He’s Not a Woman


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
And we don’t give maps of Russia to mentally ill people thinking they’re Napoleon either.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced Tuesday former Pa. Department of Health Secretary Rachel Levine is the nation’s first openly transgender four-star officer across any of the eight uniformed services of the U.S.

Admiral Levine now serves as the HHS Assistant Secretary for Health and head of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps where she was ceremonially sworn in. She is the highest-ranking official in the USPHS Commissioned Corps and the first-ever woman to become a four-star admiral.

The genetic code was cracked in the 60's. It's been at least half a century since we understood the DNA code that determines a male and female. Lefties lecture us about the "theory" of man made global warming and criticize legitimate arguments by calling them anti science. At the same time we are told that some hormones and organs hacked off can turn a male into a female even though the DNA says otherwise.
The genetic code was cracked in the 60's. It's been at least half a century since we understood the DNA code that determines a male and female. Lefties lecture us about the "theory" of man made global warming and criticize legitimate arguments by calling them anti science. At the same time we are told that some hormones and organs hacked off can turn a male into a female even though the DNA says otherwise.

You can pull the stem off an apple and paint it orange but that doesn't mean it's an orange.
And we don’t give maps of Russia to mentally ill people thinking they’re Napoleon either.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced Tuesday former Pa. Department of Health Secretary Rachel Levine is the nation’s first openly transgender four-star officer across any of the eight uniformed services of the U.S.

Admiral Levine now serves as the HHS Assistant Secretary for Health and head of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps where she was ceremonially sworn in. She is the highest-ranking official in the USPHS Commissioned Corps and the first-ever woman to become a four-star admiral.

The good news is she is not here in PA. The bad news is she is in DC.
And we don’t give maps of Russia to mentally ill people thinking they’re Napoleon either.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced Tuesday former Pa. Department of Health Secretary Rachel Levine is the nation’s first openly transgender four-star officer across any of the eight uniformed services of the U.S.

Admiral Levine now serves as the HHS Assistant Secretary for Health and head of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps where she was ceremonially sworn in. She is the highest-ranking official in the USPHS Commissioned Corps and the first-ever woman to become a four-star admiral.

Sucks when Alex Jones turns out to be right. :heehee:

Guess we should all have a little empathy now for these folks, if they would just stop denying reality and pushing bullshit.


The Endocrine Disruptor Bisphenol A (BPA) Exerts a Wide Range of Effects in Carcinogenesis and Response to Therapy​

Shanna Swan: 'Most couples may have to use assisted reproduction by 2045'​

".. . You’ve spent more than
20 years examining the effects of hormone disrupting chemicals on reproductive health. Are you now sounding the alarm?
I am directly speaking to this hidden problem people don’t like to talk about, which is their sub-fertility or reproductive problems, and how that is tied to the environment. People are recognising we have a reproductive health crisis, but they say it’s because of delayed childbearing, choice or lifestyle – it can’t be chemical. I want people to recognise it can. I am not saying other factors aren’t involved. But I am saying chemicals play a major causal role. It is difficult to use that word, “cause”, but it’s a body of evidence. We have mechanisms, animal studies, and multiple human studies.

Female fertility declines rapidly after about 35. Isn’t that why so many people are turning to IVF?
It’s not that simple. When a colleague and I looked at the change in impaired fecundity [the ability to have children] we were surprised to see younger women had experienced a bigger increase than older age groups. This suggests that something besides ageing and delayed childbearing is affecting fertility.
Moreover, there’s compelling evidence that the risk of miscarriage has been rising among women of all ages.
Which chemicals are the most worrying for reproductive health and how do they work?
Those that can interfere with or mimic the body’s sex hormones – such as testosterone and oestrogen – because these make reproduction possible. They can make the body think it has enough of a particular hormone and it doesn’t need to make any more, so production goes down.

Sperms' swimming and navigational skills disrupted by common chemicals

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Phthalates, used to make plastic soft and flexible, are of paramount concern. They are in everybody and we are probably primarily exposed through food as we use soft plastic in food manufacture, processing and packaging. They lower testosterone and so have the strongest influences on the male side, for example diminishing sperm count, though they are bad for women, too, shown to decrease libido and increase risk of early puberty, premature ovarian failure, miscarriage and premature birth.
Bisphenol A (BPA), used to harden plastic and found in cash-register receipts and the lining of some canned-food containers, is another. It is oestrogen mimicking and so is a particularly bad actor on the female side, increasing risks of fertility challenges, but likewise it can affect men. Men occupationally exposed to BPA have shown decreased sperm quality, reduced libido and higher rates of erectile dysfunction. Other chemicals of concern include flame retardants and certain pesticides such as atrazine.. . . "

Trust The Science!​


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