Here comes The 1619 Project to a school near you.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
There will be a major push by the Democrat elites running education to incorporate the 1619 Project into every public school system. The goal will be to brainwash every school age child into thinking their country AND THEIR VERY DNA is forever tainted with "The Original Sin" of slavery. Once that happens, it's over. The country is done and it will be run by Marxists and Race Pimps. To a large degree, it already is.

There will be a major push by the Democrat elites running education to incorporate the 1619 Project into every public school system. The goal will be to brainwash every school age child into thinking their country AND THEIR VERY DNA is forever tainted with "The Original Sin" of slavery. Once that happens, it's over. The country is done and it will be run by Marxists and Race Pimps. To a large degree, it already is.

Historical revisionism intended to instill and exacerbate within our children dread feelings of white guilt. At some point a majority of Americans will just want to murder all the motherfuckers who are poisoning the minds and hearts of their children against their great nation. What a sad but necessary day that will be.
There will be a major push by the Democrat elites running education to incorporate the 1619 Project into every public school system. The goal will be to brainwash every school age child into thinking their country AND THEIR VERY DNA is forever tainted with "The Original Sin" of slavery. Once that happens, it's over. The country is done and it will be run by Marxists and Race Pimps. To a large degree, it already is.

Just one of the reasons why if I had my way, public education would be eliminated entirely. Education would largely be turned over to the free market where in general parents would pay for educating their own kids out of their own pockets. It's my contention that parents would take much more interest in the quality of what their getting for their money while the compensation for good educators would go up while the shit in the system would be eliminated. A means to b provide for the poor would be provided but certinly not for free. Perhaps a system where the parents or the kids themselves could work it off by providing work in public works or something. But whatever is done the notion of free education needs to end as it never has been free and it never will be free. In fact we're all paying much much more for education than the value we're receiving. Most of all our children are shouldering the burden of ignorance and a very poor education. A burden they'll bear over the course of their entire lives.
Educating our children to the complete truth of our history should not be opposed by anyone. Every year from k-12 black children are taught they were slaves. While you're doing that to black kids I didn't see all the bitching about how it makes those kids feel. But for schools to actually include white wrongdoing we must read shitloads of posts by whining whites about how wrong it is for white kids to learn all sides no matter how painful. After all, it's not painful for blacks to be taught how we were slaves every year because the white man was superior.
There will be a major push by the Democrat elites running education to incorporate the 1619 Project into every public school system. The goal will be to brainwash every school age child into thinking their country AND THEIR VERY DNA is forever tainted with "The Original Sin" of slavery. Once that happens, it's over. The country is done and it will be run by Marxists and Race Pimps. To a large degree, it already is.

Can't have those poor little white kids learning the truth! They might turn into Democrats!
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Anyone of you actually read their web page? This project is 26 years old, the same age as my youngest child, yet as a history teacher, I have never heard of it. You education bashers really need to get an education for yourself!
The times, they are a-changing. It isn't the teacher's fault, they aren't the ones bringing in the 1619 project.
Anyone of you actually read their web page? This project is 26 years old, the same age as my youngest child, yet as a history teacher, I have never heard of it. You education bashers really need to get an education for yourself!
The times, they are a-changing. It isn't the teacher's fault, they aren't the ones bringing in the 1619 project.

I a telling you that this "project" does not exist in any schools with which I have worked or had kids or grandkids attend. Hysteria is such an ugly thing.

Show me a school that uses this program.
Anyone of you actually read their web page? This project is 26 years old, the same age as my youngest child, yet as a history teacher, I have never heard of it. You education bashers really need to get an education for yourself!
The times, they are a-changing. It isn't the teacher's fault, they aren't the ones bringing in the 1619 project.

I a telling you that this "project" does not exist in any schools with which I have worked or had kids or grandkids attend. Hysteria is such an ugly thing.

Show me a school that uses this program.
"The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit that is unaffiliated with the Pulitzer Prizes, released lesson plans and reading guides aimed at bringing The 1619 Project into classrooms. One of the two lesson plans the Pulitzer Center issued during the six months after the project was published focused on the magazine essay by Hannah-Jones. Schools or school districts in Chicago; Newark, N.J.; Buffalo, N.Y., and Washington, D.C. all announced 1619 Project-related events. The Pulitzer Center’s annual report says more than 3,500 classrooms used the materials. Nikole Hannah-Jones spoke at the Whitney Young Magnet High School in Chicago, at Weequahic High School in Newark, at R.J. Reynolds High School in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and at Washington D.C.’s Dunbar High School. She’s a regular presence on college campuses, with appearances in 2020 at Williams College, Morehouse College, Harvard Business School, Stanford, the University of Virginia, and the University of Michigan.

Random House Children’s Books announced plans to publish four 1619 Project books for young readers—one young adult, one middle-grade, and two picture books."-

So yeah, it's here....
Anyone of you actually read their web page? This project is 26 years old, the same age as my youngest child, yet as a history teacher, I have never heard of it. You education bashers really need to get an education for yourself!
The times, they are a-changing. It isn't the teacher's fault, they aren't the ones bringing in the 1619 project.

I a telling you that this "project" does not exist in any schools with which I have worked or had kids or grandkids attend. Hysteria is such an ugly thing.

Show me a school that uses this program.
"The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit that is unaffiliated with the Pulitzer Prizes, released lesson plans and reading guides aimed at bringing The 1619 Project into classrooms. One of the two lesson plans the Pulitzer Center issued during the six months after the project was published focused on the magazine essay by Hannah-Jones. Schools or school districts in Chicago; Newark, N.J.; Buffalo, N.Y., and Washington, D.C. all announced 1619 Project-related events. The Pulitzer Center’s annual report says more than 3,500 classrooms used the materials. Nikole Hannah-Jones spoke at the Whitney Young Magnet High School in Chicago, at Weequahic High School in Newark, at R.J. Reynolds High School in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and at Washington D.C.’s Dunbar High School. She’s a regular presence on college campuses, with appearances in 2020 at Williams College, Morehouse College, Harvard Business School, Stanford, the University of Virginia, and the University of Michigan.

Random House Children’s Books announced plans to publish four 1619 Project books for young readers—one young adult, one middle-grade, and two picture books."-
So yeah, it's here....
Every district listed is a poster child for education indoctrination that exists in a few schools across this country. Thank you for proving my point!
Anyone of you actually read their web page? This project is 26 years old, the same age as my youngest child, yet as a history teacher, I have never heard of it. You education bashers really need to get an education for yourself!
The times, they are a-changing. It isn't the teacher's fault, they aren't the ones bringing in the 1619 project.

I a telling you that this "project" does not exist in any schools with which I have worked or had kids or grandkids attend. Hysteria is such an ugly thing.

Show me a school that uses this program.
"The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit that is unaffiliated with the Pulitzer Prizes, released lesson plans and reading guides aimed at bringing The 1619 Project into classrooms. One of the two lesson plans the Pulitzer Center issued during the six months after the project was published focused on the magazine essay by Hannah-Jones. Schools or school districts in Chicago; Newark, N.J.; Buffalo, N.Y., and Washington, D.C. all announced 1619 Project-related events. The Pulitzer Center’s annual report says more than 3,500 classrooms used the materials. Nikole Hannah-Jones spoke at the Whitney Young Magnet High School in Chicago, at Weequahic High School in Newark, at R.J. Reynolds High School in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and at Washington D.C.’s Dunbar High School. She’s a regular presence on college campuses, with appearances in 2020 at Williams College, Morehouse College, Harvard Business School, Stanford, the University of Virginia, and the University of Michigan.

Random House Children’s Books announced plans to publish four 1619 Project books for young readers—one young adult, one middle-grade, and two picture books."-
So yeah, it's here....
Every district listed is a poster child for education indoctrination that exists in a few schools across this country. Thank you for proving my point!
They're just getting started, but I hope you're right.
Anyone of you actually read their web page? This project is 26 years old, the same age as my youngest child, yet as a history teacher, I have never heard of it. You education bashers really need to get an education for yourself!
The times, they are a-changing. It isn't the teacher's fault, they aren't the ones bringing in the 1619 project.

I a telling you that this "project" does not exist in any schools with which I have worked or had kids or grandkids attend. Hysteria is such an ugly thing.

Show me a school that uses this program.
"The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit that is unaffiliated with the Pulitzer Prizes, released lesson plans and reading guides aimed at bringing The 1619 Project into classrooms. One of the two lesson plans the Pulitzer Center issued during the six months after the project was published focused on the magazine essay by Hannah-Jones. Schools or school districts in Chicago; Newark, N.J.; Buffalo, N.Y., and Washington, D.C. all announced 1619 Project-related events. The Pulitzer Center’s annual report says more than 3,500 classrooms used the materials. Nikole Hannah-Jones spoke at the Whitney Young Magnet High School in Chicago, at Weequahic High School in Newark, at R.J. Reynolds High School in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and at Washington D.C.’s Dunbar High School. She’s a regular presence on college campuses, with appearances in 2020 at Williams College, Morehouse College, Harvard Business School, Stanford, the University of Virginia, and the University of Michigan.

Random House Children’s Books announced plans to publish four 1619 Project books for young readers—one young adult, one middle-grade, and two picture books."-
So yeah, it's here....
Every district listed is a poster child for education indoctrination that exists in a few schools across this country. Thank you for proving my point!
They're just getting started, but I hope you're right.
The program is 26 years old. It doesn't have any "legs". It took them that long to be used in a few liberal school districts. Most schools don't have time for that crap anyway!
As a school board member here for many years I was kept up on the curriculum. This was never found in our curriculum. We are a small rural district only about 90 kids in a graduating class.

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