Hey Donny...Please pardon Manafort.

Manafort might have to do a year in jail and have to wait until after the 2020 election to be pardoned by The President.

It's sickening that Mueller put a 70 year old man in solitary confinement for what essentially was tax issues, for the entirety of his investigation, while a dirt bag like Cohen is doing publicity tours and interviews, and lying to Congress, not once, but twice, and still is not in jail.

Since when does Imprisonment In Solitary Confinement Happen for Tax Crimes?
Even Before you are Convicted?

Why isn't Al Sharpton in Solitary Confinement?
Tax crimes are just one.
Its also bank fraud and witness tampering, illegal lobbying and money laundering.
But most of all, he shows zero remorse. Not done with Manafort.
I was going to make this same post. I hope he pardons him and invites him and Putin for a week of golf and parties in Palm Beach.

That would be so great
Now I'm thinking you just want to troll the left for a reaction.

Why not sell the Rooskies back Alaska while we are at it? :auiqs.jpg:
So defrauding the Federal government of 30 million and obstructing justice deserves a slap on the wrist?
It sure as hell deserves more than AMNESTY, which is what Mueller gave Hillary's Campaign Manager, John Podesta, who was Manaforte's partner in crime in all of that. John didn't even have to do anything too 'earn' that Amnesty - he gave no evidence, nothing...he was just shielded from being dragged down along with Manaforte.

Considering how the task Mueller was given was to investigate potential Russian collusion that might have occurred in 2016, the fact that Mueller went back DECADES to dig this crime up so he could squeeze Manaforte in hopes he would give him anything on Trump was pure bullshit to begin with, which I am sure played a part in why the judge was lenient on Manaforte.

The only length of time Mueller had to go back in the investigation of Russian Collusion was back to 2014...when President Obama was informed that the Russians were attempting to hack the US power grid, were attempting to hack senior govt officials' e-mails, were running a counter-intelligence operation using social media to successfully con snowflakes like you into organizing and marching for them, and were successfully paying willing violent liberal groups to spread racial hatred and violence across the US....and Barry let them continue un-challenged for 2 years!

Mueller completely turned a blind eye to any of that despite 2014 being when the Russians actually began 'interfering', not in 2016.
Nah. Trump needs to stay out of the whole mess.

If they committed a crime then they need to do the time.
And if he did pardon Manafort...your reaction would be...?

What was your reaction when O pardoned 1,927 criminals? You were down.
You know that Trump was so proud of prison reform. Those people Obama pardoned are the very same people that trumps prison reform helped.
How can you not know that?
I was going to make this same post. I hope he pardons him and invites him and Putin for a week of golf and parties in Palm Beach.

That would be so great
Now I'm thinking you just want to troll the left for a reaction.

Why not sell the Rooskies back Alaska while we are at it? :auiqs.jpg:

Fuck it...we might as well. We GAVE California back to Mexico.
So defrauding the Federal government of 30 million and obstructing justice deserves a slap on the wrist?
It sure as hell deserves more than AMNESTY, which is what Mueller gave Hillary's Campaign Manager, John Podesta, who was Manaforte's partner in crime in all of that. John didn't even have to do anything too 'earn' that Amnesty - he gave no evidence, nothing...he was just shielded from being dragged down along with Manaforte.

Considering how the task Mueller was given was to investigate potential Russian collusion that might have occurred in 2016, the fact that Mueller went back DECADES to dig this crime up so he could squeeze Manaforte in hopes he would give him anything on Trump was pure bullshit to begin with, which I am sure played a part in why the judge was lenient on Manaforte.

The only length of time Mueller had to go back in the investigation of Russian Collusion was back to 2014...when President Obama was informed that the Russians were attempting to hack the US power grid, were attempting to hack senior govt officials' e-mails, were running a counter-intelligence operation using social media to successfully con snowflakes like you into organizing and marching for them, and were successfully paying willing violent liberal groups to spread racial hatred and violence across the US....and Barry let them continue un-challenged for 2 years!

Mueller completely turned a blind eye to any of that despite 2014 being when the Russians actually began 'interfering', not in 2016.
Except that Obama loaded the Russians down with sanctions. Which is why they worked so hard to get Trump elected. It was pretty good deal for the Russians. The payback was much more than the pay out.
The Russians got a really good deal.
I was going to make this same post. I hope he pardons him and invites him and Putin for a week of golf and parties in Palm Beach.

That would be so great
Now I'm thinking you just want to troll the left for a reaction.

Why not sell the Rooskies back Alaska while we are at it? :auiqs.jpg:

Fuck it...we might as well. We GAVE California back to Mexico.
Give away the wealthiest state in the union? The state that has the worlds seventh largest economy? That makes no sense.
Republicans spout such Bizzarre nonsense. And when you call them out on it they tend to double down.
So defrauding the Federal government of 30 million and obstructing justice deserves a slap on the wrist?
It sure as hell deserves more than AMNESTY, which is what Mueller gave Hillary's Campaign Manager, John Podesta, who was Manaforte's partner in crime in all of that. John didn't even have to do anything too 'earn' that Amnesty - he gave no evidence, nothing...he was just shielded from being dragged down along with Manaforte.

Considering how the task Mueller was given was to investigate potential Russian collusion that might have occurred in 2016, the fact that Mueller went back DECADES to dig this crime up so he could squeeze Manaforte in hopes he would give him anything on Trump was pure bullshit to begin with, which I am sure played a part in why the judge was lenient on Manaforte.

The only length of time Mueller had to go back in the investigation of Russian Collusion was back to 2014...when President Obama was informed that the Russians were attempting to hack the US power grid, were attempting to hack senior govt officials' e-mails, were running a counter-intelligence operation using social media to successfully con snowflakes like you into organizing and marching for them, and were successfully paying willing violent liberal groups to spread racial hatred and violence across the US....and Barry let them continue un-challenged for 2 years!

Mueller completely turned a blind eye to any of that despite 2014 being when the Russians actually began 'interfering', not in 2016.
Except that Obama loaded the Russians down with sanctions. Which is why they worked so hard to get Trump elected. It was pretty good deal for the Russians. The payback was much more than the pay out.
The Russians got a really good deal.

Do the Russians get a better deal than Mexico?
Do we force the American people to foster and spoon feed Russia’s filth?
So defrauding the Federal government of 30 million and obstructing justice deserves a slap on the wrist?
It sure as hell deserves more than AMNESTY, which is what Mueller gave Hillary's Campaign Manager, John Podesta, who was Manaforte's partner in crime in all of that. John didn't even have to do anything too 'earn' that Amnesty - he gave no evidence, nothing...he was just shielded from being dragged down along with Manaforte.

Considering how the task Mueller was given was to investigate potential Russian collusion that might have occurred in 2016, the fact that Mueller went back DECADES to dig this crime up so he could squeeze Manaforte in hopes he would give him anything on Trump was pure bullshit to begin with, which I am sure played a part in why the judge was lenient on Manaforte.

The only length of time Mueller had to go back in the investigation of Russian Collusion was back to 2014...when President Obama was informed that the Russians were attempting to hack the US power grid, were attempting to hack senior govt officials' e-mails, were running a counter-intelligence operation using social media to successfully con snowflakes like you into organizing and marching for them, and were successfully paying willing violent liberal groups to spread racial hatred and violence across the US....and Barry let them continue un-challenged for 2 years!

Mueller completely turned a blind eye to any of that despite 2014 being when the Russians actually began 'interfering', not in 2016.

How did Mueller go back decades to dig up something Manafort did for The Podesta Group, Hillary Clinton and Obama, and give The Podesta Group and it's Executive Board of Directors made up entirely of Russian Nationals Immunity, and then not investigate them?

Manafort is convicted of Tax Crimes for money HE Never received.

Mueller claims Manafort did receive that money and did not claim it on his taxes. That Money was received by The Podesta Group, and Manafort cannot prove that, because he is being denied through Immunity for The Podesta Group, from requesting any Exculpatory Evidence, any Financial Records, any Emails, Memos, Letters, Contracts from The Podesta Group to make his case, and prove that John Podesta and The Podesta Group received that money.

In other words, Manafort was railroaded just like Mueller has railroaded innocent men before, by denying them exculpatory evidence.

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I was going to make this same post. I hope he pardons him and invites him and Putin for a week of golf and parties in Palm Beach.

That would be so great
Now I'm thinking you just want to troll the left for a reaction.

Why not sell the Rooskies back Alaska while we are at it? :auiqs.jpg:

Fuck it...we might as well. We GAVE California back to Mexico.
Give away the wealthiest state in the union? The state that has the worlds seventh largest economy? That makes no sense.
Republicans spout such Bizzarre nonsense. And when you call them out on it they tend to double down.
Californication is a black sucking hole of Liberalism that relies on the tax-paying citizens in the other states to support it and their Sanctuary Cities. Unlike Texas, California could not survive by itself. It is the embodiment of a liberal social program dependent, a leech on the buttocks of the nation.
I was going to make this same post. I hope he pardons him and invites him and Putin for a week of golf and parties in Palm Beach.

That would be so great
Now I'm thinking you just want to troll the left for a reaction.

Why not sell the Rooskies back Alaska while we are at it? :auiqs.jpg:

Fuck it...we might as well. We GAVE California back to Mexico.
Give away the wealthiest state in the union? The state that has the worlds seventh largest economy? That makes no sense.
Republicans spout such Bizzarre nonsense. And when you call them out on it they tend to double down.

Don’t brag, you hate inequality....remember?
Those few holding Mexifornia on life support....Silicon Valley, Hollyweird and the AG industry will / can easily relocate as Mexifornia goes full Venezuela.
By the way...how does GDP translate for the 30% and the illegals living on top of each other like cockroaches in poverty and despair?
“He’s a good man” and he deserves your help.
Plus, the level of TDS that will ensue will be absolutely fascinating.
He’ a good man? By what standard?

Do good men cheat on their taxes? Do good men engage in jury tampering? In bank fraud?

Or has our ideas of what a good man is been washed away by gallons of orange hair dye?
“He’s a good man” and he deserves your help.
Plus, the level of TDS that will ensue will be absolutely fascinating.
He’ a good man? By what standard?

Do good men cheat on their taxes? Do good men engage in jury tampering? In bank fraud?

Or has our ideas of what a good man is been washed away by gallons of orange hair dye?

You people have confused us...you’ve been telling us that a good man is someone who wears a dress and lipstick, who is taxpayer dependent, who does drugs and who isn’t a legal citizen. WTF?
Emails give new detail about Mercury, Podesta role in Manafort's lobbying

My comments in Green:

Now, HERE IS THE CENTRAL ISSUE. THE PODESTA GROUP was Supposed to disclose what they were doing and Register Manafort and Gates, and they did not. So why is Podesta getting immunity, and Mueller is going after Manafort and Gates?

The documents suggest Tony Podesta, the chairman of the Podesta Group, and former Rep. Vin Weber (R-Minn.), a top lobbyist at Mercury, knew that former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was directing Manafort’s and Gates’ work. FARA requires lobbyists working “under the direction or control” of a foreign government to register.

But wait, it gets better. Tony Podesta was allowed to register Manafort and Gates, RETROACTIVELY. Weird Huh?

“I would like to do a brief call with this group today to discuss items regarding our plan moving forward,” Gates wrote in another email to Podesta, dated Nov. 9, 2012. “Paul is meeting with the President on Monday to discuss this topic.”

While both firms registered under less-restrictive domestic lobbying rules, neither registered with the Justice Department for their work with Manafort until doing so retroactively last year.

SoThe Podesta Group registered Manafort and Gates under less restrictive domestic lobbying rules.... so isn't that a technicality? They were registered. The Podesta Group was also completely aware of the work Gates and Manafort were doing in The Ukraine for them. They even accepted payment from The Ukraine for that work.

Mercury and the Podesta Group, which has since collapsed, have said they were advised by their lawyers that they didn’t have to register, and Gates has pleaded guilty to deceiving Mercury’s lawyer about the source of the funds that were used to pay the firm.

And right here, in this article, it says The Podesta Group DID GET PAID, but because The Podesta Group and Tony Podesta had been given Immunity, Manafort and Gates cannot bring this Evidence, and other associated evidence in to trial to defend themselves. What it didn't say was that Manafort and Gates got paid. No, it said The Firm Got Paid, and was paid by The Ukraine.

And again......The PODESTA GROUP and TONY PODESTA was Never Charged. They are the ones who did not register their employees who they knew were doing this work for them on behalf of Obama and Clinton in The Ukraine.

Neither firm has been charged in connection to their work with Manafort. Mercury and a spokeswoman for Tony Podesta declined to comment on Thursday.

Still, Chris DeLacy, a Washington lawyer who’s an expert on FARA, said the emails show that Mercury and the Podesta Group should have registered with the DOJ from the beginning.

“Obviously, in retrospect, the decision that was made here to originally register under [domestic lobbying rules] instead of FARA was a mistake,” DeLacy wrote in an email. The emails cited in the footnotes “would appear to undermine the argument that that mistake was made in good faith.”

So The Podesta Group was supposed to register Manafort and Gates, and they did not, but were allowed to do that Retroactively. So they were Registered then since The DOJ allowed that. The Podesta Group was then given immunity.

Let me ask a question: If The Podesta Group was allowed to register Manafort and Gates Retroactively, then why is Mueller trying to charge Manafort and Gates for failure to register as a foreign agent working on behalf of The Podesta Group, when they are already registered as such "retroactively"?

Like I have said all along. The Entire Mueller Investigation is a hoax and scam launched by the very people who should be investigated for corruption, Obama, Clinton and their Political Sycophants.

If things like this are allowed to continue, our entire Democracy is at risk, and the idea of America is in peril.
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