Here Comes Pluto (2007-2012)


Apr 13, 2006
In November of this year, and for the whole of 2007, all the way up to 2012, there is a very major cycle thats going to begin. And it's the coming in of the planet Pluto.

In November of this year, Pluto will be crossing Galactic Center and channeling energy from the center of the Galaxy. And that's in Late Sagitarrius.

Pluto, also known as the planet of destruction (deconstruction) and radical change, will be crossing Galactic Center and channeling that energy from the Central Sun, beginning in November of this year (2007).

Pluto is presently approximately 24 degrees of Sagittarius. When it moves into Capricorn, the sign of order and government, ect., it augurs in cataclysmic upheavals and exposure of all corruption, in order to restore harmony, and a higher way of being. Individual lives will also dramatically transform. Pluto comes to check psychic immunity and brings in a deep cleansing cycle. It is nature's psychic surgeon.
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Pluto moves very slowly and therefore has a very dramatic effect on the Human Psyche and Civilizations.

As it approaches, it's going to get stronger and stronger like a dimmer turning up.

Pluto is connected with psychology. It was discovered in 1930, but it had been searched for at about 1900. Exactly the time that Sigmund Freud, the Austrian psychiatrist, and founder of psychoanalysis, started writing and releasing and publishing his works.

Pluto is very much the ruler of psychology. The word Sanity comes from the same root as the word Sanitize. Because what Pluto will do for all of us is to help Sanitize our minds from all the pollution we have been receiving.
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The nature of Pluto is similar to that of the Hindu "god" Shiva. Pluto usually begins by breaking down a structure, and then creates a new one in its place. The entire of cycle of death, destruction and renovation is accompanied by tremendous powers, for Pluto is not a mild or even very subtle planetary influence. It brings decay at one level or another.

Pluto also rules the death and regeneration of the Self, as old aspects of your life pass away. Pluto does not represent death in the literal sense, instead it refers to a metaphorical death, or something that ceases to be.
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Pluto rules when the Sun goes into the Winter seasonal cycle. And it's the same thing psychologically. Pluto rules what is known as the UnderWorld cycle in Alchemy or Psychology. And of course we all go through the UnderWorld cycle, whether we know about Astrology or not. It's often been called "The Dark Night of the Soul".

Carl Gustav Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist, said that, "The foundation of all mental illness is the unwillingness to experience legitimate suffering." And very soon Pluto is going to force us all to do just that. To face the deepest darkest corners of ourselves.

Cornel West once said that, "Sometimes it takes more courage to be yourself and to look at all the dark corners of yourself, than it does to fight on the battlefield."

Because we resist a certain amount of looking at the darkside, especially within ourselves, and of our unwillingness to do so, we suffer mental distress. It's our unwholesome unwillingness to do that which can cause us to become what we fear most. And the same goes for those around us.

And remember, all of us are going to have to go through this "UnderWorld" cycle, just as the Sun has to go through it's cycles of seasons. There will be no escaping it. We will all feel it's effects. The only difference is that you can decide to do it of your own free will, or you can be dragged.

The hanged man of the tarot has a smile on his lips. This symbolizes the willingless of Humanity to go through this deep cleansing cycle. After all, nobody forced Buddha to sit down in front of the tree and contemplate the meaning of Life. He chose to do it on his own free-will.
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You must willingly be crucified inside yourself and die on the inside to be reborn again. It's not that suffering is good, suffering has been built into the Universe you're going to have it just like you have pleasure. Suffering is not the problem. The resistance to it is the problem. To not be able to accept it for what it is. Thats the problem.

Countries go through these great cycles. Seasons go through them, and so does the Human Psyche. And in psychological terms, Pluto represents what is known as the "Shadow Self". This is what we will all be dealing with as Pluto completes it's cycle during this next 5 years.
It wont be drawing energy from the center of the galaxy, because the center of the galaxy is a giant black hole about 24,000 light years away. You should have said, its drawing energy from the center of the "solar system". Galaxy is very different from solar system.
It wont be drawing energy from the center of the galaxy, because the center of the galaxy is a giant black hole about 150 light years away. You should have said, its drawing energy from the center of the "solar system". Galaxy is very different from solar system.

Excellent point
And here I thought Pluto was just a ball of ice and dirt, so small and far away that nobody even knew about it until recently.


It is a tiny ball of ice, but it was in 3rd grade that we all found out about it. Maybe you were absent that day? Only until recently did we realize that it is too far to be effected by the suns gravitational pull, but its so small that it stays in the solar system because of nearby planets gravitational pull. So technically its not a true planet, its one of 40 dwarf planets because it does not use the mass of the sun, to travel through space. (plus its moon is half its size)
We will start to get close up photos of Pluto and Charon in 2014. NASA's New Horizon spacecraft has been flying toward Pluto and Charon for 530 days. There are 2839 days before closest encounter (July 2015): Pluto and Charon are a double minor planet, with other little moons in orbit. Here's the best ever image of Pluto and Charon snapped by the Hubble Space Telescope:


A more recent image that shows little moonlets in orbit around Pluto and Charon:


In Greek mythology, Pluto is the name given to Hades. And Charon is the ferryman who conveyed the dead to Hades over the river Styx.
It doesn't matter what science tries to say about Pluto not being a planet folks. The Ancients have been watching it for thousands upon thousands of years. And Astrologers will never take it out of their studies. It is the planet that governs Scorpio. That's not going to change.
We will start to get close up photos of Pluto and Charon in 2014. NASA's New Horizon spacecraft has been flying toward Pluto and Charon for 530 days. There are 2839 days before closest encounter (July 2015): Pluto and Charon are a double minor planet, with other little moons in orbit. Here's the best ever image of Pluto and Charon snapped by the Hubble Space Telescope:


A more recent image that shows little moonlets in orbit around Pluto and Charon:


In Greek mythology, Pluto is the name given to Hades. And Charon is the ferryman who conveyed the dead to Hades over the river Styx.

Thanks for the pictures One. In my opinion that was a very nice addition.
"The Shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort."

- Carl Jung
It doesn't matter what science tries to say about Pluto not being a planet folks. The Ancients have been watching it for thousands upon thousands of years. And Astrologers will never take it out of their studies. It is the planet that governs Scorpio. That's not going to change.
False. Pluto is not even visible without the aid of a telescope, so obviously it could not have been watched for "thousands of years." In fact, the dwarf planet Pluto was not discovered until 1930. This is the Pluto that NuclearWinter is referring to:


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