Here's one Paperboy forgot to post

Red Dawn

Senior Member
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Liberal Socialist Paradise
Where did paperboy go? He was a poll posting machine....

The Pew poll released tonight showing Barack Obama with a 52%-38% lead:

Sarah Palin appears to be a continuing - if not an increasing - drag on the GOP ticket. Currently, 49% of voters express an unfavorable opinion of Palin, while 44% have a favorable view.

In mid-September, favorable opinions of Palin outnumbered negative ones by 54% to 32%. Women, especially women under age 50, have become increasingly critical of Palin: 60% now express an unfavorable view of Palin, up from 36% in mid-September. :lol:

Notably, opinions of Palin have a greater impact on voting intentions than do opinions of Joe Biden, Obama's running mate.
Where did paperboy go? He was a poll posting machine....

The Pew poll released tonight showing Barack Obama with a 52%-38% lead:

I posted that earlier... but it's ok, I have no problem seeing that again. :D
Let's face it, the race is over. Relax, go to the beach, read a book. :D

It ain't over till its over.

Probably three million democratic-leaning voters are going to show up on election day to find their names scrubbed from voter rolls, or to be given provisional ballots that will never be counted.
It ain't over till its over.

Probably three million democratic-leaning voters are going to show up on election day to find their names scrubbed from voter rolls, or to be given provisional ballots that will never be counted.

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