Here's the List of Military Clinics That Will No Longer Serve Retirees, Families


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Here's the List of Military Clinics That Will No Longer Serve Retirees, Families

I am a retiree on Tricare Prime. The Republican Congress (Paul Ryan) kept trying to force me on Tricare Standard but I have a family member with a serious medical condition. I got my local Congressman to make them approve me for Tricare Prime.

The one downside of Tricare Prime as a retiree is that you can only use civilian doctors that are within 50 miles of a Military Treatment Facility (MTF).

Here's a funny thing. A VA hospital does not count as a MTF. How fucked up is that? I live within 20 miles of a VA hospital.

So the nearest MTF from where I live is about 100 miles away, which means I have to travel 50 miles to be within 50 miles of that MTF. My family member with the serious medical condition has to travel 50 miles in order to see a doctor.

This is truly fucked up. Before Paul Ryan changed the rules, we were able to go to a doctor right in the town where we live.

No one will ever convince me the GOP gives two shits about vets.
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Here's the List of Military Clinics That Will No Longer Serve Retirees, Families

I am a retiree on Tricare Prime. The Republican Congress (Paul Ryan) kept trying to force me on Tricare Standard but I have a family member with a serious medical condition. I got my local Congressman to make them approve me for Tricare Prime.

The one downside of Tricare Prime as a retiree is that you can only use civilian doctors that are within 50 miles of a Military Treatment Facility (MTF).

Here's a funny thing. A VA hospital does not count as a MTF. How fucked up is that?

So the nearest MTF from where I live is about 100 miles away, which means I have to travel 50 miles to be within 50 miles of that MTF. My family member with the serious medical condition has to travel 50 miles in order to see a doctor.

This is truly fucked up. Before Paul Ryan changed the rules, we were able to go to a doctor right in the town where we live.

No one will ever convince me the GOP gives two shits about vets.

The Problem goes back long BEFORE Paul Ryan, the VA has been a problem for decades, so has the stability of the caregiving system for Veterans, who should be given FULL care for their sacrifice they made when they get injured, critically or not.

It is a shame when Veterans already have to deal with other issues (from active combat, leaving their families behind, etc.) that civilian don't face, then have the medical care system let them down when they come home injured, physically and mentally.
Paul Ryan lost an election and is now out of office for things like this....he is a RINO.....this is what RINO's do....they govern like democrats....
Fight and die for Middle Eastern oil routes, and then get screwed by the government later. No wonder recruitment keeps dropping.
Here's the List of Military Clinics That Will No Longer Serve Retirees, Families

I am a retiree on Tricare Prime. The Republican Congress (Paul Ryan) kept trying to force me on Tricare Standard but I have a family member with a serious medical condition. I got my local Congressman to make them approve me for Tricare Prime.

The one downside of Tricare Prime as a retiree is that you can only use civilian doctors that are within 50 miles of a Military Treatment Facility (MTF).

Here's a funny thing. A VA hospital does not count as a MTF. How fucked up is that? I live within 20 miles of a VA hospital.

So the nearest MTF from where I live is about 100 miles away, which means I have to travel 50 miles to be within 50 miles of that MTF. My family member with the serious medical condition has to travel 50 miles in order to see a doctor.

This is truly fucked up. Before Paul Ryan changed the rules, we were able to go to a doctor right in the town where we live.

No one will ever convince me the GOP gives two shits about vets. let's let the same people also control healthcare coverage for everyone else since it works so well!!!
The last thing people who have served their country should have to worry about is healthcare for themselves or their immediate families.

Here’s how it should work:

The veteran or immediate family member goes to the doctor of their choice and the doctor sends the bill to the VA for payment.

There’s no need for the VA to run hospitals. They should be a payment service only.
Here's the List of Military Clinics That Will No Longer Serve Retirees, Families

I am a retiree on Tricare Prime. The Republican Congress (Paul Ryan) kept trying to force me on Tricare Standard but I have a family member with a serious medical condition. I got my local Congressman to make them approve me for Tricare Prime.

The one downside of Tricare Prime as a retiree is that you can only use civilian doctors that are within 50 miles of a Military Treatment Facility (MTF).

Here's a funny thing. A VA hospital does not count as a MTF. How fucked up is that? I live within 20 miles of a VA hospital.

So the nearest MTF from where I live is about 100 miles away, which means I have to travel 50 miles to be within 50 miles of that MTF. My family member with the serious medical condition has to travel 50 miles in order to see a doctor.

This is truly fucked up. Before Paul Ryan changed the rules, we were able to go to a doctor right in the town where we live.

No one will ever convince me the GOP gives two shits about vets. let's let the same people also control healthcare coverage for everyone else since it works so well!!!
Congress has placed $1.4 TRILLION of annual tax breaks in the tax code for higher incomes. And then they cut the shit out of veteran and welfare programs.
Here's the List of Military Clinics That Will No Longer Serve Retirees, Families

I am a retiree on Tricare Prime. The Republican Congress (Paul Ryan) kept trying to force me on Tricare Standard but I have a family member with a serious medical condition. I got my local Congressman to make them approve me for Tricare Prime.

The one downside of Tricare Prime as a retiree is that you can only use civilian doctors that are within 50 miles of a Military Treatment Facility (MTF).

Here's a funny thing. A VA hospital does not count as a MTF. How fucked up is that? I live within 20 miles of a VA hospital.

So the nearest MTF from where I live is about 100 miles away, which means I have to travel 50 miles to be within 50 miles of that MTF. My family member with the serious medical condition has to travel 50 miles in order to see a doctor.

This is truly fucked up. Before Paul Ryan changed the rules, we were able to go to a doctor right in the town where we live.

No one will ever convince me the GOP gives two shits about vets. let's let the same people also control healthcare coverage for everyone else since it works so well!!!
Congress has placed $1.4 TRILLION of annual tax breaks in the tax code for higher incomes. And then they cut the shit out of veteran and welfare programs.
Again...then let's let these same corrupt wolves control our healthcare system because they do so well on everything else.
Here's the List of Military Clinics That Will No Longer Serve Retirees, Families

I am a retiree on Tricare Prime. The Republican Congress (Paul Ryan) kept trying to force me on Tricare Standard but I have a family member with a serious medical condition. I got my local Congressman to make them approve me for Tricare Prime.

The one downside of Tricare Prime as a retiree is that you can only use civilian doctors that are within 50 miles of a Military Treatment Facility (MTF).

Here's a funny thing. A VA hospital does not count as a MTF. How fucked up is that? I live within 20 miles of a VA hospital.

So the nearest MTF from where I live is about 100 miles away, which means I have to travel 50 miles to be within 50 miles of that MTF. My family member with the serious medical condition has to travel 50 miles in order to see a doctor.

This is truly fucked up. Before Paul Ryan changed the rules, we were able to go to a doctor right in the town where we live.

No one will ever convince me the GOP gives two shits about vets. let's let the same people also control healthcare coverage for everyone else since it works so well!!!
Congress has placed $1.4 TRILLION of annual tax breaks in the tax code for higher incomes. And then they cut the shit out of veteran and welfare programs.
Again...then let's let these same corrupt wolves control our healthcare system because they do so well on everything else.
I have never seen any Republicans, or Trump, putting a solution on the table.

Here's the List of Military Clinics That Will No Longer Serve Retirees, Families

I am a retiree on Tricare Prime. The Republican Congress (Paul Ryan) kept trying to force me on Tricare Standard but I have a family member with a serious medical condition. I got my local Congressman to make them approve me for Tricare Prime.

The one downside of Tricare Prime as a retiree is that you can only use civilian doctors that are within 50 miles of a Military Treatment Facility (MTF).

Here's a funny thing. A VA hospital does not count as a MTF. How fucked up is that? I live within 20 miles of a VA hospital.

So the nearest MTF from where I live is about 100 miles away, which means I have to travel 50 miles to be within 50 miles of that MTF. My family member with the serious medical condition has to travel 50 miles in order to see a doctor.

This is truly fucked up. Before Paul Ryan changed the rules, we were able to go to a doctor right in the town where we live.

No one will ever convince me the GOP gives two shits about vets. let's let the same people also control healthcare coverage for everyone else since it works so well!!!
Congress has placed $1.4 TRILLION of annual tax breaks in the tax code for higher incomes. And then they cut the shit out of veteran and welfare programs.
Again...then let's let these same corrupt wolves control our healthcare system because they do so well on everything else.
I have never seen any Republicans, or Trump, putting a solution on the table.

I have never seen the Democrats actually do anything but bitch about it either.
Remember when Obama ran for President? "Wealth inequality!!! Wealth Gap!!...Unfair!!!.... the end of his 8 years the wealth gap grew faster and at higher rates than ever before. His first two years, when he had a super majority...didn't do shit about it. And they never will.
It isn't a Democrat or Republican thing.
It is the fact the entire Federal government is thoroughly corrupted by corporatism/globalism.
Both sides.
Anyone who doesn't see it is a fool.
Here's the List of Military Clinics That Will No Longer Serve Retirees, Families

I am a retiree on Tricare Prime. The Republican Congress (Paul Ryan) kept trying to force me on Tricare Standard but I have a family member with a serious medical condition. I got my local Congressman to make them approve me for Tricare Prime.

The one downside of Tricare Prime as a retiree is that you can only use civilian doctors that are within 50 miles of a Military Treatment Facility (MTF).

Here's a funny thing. A VA hospital does not count as a MTF. How fucked up is that? I live within 20 miles of a VA hospital.

So the nearest MTF from where I live is about 100 miles away, which means I have to travel 50 miles to be within 50 miles of that MTF. My family member with the serious medical condition has to travel 50 miles in order to see a doctor.

This is truly fucked up. Before Paul Ryan changed the rules, we were able to go to a doctor right in the town where we live.

No one will ever convince me the GOP gives two shits about vets. let's let the same people also control healthcare coverage for everyone else since it works so well!!!
Congress has placed $1.4 TRILLION of annual tax breaks in the tax code for higher incomes. And then they cut the shit out of veteran and welfare programs.
Again...then let's let these same corrupt wolves control our healthcare system because they do so well on everything else.
I have never seen any Republicans, or Trump, putting a solution on the table.

Vets are slowly beginning to learn that the GOP is NOT our friend.
Here's the List of Military Clinics That Will No Longer Serve Retirees, Families

I am a retiree on Tricare Prime. The Republican Congress (Paul Ryan) kept trying to force me on Tricare Standard but I have a family member with a serious medical condition. I got my local Congressman to make them approve me for Tricare Prime.

The one downside of Tricare Prime as a retiree is that you can only use civilian doctors that are within 50 miles of a Military Treatment Facility (MTF).

Here's a funny thing. A VA hospital does not count as a MTF. How fucked up is that? I live within 20 miles of a VA hospital.

So the nearest MTF from where I live is about 100 miles away, which means I have to travel 50 miles to be within 50 miles of that MTF. My family member with the serious medical condition has to travel 50 miles in order to see a doctor.

This is truly fucked up. Before Paul Ryan changed the rules, we were able to go to a doctor right in the town where we live.

No one will ever convince me the GOP gives two shits about vets. let's let the same people also control healthcare coverage for everyone else since it works so well!!!
Congress has placed $1.4 TRILLION of annual tax breaks in the tax code for higher incomes. And then they cut the shit out of veteran and welfare programs.
Again...then let's let these same corrupt wolves control our healthcare system because they do so well on everything else.
I have never seen any Republicans, or Trump, putting a solution on the table.

Vets are slowly beginning to learn that the GOP is NOT our friend.
No politician is a Vets friend. They only pay mouth service during an election cycle
Here's the List of Military Clinics That Will No Longer Serve Retirees, Families

I am a retiree on Tricare Prime. The Republican Congress (Paul Ryan) kept trying to force me on Tricare Standard but I have a family member with a serious medical condition. I got my local Congressman to make them approve me for Tricare Prime.

The one downside of Tricare Prime as a retiree is that you can only use civilian doctors that are within 50 miles of a Military Treatment Facility (MTF).

Here's a funny thing. A VA hospital does not count as a MTF. How fucked up is that? I live within 20 miles of a VA hospital.

So the nearest MTF from where I live is about 100 miles away, which means I have to travel 50 miles to be within 50 miles of that MTF. My family member with the serious medical condition has to travel 50 miles in order to see a doctor.

This is truly fucked up. Before Paul Ryan changed the rules, we were able to go to a doctor right in the town where we live.

No one will ever convince me the GOP gives two shits about vets.
The policy of VA facilities when it comes to the dependents of retirees, is and has been that it depends upon the actual veteran patient load, as to whether they can also see families.
Paul Ryan lost an election and is now out of office for things like this....he is a RINO.....this is what RINO's do....they govern like democrats....
Repub voters were warned about him after they retook the house. He followed Boehner who was similar. Supposedly McCarthy may be near the same. But this is hearsay. Ryan really obstructed Trump the first two years. And he has no guilt like so many other politicians.
The Trump administration claims that Veterans would receive better and faster treatment than the small local VA sources can provide but the link doesn't make that distinction. The ironic source "Military dot Com" isn't part of the military. It is a subsidiary of a global information network called "" owned by a Dutch holding company which might not be friendly with the U.S. Military or the U.S. political agenda.
My and I wife have Tricare For Life and Medicare. I only go to the VA for hearing aids, glasses, dental and for prescriptions. Otherwise I have a civilian doctor for checkups and treatments. She sends me to a specialist for such things as knee and shoulder replacements. Trump has already signed a law allowing VA patients to choose civilian doctors and hospitals. Because I'm 100% disabled, I haven't had a medical bill since 1957. My wife only pays for prescriptions through Express-Scripts at $9.00 per prescription.

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