American voters by making the constitutionally justified decision to elect Hillary Clinton the 45th President of the United States.

The very survival of civilization, now, rests on the Electors shoulders alone. You, the Electors, must realize that any further validation of the stupidity by rank-and-file Republican voters would be unconscionable.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Lead Over Donald Trump Now Exceeds 1.5 Million Votes

The short report at the link above says it all.

Another butt-hurt whiny liberal, WAAAAAAAA. :crybaby:

To this end, the Electors must serve the majority of American voters by making the constitutionally justified decision to elect Hillary Clinton the 45th President of the United States

The election is over the corrupt bitch lost and she will not the president ,so STFU and deal with it.

No, the Electoral College won’t make Clinton presiden instead of Trump
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You righties need not worry. Even though the Electors are not required by law to vote as their state majority, history is in your favor. (Do some actual research instead of relying on right wing propaganda and you will see this is true)

However, like so many laws today, the Electoral College was established to protect the fat cats of the early United States from the will of the majority as a whole. To the joy of today's conservatives, the Electors still serve the super-rich.

You righties need not worry. Even though the Electors are not required by law to vote as their state majority, history is in your favor. (Do some actual research instead of relying on right wing propaganda and you will see this is true)

However, like so many laws today, the Electoral College was established to protect the fat cats of the early United States from the will of the majority as a whole. To the joy of today's conservatives, the Electors still serve the super-rich.

Get over it, dude. You sound ridiculous.
It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists.

Here is one of the major reasons why Mr. Trump won the election. His victory is, in part, an expression of the frustration of a huge portion of decent, honest Americans who are fed up with being told by those filthy scumbags on the left wrong that because we refuse to support the madness, immorality, and outright evil that you demand that we embrace, that we are “anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists”. You demand that we agree that darkness is light, that down is up, that evil is good, that male is female; and then you cast all sorts of irrelevant insults against us when we refuse to play along. You demand that we praise the spectacular new clothes that The Emperor is wearing, when we can all plainly see that His Majesty is stark naked.

That, as I said, is a major reason why your side lost, and that, if it continues, will be a major reason why your side will continue to sink into obscurity and irrelevance.

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