Here's an honest republican white man

World Savior

Senior Member
May 18, 2015
Here's an honest republican white man

I appreciate it when some people are honest about their true inner sentiments. And also thank you Fox News for this event. You attract the right kind of people. Get it? "Right" kind? LOL!

Hilarious when the party of Tuskegee Experiments, planned Parenthood's black Eugenics, and Grand Kleagle Senate Majority leader talk about race
Hilarious when the party that suppresses blacks for generations and uses the N word against blacks asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Hilarious, when the party that wants to deny blacks the right to vote through voting regulations and restrictions asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Keep wondering, I enjoy watching cons lose elections after elections. Say goodbye to the white house.
Hilarious when the party that suppresses blacks for generations and uses the N word against blacks asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Hilarious, when the party that wants to deny blacks the right to vote through voting regulations and restrictions asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Keep wondering, I enjoy watching cons lose elections after elections. Say goodbye to the white house.

LBJ used the n word like a Sunday preacher uses Jesus.

Blacks were far better off, more prosperous and stable before LBJ destroyed the black male head of household. That's a fact
Hilarious when the party that suppresses blacks for generations and uses the N word against blacks asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Hilarious, when the party that wants to deny blacks the right to vote through voting regulations and restrictions asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Keep wondering, I enjoy watching cons lose elections after elections. Say goodbye to the white house.

LBJ used the n word like a Sunday preacher uses Jesus.

Blacks were far better off, more prosperous and stable before LBJ destroyed the black male head of household. That's a fact

LBJ died more than 40 years ago. I don't think he will be running this time.
Hilarious when the party that suppresses blacks for generations and uses the N word against blacks asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Hilarious, when the party that wants to deny blacks the right to vote through voting regulations and restrictions asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Keep wondering, I enjoy watching cons lose elections after elections. Say goodbye to the white house.

LBJ used the n word like a Sunday preacher uses Jesus.

Blacks were far better off, more prosperous and stable before LBJ destroyed the black male head of household. That's a fact

Here's how life works. Let the blacks decide what's good for them. LBJ is dead so is the old democratic party. All the southern democrats are today's republicans. Republicans are the party of exclusivity. They do not welcome minorities unless they are fabulously wealthy men with businesses and medical college level education.

Your refusal to accept republican party's racism is not going to fool the minoties. All minorities vote for democrats. The republican party has permanently lost the minorities. You might as well cater to the southern, white anti-gay evangelicals. That is where the republicans belong: In the church, hating gays and minorities.

Homophobia and racism are embedded permanently in the republican DNA. There's not much you or I can do about it.
I wonder what it says on the BACK of the shirt?

My hunch would be: "I believe that the HUMAN RACE is superior."

It also occurs to me that the "Fox News" image appears to be a photo shop job. Can't really tell for sure.

On the other hand, if there is some asshole racist pig dog (like Steve McGarret) who brags about the evidence that shows his last brain cells are all but dead, that doesn't support ANY proposition about the Tea Party.
Hilarious when the party that suppresses blacks for generations and uses the N word against blacks asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Hilarious, when the party that wants to deny blacks the right to vote through voting regulations and restrictions asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Keep wondering, I enjoy watching cons lose elections after elections. Say goodbye to the white house.

LBJ used the n word like a Sunday preacher uses Jesus.

Blacks were far better off, more prosperous and stable before LBJ destroyed the black male head of household. That's a fact

LBJ died more than 40 years ago. I don't think he will be running this time.

And W isn't President any more.

And this just in from Dallas. Kennedy has been SHOT!

But the Democrap Party DOES have a long sordid history of racism.
Hilarious when the party that suppresses blacks for generations and uses the N word against blacks asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Hilarious, when the party that wants to deny blacks the right to vote through voting regulations and restrictions asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Keep wondering, I enjoy watching cons lose elections after elections. Say goodbye to the white house.

LBJ used the n word like a Sunday preacher uses Jesus.

Blacks were far better off, more prosperous and stable before LBJ destroyed the black male head of household. That's a fact

LBJ died more than 40 years ago. I don't think he will be running this time.

And W isn't President any more.

And this just in from Dallas. Kennedy has been SHOT!

But the Democrap Party DOES have a long sordid history of racism.

Yes yes ye, I get it. Democrats are so racist, they attract: Blacks, latinos, Jews, women, gays, Asians, Muslims and virtually every other major ethnic group to their party. What a racist party isn't it? Democrats are so racist, they get 95% of black votes and 40% of the white votes and 70% of Jew votes and 75% of latino votes and 75% of gay votes and 60% of women's votes. I agree, democrats must be racist to attract such a diverse set of ethnic groups. LOL.
Hilarious when the party that suppresses blacks for generations and uses the N word against blacks asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Hilarious, when the party that wants to deny blacks the right to vote through voting regulations and restrictions asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Keep wondering, I enjoy watching cons lose elections after elections. Say goodbye to the white house.

LBJ used the n word like a Sunday preacher uses Jesus.

Blacks were far better off, more prosperous and stable before LBJ destroyed the black male head of household. That's a fact

LBJ died more than 40 years ago. I don't think he will be running this time.

And W isn't President any more.

And this just in from Dallas. Kennedy has been SHOT!

But the Democrap Party DOES have a long sordid history of racism.

History was then. This is now.
Hilarious when the party that suppresses blacks for generations and uses the N word against blacks asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Hilarious, when the party that wants to deny blacks the right to vote through voting regulations and restrictions asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Keep wondering, I enjoy watching cons lose elections after elections. Say goodbye to the white house.

LBJ used the n word like a Sunday preacher uses Jesus.

Blacks were far better off, more prosperous and stable before LBJ destroyed the black male head of household. That's a fact

LBJ died more than 40 years ago. I don't think he will be running this time.

And W isn't President any more.

And this just in from Dallas. Kennedy has been SHOT!

But the Democrap Party DOES have a long sordid history of racism.

Yes yes ye, I get it. Democrats are so racist, they attract: Blacks, latinos, Jews, women, gays, Asians, Muslims and virtually every other major ethnic group to their party. What a racist party isn't it? Democrats are so racist, they get 95% of black votes and 40% of the white votes and 70% of Jew votes and 75% of latino votes and 75% of gay votes and 60% of women's votes. I agree, democrats must be racist to attract such a diverse set of ethnic groups. LOL.

No no. Hacks like you are incapable of "getting" it.

The party of massive racism, your liberal Democrat Parody, ascribes "racism" now to all who dare to disagree with their socialist ideology. Mind you, they are still racists, they love them their race card "divide and conquer" mentality, but they believe that attempting to paint their oppoennts as racists will score them points with the more ignorant voters. They are partly correct. The mindless drones who on election day march like the proverbial lemmings off the cliff do tend to vote Democrat.


Because the Democrap Party DOES engage in endless manipulation of the truth with their handmaiden liberal media supporting them every step along the way.

This partly explains why your type is so hostile to Fox News. Imagine the NOIVE of those Fox News people seeking to disseminate a little truth when you want the hegemony on all "reporting" [sic].

Hilarious when the party that suppresses blacks for generations and uses the N word against blacks asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Hilarious, when the party that wants to deny blacks the right to vote through voting regulations and restrictions asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Keep wondering, I enjoy watching cons lose elections after elections. Say goodbye to the white house.

LBJ used the n word like a Sunday preacher uses Jesus.

Blacks were far better off, more prosperous and stable before LBJ destroyed the black male head of household. That's a fact

LBJ died more than 40 years ago. I don't think he will be running this time.

And W isn't President any more.

And this just in from Dallas. Kennedy has been SHOT!

But the Democrap Party DOES have a long sordid history of racism.

History was then. This is now.

Wrong, stupid.

They lived in the midst of history then.

As we are NOW.

What will "today" be, when tomorrow is here?

Ah. You're beginning to catch on. It will be "history."
Hilarious when the party that suppresses blacks for generations and uses the N word against blacks asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Hilarious, when the party that wants to deny blacks the right to vote through voting regulations and restrictions asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Keep wondering, I enjoy watching cons lose elections after elections. Say goodbye to the white house.

LBJ used the n word like a Sunday preacher uses Jesus.

Blacks were far better off, more prosperous and stable before LBJ destroyed the black male head of household. That's a fact

LBJ died more than 40 years ago. I don't think he will be running this time.

And W isn't President any more.

And this just in from Dallas. Kennedy has been SHOT!

But the Democrap Party DOES have a long sordid history of racism.

Yes yes ye, I get it. Democrats are so racist, they attract: Blacks, latinos, Jews, women, gays, Asians, Muslims and virtually every other major ethnic group to their party. What a racist party isn't it? Democrats are so racist, they get 95% of black votes and 40% of the white votes and 70% of Jew votes and 75% of latino votes and 75% of gay votes and 60% of women's votes. I agree, democrats must be racist to attract such a diverse set of ethnic groups. LOL.

No no. Hacks like you are incapable of "getting" it.

The party of massive racism, your liberal Democrat Parody, ascribes "racism" now to all who dare to disagree with their socialist ideology. Mind you, they are still racists, they love them their race card "divide and conquer" mentality, but they believe that attempting to paint their oppoennts as racists will score them points with the more ignorant voters. They are partly correct. The mindless drones who on election day march like the proverbial lemmings off the cliff do tend to vote Democrat.


Because the Democrap Party DOES engage in endless manipulation of the truth with their handmaiden liberal media supporting them every step along the way.

This partly explains why your type is so hostile to Fox News. Imagine the NOIVE of those Fox News people seeking to disseminate a little truth when you want the hegemony on all "reporting" [sic].


Hahahaha. Your paranoia is so funny. Democrats don't control any media. Listen to me: There's no liberal media. The media tells the truth and cons simply hate it. And if dems are manipulating the truth then the people will find out and NOT vote for the dems.

As I said I feel your helplessness. You are unable to attract the minorities so your only last minute hope is to call liberals racist. Yeah like Ann Coulter calling Barack Obama B. Hussein Obama.

So how did it all work out for you in 2008 and 2012? Did Romney and McCain win? LOL.
* * * *

Hahahaha. Your paranoia is so funny. Democrats don't control any media.

LOL. And you say that like you are capable of being honest or worthy of being taken seriously. (Pssst. You're dishonest assclown, in reality, so you are neither honest nor worthy of being taken seriously).

NBC, SEE BS and ABC as well as CNN, MSLSD and its ilk are entirely the aparatchik of the liberals.

Listen to me: There's no liberal media.

Nope. Shut your lying fart hole. There is a MAJOR liberal bias in the decidedly liberal main stream media. Denying it only shows you to be a liar yourself or a sub-cretin. Maybe both.

The rest of your wordy babbling post is unworthy of any further attention.

Go suck a bag of dicks.
Hilarious when the party that suppresses blacks for generations and uses the N word against blacks asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Hilarious, when the party that wants to deny blacks the right to vote through voting regulations and restrictions asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Keep wondering, I enjoy watching cons lose elections after elections. Say goodbye to the white house.

LBJ used the n word like a Sunday preacher uses Jesus.

Blacks were far better off, more prosperous and stable before LBJ destroyed the black male head of household. That's a fact

LBJ died more than 40 years ago. I don't think he will be running this time.

And W isn't President any more.

And this just in from Dallas. Kennedy has been SHOT!

But the Democrap Party DOES have a long sordid history of racism.

Yes yes ye, I get it. Democrats are so racist, they attract: Blacks, latinos, Jews, women, gays, Asians, Muslims and virtually every other major ethnic group to their party. What a racist party isn't it? Democrats are so racist, they get 95% of black votes and 40% of the white votes and 70% of Jew votes and 75% of latino votes and 75% of gay votes and 60% of women's votes. I agree, democrats must be racist to attract such a diverse set of ethnic groups. LOL.

No no. Hacks like you are incapable of "getting" it.

The party of massive racism, your liberal Democrat Parody, ascribes "racism" now to all who dare to disagree with their socialist ideology. Mind you, they are still racists, they love them their race card "divide and conquer" mentality, but they believe that attempting to paint their oppoennts as racists will score them points with the more ignorant voters. They are partly correct. The mindless drones who on election day march like the proverbial lemmings off the cliff do tend to vote Democrat.


Because the Democrap Party DOES engage in endless manipulation of the truth with their handmaiden liberal media supporting them every step along the way.

This partly explains why your type is so hostile to Fox News. Imagine the NOIVE of those Fox News people seeking to disseminate a little truth when you want the hegemony on all "reporting" [sic].


If all you claim is true, then you have already lost. I suggest you stock up on tin foil, and head for the compound.
News headlines tonight: "World Savior once again kicks Mylar's Ass on race relations all over USMB. Nothing new." The OP is right on about some Republicans.
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LBJ used the n word like a Sunday preacher uses Jesus.

Blacks were far better off, more prosperous and stable before LBJ destroyed the black male head of household. That's a fact

LBJ died more than 40 years ago. I don't think he will be running this time.

And W isn't President any more.

And this just in from Dallas. Kennedy has been SHOT!

But the Democrap Party DOES have a long sordid history of racism.

Yes yes ye, I get it. Democrats are so racist, they attract: Blacks, latinos, Jews, women, gays, Asians, Muslims and virtually every other major ethnic group to their party. What a racist party isn't it? Democrats are so racist, they get 95% of black votes and 40% of the white votes and 70% of Jew votes and 75% of latino votes and 75% of gay votes and 60% of women's votes. I agree, democrats must be racist to attract such a diverse set of ethnic groups. LOL.

No no. Hacks like you are incapable of "getting" it.

The party of massive racism, your liberal Democrat Parody, ascribes "racism" now to all who dare to disagree with their socialist ideology. Mind you, they are still racists, they love them their race card "divide and conquer" mentality, but they believe that attempting to paint their oppoennts as racists will score them points with the more ignorant voters. They are partly correct. The mindless drones who on election day march like the proverbial lemmings off the cliff do tend to vote Democrat.


Because the Democrap Party DOES engage in endless manipulation of the truth with their handmaiden liberal media supporting them every step along the way.

This partly explains why your type is so hostile to Fox News. Imagine the NOIVE of those Fox News people seeking to disseminate a little truth when you want the hegemony on all "reporting" [sic].


If all you claim is true, then you have already lost. I suggest you stock up on tin foil, and head for the compound.

What I claim is true and no, I haven't lost already and probably never will.

Nobody values what a schmuck self serving dishonest liberal hack like you "suggests" about anything.

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Hilarious when the party that suppresses blacks for generations and uses the N word against blacks asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Hilarious, when the party that wants to deny blacks the right to vote through voting regulations and restrictions asks "Why don't blacks vote for us?".

Keep wondering, I enjoy watching cons lose elections after elections. Say goodbye to the white house.

LBJ used the n word like a Sunday preacher uses Jesus.

Blacks were far better off, more prosperous and stable before LBJ destroyed the black male head of household. That's a fact

LBJ died more than 40 years ago. I don't think he will be running this time.

And W isn't President any more.

And this just in from Dallas. Kennedy has been SHOT!

But the Democrap Party DOES have a long sordid history of racism.

History was then. This is now.

Does this mean blacks can no longer use the excuse of slavery for their failures?
Thank God!! It's been a long time coming.
What you write is not true, Mylar, and you lose far more than you win. Life is unfair: there are those who are superior and there are those like you. Too many Republicans, iaw the OP, are Republican.

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