Hermin Cain Announces!!!!!!!!!

If you don't support Herman Cain, you're a RACIST!


You may have noticed lately that I've been using the Ravi method of trolling. Now to stay in character, I need to call you a LIAR!

Ravi usually calls everyone a racist or neg-reps them for making valid points that piss her off.

Funny, she's sooooo white and yet she thinks she's down for the struggle.
There's no such thing as a "liberal establishment." You've been trapped by the false left-right paradigm. The global elites at the top control both the Liberal and Conservative leadership. Proof of this fact is the fact that Obama and McCain are part of the same globalist organization, the Bilderberg Group.

Mccain is a liberal progressive slob.

McCain had 100% conservative voting record in 2010. You are out on the ledge of the rightwing fringe if you think even John McCain is a liberal. And you're probably proud of it.
That's fine. Just don't cry about it when the rest of the real America doesn't support your extremist agenda.

McCain had 100% conservative voting record in 2010? :lol: I know what study you're referring to and it has been debunked. The group hand-picked 96 votes out of 299 to come to that conclusion. Sorry to rain on your parade. Look at the Poole reports which used all the data. Here are the results of the most conservative member of the 111th Congress:

* Tom Coburn
* Jim DeMint
* John Kyl
* John Barrasso
* Jim Inhofe

John McCain ranked 26th.
Anyway, the lefties say we have been making watermelon jokes about Obama. Who dunnit, and where is a link?

You don't understand. I am the world's greatest grand champion watermelon lover. I can't WAIT for them to start arriving at the Farmer's market and it is our primary fruit source all summer long.

So I'm probably sooner or later going to mention watermelon.

And because he is President, sooner or later I will post something about Obama.

And voila!!! Watermelon and President Obama on the same page? Maybe in the same thread? RACIST!!!!

That's why I've said I did not want a BLACK President. I didn't want a President that you have to be constantly conscious of his race, can't treat just like anybody else, can't use certain words or imagery, can't criticize like anybody else.

I certainly didn't mind having a President who happened to be black though.

One of the best things we could do to eliminate racism once and for all is throw the PC crap out the window and start treating all people just like everybody else. As long as we are required to defer to somebody's race and aren't allowed to use the same language we would use for everybody else, race consciousness will continue to be the primary focus and racism will continue.

When I say monkey, I am not referring to the color of anybody's skin.
When I say watermelon, I am not referring to anybody else's diet.
You can look for the racially insensitive attacks to rev up just as soon as Cain starts building some impressive favoribility in the polls.

Yeah, ‘as soon.’ We’ll be waiting for that to happen, alright.

And the right actually believes the voters will elect someone ‘qualified?’ When was the last time that happened? Truman, Eisenhower, perhaps?
You can look for the racially insensitive attacks to rev up just as soon as Cain starts building some impressive favoribility in the polls.

Yeah, ‘as soon.’ We’ll be waiting for that to happen, alright.

And the right actually believes the voters will elect someone ‘qualified?’ When was the last time that happened? Truman, Eisenhower, perhaps?

Bush SR.....he wasn't re-elected.
When I say monkey, I am not referring to the color of anybody's skin.
When I say watermelon, I am not referring to anybody else's diet.

Do you wish someone would whip Obama during 2012?

Whip him.
Hang him out to dry.
Beat him convincingly.
Target him for defeat.
Demolish him in the debates.
Run him over at the polls.

But I'm not allowed to say any of that if his skin is black of course. It sometimes looks like they think he isn't good enough to treat like everybody else.

Good thing I am the poster girl for the anti-political correctness police. :)
When I say monkey, I am not referring to the color of anybody's skin.
When I say watermelon, I am not referring to anybody else's diet.

Do you wish someone would whip Obama during 2012?

Whip him.
Hang him out to dry.
Beat him convincingly.
Target him for defeat.
Demolish him in the debates.
Run him over at the polls.

But I'm not allowed to say any of that if his skin is black of course. It sometimes looks like they think he isn't good enough to treat like everybody else.

Good thing I am the poster girl for the anti-political correctness police. :)


You know the forum keeps a record of past posts, right? :lol:

You lost me, so what?

Anyone here who in the past tried to mitigate and excuse the 'racially insensitive' attacks on President Obama will look rather silly if they throw a fit over anything similar done towards Cain.
Granted, not that most of these people would care. Most of the rightwingers here are impervious to revelations about their lack of character and hypocrisy.

You think that discussing the flaws in Obama's policies is racist.
Speaking of the Obama and watermelons at the same time is "racially insensitive".

did we ever think we would be seeing that crap folks.?

We all knew when the Obama got elected they would SCREAM RACISM at any criticism of him and BOY did they ever. A lot of it was so stupid (watermelon, basketball, monkeys) that all you could do was laugh.

But, Now that Cain has announced, watch out folks. You will SEE racist come out in full force.
Anyone here who in the past tried to mitigate and excuse the 'racially insensitive' attacks on President Obama will look rather silly if they throw a fit over anything similar done towards Cain.


The fact that you have to ask confirms the validity of the rest of my post, the part you didn't quote.

You're missing a key piece of the puzzle. Racially insensitive remarks should not be tolerated, but your ilk have a penchant for seeing racism where none exists. The biggest example is how the word 'racism' is used to refer to anyone who disagrees with the policies of Obama. Unfortunately, the MSM seems to give these people a pass. The sad reality is that it's okay to call anyone who disagrees with a liberal politician's policies as a racist, but not the other way around. If you don't see this, then you're either not paying attention or living in denial. (Wait, weren't you the guy who said McCain was the most conservative member of the Congress in 2010? :lol: It all makes sense now.)
Anyone here who in the past tried to mitigate and excuse the 'racially insensitive' attacks on President Obama will look rather silly if they throw a fit over anything similar done towards Cain.


The fact that you have to ask confirms the validity of the rest of my post, the part you didn't quote.

Um, pretty simple question, but I guess I should complete it:

Why would "anyone here who in the past tried to mitigate and excuse the 'racially insensitive' attacks on President Obama look rather silly if they throw a fit over anything similar done towards Cain?"

Are you saying that Cain or Obama is not white?

Why would you notice?

Indeed, Why would you comment about it?
You lost me, so what?

Anyone here who in the past tried to mitigate and excuse the 'racially insensitive' attacks on President Obama will look rather silly if they throw a fit over anything similar done towards Cain.
Granted, not that most of these people would care. Most of the rightwingers here are impervious to revelations about their lack of character and hypocrisy.

LOl, racially insensitive attacks on the boyking. The only one throwing fits was you lefties. So it is YOU ALL who will NOW be looking silly and your TRUE COLORS will come through with Mr. Cain. can't wait.

Well, here's Stephanie's reaction to the GOP'er who sent around racist pictures:

omg, I hope you survive this offensive picture (you've made up in your little mind)., I'm not sure you will.
and don't forget we are now suppose to be offended by, gasp,pictures of WATERMELLONS.

So I'm certain Stephanie won't be objecting to anyone giving Cain the same treatment.


The fact that you have to ask confirms the validity of the rest of my post, the part you didn't quote.

You're missing a key piece of the puzzle. Racially insensitive remarks should not be tolerated, but your ilk have a penchant for seeing racism where none exists. The biggest example is how the word 'racism' is used to refer to anyone who disagrees with the policies of Obama. Unfortunately, the MSM seems to give these people a pass. The sad reality is that it's okay to call anyone who disagrees with a liberal politician's policies as a racist, but not the other way around. If you don't see this, then you're either not paying attention or living in denial. (Wait, weren't you the guy who said McCain was the most conservative member of the Congress in 2010? :lol: It all makes sense now.)

You don't think passing around pictures of a watermelon patch in front of the Whitehouse is racially insensitive?

You don't think comparing Michelle Obama to a gorilla is racially insensitive?

The fact that you have to ask confirms the validity of the rest of my post, the part you didn't quote.

You're missing a key piece of the puzzle. Racially insensitive remarks should not be tolerated, but your ilk have a penchant for seeing racism where none exists. The biggest example is how the word 'racism' is used to refer to anyone who disagrees with the policies of Obama. Unfortunately, the MSM seems to give these people a pass. The sad reality is that it's okay to call anyone who disagrees with a liberal politician's policies as a racist, but not the other way around. If you don't see this, then you're either not paying attention or living in denial. (Wait, weren't you the guy who said McCain was the most conservative member of the Congress in 2010? :lol: It all makes sense now.)

John McCain got a 100% rating from the American Conservative Union for his 2010 Senate voting record.
Go refute them if you have a problem. The American Conservative Union
In other words, he's a cookie cutter rightwing Republican.


Yeah, that, um would be why he'd be running against a cookie cutter leftwing Democrat.

Amazing how that works, huh.


Amazing how retarded that is. Obama is not a leftwing Democrat. Dennis Kucinich is a leftwing Democrat. Barack Obama is nowhere near the left wing of the Democratic party.

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