Zone1 Here Are The Old Testament Passages Describing The Foretold Jewish Messiah


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California

"Messiah would come to crush all the Gentile nations gathered against Israel and Jerusalem, save the repentant remnant of Israel, and provide security for Israel (Isa. 59:18–21; 63:1–6; Joel 3; Mic. 5:4–9; Zech. 14:12).
Messiah would rule and instruct all nations from David’s throne in Jerusalem (Isa. 2:1–4; 9:6–7; Jer. 23:5–6; Mic. 4:1–8; Zech. 14:9).
Messiah would combine the offices of King and Priest in Himself (Zech. 6:9–15).
Messiah would be glorious, the delight of the repentant Jews who survive the Tribulation, and the world’s center of attraction (Isa. 4:2; 11:10).
God’s Spirit would empower Messiah to be a righteous, faithful Judge and King (Isa. 11:2–5; 42:1–9).
Messiah’s government would be characterized by justice and peace (Isa. 9:7).
During Messiah’s reign, all animals would be tame and vegetarian in diet (Isa. 11:6–9; 65:25)."

Here are the books of the Old Testament

Who says Jesus was the Jewish Messiah? A handful of renegade Jews a few thousand years ago? What did teh overwhelming majority of Jews at the time think of those claims?
Jews believed you were cursed by God if you got hung on a tree (or wooden cross). It was Paul and pagan conversions that made Christianity what it is today. Without them, Christianity would likely have gone the way of most cults, into extinction.

"Messiah would come to crush all the Gentile nations gathered against Israel and Jerusalem, save the repentant remnant of Israel, and provide security for Israel (Isa. 59:18–21; 63:1–6; Joel 3; Mic. 5:4–9; Zech. 14:12).
This will occur at the second coming of Christ
Messiah would rule and instruct all nations from David’s throne in Jerusalem (Isa. 2:1–4; 9:6–7; Jer. 23:5–6; Mic. 4:1–8; Zech. 14:9).
Christ will come and reign for 1000 years at is second coming
Messiah would combine the offices of King and Priest in Himself (Zech. 6:9–15).
He is the king who will come and sit upon the throne of David and rule for 1000 years.
Messiah would be glorious, the delight of the repentant Jews who survive the Tribulation, and the world’s center of attraction (Isa. 4:2; 11:10).
After Jesus saves the Jews at his second coming, those who survive the tribulation will then worship him.
God’s Spirit would empower Messiah to be a righteous, faithful Judge and King (Isa. 11:2–5; 42:1–9).
a Millennial prophesy after his second coming.
Messiah’s government would be characterized by justice and peace (Isa. 9:7).
Again this will occur during his 1000 year Millennial reign.
During Messiah’s reign, all animals would be tame and vegetarian in diet (Isa. 11:6–9; 65:25)."
Another Millennial prophesy
Here are the books of the Old Testament

To be alive after Christ makes his second coming will truly be glorious.
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This will occur at the second coming of Christ

Christ will come and reign for 1000 years at is second coming

He is the king who will come and sit upon the throne of David and rule for 1000 years.

After Jesus saves the Jews at his second coming, those who survive the tribulation will then worship him.

a Millennial prophesy after his second coming.

Again this will during his 1000 year Millennial reign.

Another Millennial prophesy

To be alive after Christ makes his second coming will truly be glorious.
His generation has passed. Another failed prophecy for the Almighty Jesus.
Dang. Jesus was a horrible messiah.
There is more to the Messiah's works. He did not come 2000 years ago to do those things. He came to atone for Adam's sins and to lead us back by way of the resurrection. Zechariah chapter's 12 - 14 show the Messiah coming back, parting the Mount of Olives, standing in the midst of the opening with the people surrounding Him as he shows the wounds in His hands and feet. This is his coming in power and authority. But first, He had to receive those wounds through crucifixion and die first in order to be resurrected. Thus, there were two comings of the Lord. Are you ready for the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ?
Who says Jesus was the Jewish Messiah? A handful of renegade Jews a few thousand years ago? What did teh overwhelming majority of Jews at the time think of those claims?
Jesus was Jewish and the Messiah. Jewish Messiah. Now what?
Oh, the old safety in numbers routine.
Judaism insists there is only ONE divine Being-God Himself and he has no son.
Gen 1:26, "And God said, Let "us" make man in "our" image, after "our" likeness:...
Gen 3:22, "And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of "us, to know good and evil..."image refers to

So, here you have two Gods. "God" and "Lord God." Did anyone miss this? Almost everyone. When you read Genesis 4, it's the Lord or Lord God speaking with Adam and Eve outside the Garden. Verse on reiterates that we are made in the image of God, not Lord God. Why? Because God the Father is a resurrected being Himself and Lord God was still a spirit God, Jehovah. Note that in verse 3, Adam begat a son in his own "likeness", after his "image." Image refers to a physical image then. Thus, Father God has a physical body, perfect, resurrected, Celestial and Eternal forever. So, Lord God is His Son. Being called a God, He came down off His throne, descended to earth entering a physical body whom Father God impregnated Mary by in vitro fertilization method with the Holy Ghost (Spirit) as the doctor. This gives Jesus the Godlike power and authority on earth to be resurrected after he atoned for our sins. Thus, there is one Godhead of three separate and distinct personages, The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost.
Gen 1:26, "And God said, Let "us" make man in "our" image, after "our" likeness:...
Gen 3:22, "And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of "us, to know good and evil..."image refers to

So, here you have two Gods. "God" and "Lord God." Did anyone miss this? Almost everyone. When you read Genesis 4, it's the Lord or Lord God speaking with Adam and Eve outside the Garden. Verse on reiterates that we are made in the image of God, not Lord God. Why? Because God the Father is a resurrected being Himself and Lord God was still a spirit God, Jehovah. Note that in verse 3, Adam begat a son in his own "likeness", after his "image." Image refers to a physical image then. Thus, Father God has a physical body, perfect, resurrected, Celestial and Eternal forever. So, Lord God is His Son. Being called a God, He came down off His throne, descended to earth entering a physical body whom Father God impregnated Mary by in vitro fertilization method with the Holy Ghost (Spirit) as the doctor. This gives Jesus the Godlike power and authority on earth to be resurrected after he atoned for our sins. Thus, there is one Godhead of three separate and distinct personages, The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost.
nope----you are confused----as are ALL PEOPLE---by Hebrew grammar. One issue that confuses
you is that the plural is used as a superlative. (hebrew grammar <<<OY VEH)
nope----you are confused----as are ALL PEOPLE---by Hebrew grammar. One issue that confuses
you is that the plural is used as a superlative. (hebrew grammar <<<OY VEH)
I didn’t know “us” is Hebrew. Good to know. Oy Vey!!!
It’s so obvious that God is speaking to others. It’s plural dufus. And God and Lord God are two separate beings. One a little lower than the other. And, it wasn’t translated from Hebrew. Get over yourself.
I didn’t know “us” is Hebrew. Good to know. Oy Vey!!!
It’s so obvious that God is speaking to others. It’s plural dufus. And God and Lord God are two separate beings. One a little lower than the other. And, it wasn’t translated from Hebrew. Get over yourself.
nope-----it's a ,matter of grammar and translation. "US" is not hebrew-----I cannot think of
a way of translating an isolated "US" into hebrew----but I am no expert
Gen 1:26, "And God said, Let "us" make man in "our" image, after "our" likeness:...
Gen 3:22, "And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of "us, to know good and evil..."image refers to

So, here you have two Gods. "God" and "Lord God." Did anyone miss this? Almost everyone. When you read Genesis 4, it's the Lord or Lord God speaking with Adam and Eve outside the Garden. Verse on reiterates that we are made in the image of God, not Lord God. Why? Because God the Father is a resurrected being Himself and Lord God was still a spirit God, Jehovah. Note that in verse 3, Adam begat a son in his own "likeness", after his "image." Image refers to a physical image then. Thus, Father God has a physical body, perfect, resurrected, Celestial and Eternal forever. So, Lord God is His Son. Being called a God, He came down off His throne, descended to earth entering a physical body whom Father God impregnated Mary by in vitro fertilization method with the Holy Ghost (Spirit) as the doctor. This gives Jesus the Godlike power and authority on earth to be resurrected after he atoned for our sins. Thus, there is one Godhead of three separate and distinct personages, The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost.
Gen 1:26, "And God said, Let "us" make man in "our" image, after "our" likeness:...

you are confused - that's what moses said ....

Then God said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

- what jesus taught and those others in the 1st century that gave their lives, the heavenly religion of antiquity - liberation theology, self determination - the true beginning and setting for the journey requested by a&e for their unanimity w/ all those that came before them in paradise.

... who read past what moses wrote are doomed.
nope-----it's a ,matter of grammar and translation. "US" is not hebrew-----I cannot think of
a way of translating an isolated "US" into hebrew----but I am no expert
That proves it! Us means multiple people. Also, it’s so obvious you are trying to ignor the obvious. Jesus is the Son of the Father God and also a member of the one true Godhead. God is just a title.
Moses wrote that “God said.” Not him. So, God said let “us” make man in our image and likeness. Since he made male and female, not only are their other members of the Godhead, God the Father has at least one wife.

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