Here's Hoping The SuperCommitie Fails

Although it scares me greatly to wish for the same thing as Paul Krugman, I, like that master of Progressive misdirection, am pleased that the "Super Committee" of Congress, assigned to find a way to reduce our debt and deficits, is on the brink of failure.
It's not that I'm opposed to movement to fix our very serious fiscal issues. Rather it's that the only possible deal from a committee which includes John Kerry (D-MA) and Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) is a bad deal. We should consider ourselves fortunate that Democrats weren't smart enough to say yes to Republicans' attempt to cave in on taxes. Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) asked rhetorically "Do we look stupid?" In fact, they now do -- though they're probably not smart enough to realize it.
It's taken years to screw up our finances this badly. Another 14 months isn't going to make it that much worse.
Rather than take a bad deal -- meaning any deal that increases tax revenue other than by increasing economic activity -- Republicans must focus on repeatedly putting forward solid budget-cutting and entitlement-reforming legislation. The best path toward electoral success is to show the electorate that Democrats are utterly irresponsible with our national fisc and to remind voters that just as households cut back on expenditures when times are tough, so must the federal government.

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The American Spectator : The Democrats' Waving Hand
Again, Friedman: The true burden of government is not the deficit; it's not even the taxes. It's the spending.

this fact will never penetrate a demoncrats consciousness.
If they cut ssi---they are still going to take it out of our paychecks? So where will the money go? Right back into the congress personal money accounts or their crony wall st buddies personal swiss bank accounts.

I'd rather my ssi tax dollars be given to grandma and grandma to have a place to live and some food on their table than to out in the streets or living under a bridge.

Alan Grayson was right about Conservatives..

[ame=]Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"' - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]3/28/10 longer version of Huckabee's explanation on why pre-existing conditions, schemes won't work - YouTube[/ame]

And thanks to conservative heroine Governor Jan Brewer..she effectively killed two people with approved funding medical procedures by killing the funding.

Medicaid Cuts Killing Ariz. Transplant Patients - CBS News

Good job boys!

Again, Friedman: The true burden of government is not the deficit; it's not even the taxes. It's the spending.

this fact will never penetrate a demoncrats consciousness.

Sure it does. Trillions went into the Joint Strike Fighter and Missile defense with out any thing to show for both. How about the Billions spend on Halliburton? A company that committed real crimes..and still got no bid contracts.

Where's Issa's hearings?

I like to think of it this way...

Americans want Social Security, Medicare, and a strong defense, but they don't want to pay for it.

Exactly. Used to be if you couldn't afford it you didn't buy it. Both at the micro and macro level. Gonna take another depression maybe to change attitudes back to what they were. Unfortunately.

I like to think of it this way...

Americans want Social Security, Medicare, and a strong defense, but they don't want to pay for it.

Exactly. Used to be if you couldn't afford it you didn't buy it. Both at the micro and macro level. Gonna take another depression maybe to change attitudes back to what they were. Unfortunately.

You're kidding. When was that? The super wealthy were never restricted by such things as "capital" or "liquidity". Why the heck do you think the stock market crashed during the Depression.
Anyone drawing SS or Medicare should be allowed to draw out exactly what they put into it. NO more dipping into the money of those coming behind them.

Somehow I don't think those programs would be anywhere near as popular as they are now.

Personally I'd like to draw out every dime I have in those two programs. I can take better care of my money than some Clown in DC.
If the supercommittie in congress fails then the mandated cuts will take place in 2013. Those of us that want smaller government will get it when those cuts take place. No new taxes! Cut Cut Cut. Smaller government is the way to go.

The "Supercommittee" is a farce and was never intended to do anything. As you said the cuts won't even happen until FY13 and by then we'll have a new Congress. Hopefully a Republican one that will immediately pass a new budget and do all the real cutting needed.

Its just a ploy to punt the issue until next year (again).
Virtually all economists say there's no way to work our way out of this mess without both cuts in spending and a raise in revenues. This Republcan "NO TAXES" thing gets more absurd by the minute.

Kill off the po folks and keep those bankers and corps happy. They can buy the candidates they like.
AND, HOPING the committee fails is pretty much a done deal. Everyone knew it would.

So why would anybody cheer the failure? Because automatic draconian cuts go into effect, well, except Obama will veto them.

I'm sick of all of Congress, and tonight going home from work and listening to NPR, I heard a bit more about WHY.

It seems Woodrow Wilson, in the 1880s, still in college, wrote that Congress has no real accountability. THAT, he said, can be a major problem, and it is now.

Congress is accountable to the majority that put them in high cotton for life, and really, it doesn't have to worry much about the real state of the country. The ones who LIKE them don't admit they stink.

Flaws in the system, and they're killing us.

I think all of us peons, including the peons who are Republicans and don't think they are, should go back to "re-elect nobody." And really DO it.

Vote them all out, even if we think we like them.

Start over.

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