Obama should sit his treasonous ass down on a large icicle. At the very least it would remove the smug, self-satisfied, self-righteous look from his purple-lipped, inverted-crucifix-nosed, Chia-pet-headed, rodent-featured face. Never has there been a president with such a fearful revulsion of American success, American patriotism, American military, American favorite traditions, American anything! It's a fact, not my opinion, that Typhoid Barry was the only president in history to badmouth and whine about his own country whenever he gave speeches abroad. ZERO gratitude for the privileged, 1st world that America gave this ultimate spoiled brat and the Star-Trek-salt-vampire hermaphrodite he married.
LOL ... Kewl stuff from Henry! :cool-45:

Many are fed up, and they want better than the race baiting, innocent white hating, evil contemplating, manipulating Demon-crats to quit using people as pawns in their hunger for power and excess. I can understand where that individual is coming from. It is a frustration because the wrong way of going about things has been what has been going on for far to long now, and the ignoring of the fall out after power was gained was a huge spit into the eyes of those who believed in those they were voting for.
Another fine race-baiting thread, typical from USMB conservatives.

But then, what else do conservatives have? Americans hate conservative positions on nearly every single issue, so conservatives have to deflect somehow. They do that with identity politics and race-baiting.
Another fine race-baiting thread, typical from USMB conservatives.

But then, what else do conservatives have? Americans hate conservative positions on nearly every single issue, so conservatives have to deflect somehow. They do that with identity politics and race-baiting.

The only race baiters are Demorats and liberals , with Obama at the top.
Another fine race-baiting thread, typical from USMB conservatives.

But then, what else do conservatives have? Americans hate conservative positions on nearly every single issue, so conservatives have to deflect somehow. They do that with identity politics and race-baiting.

Yea .gotcha, Americans hate a great economy, and a protected border:290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:
Obummer once again shows his lack of couth. He was so fortunate that Bush Jr. backed off and respected Obummer's space without stepping into the public spotlight to criticize and ridicule Obummer's anti-American agenda.
Obummer is a low-class, narcissistic fool who cannot accept that President Trump is reversing so many of Obummer's hate-filled, pen-and-phone attacks on our Constitution.
Another fine race-baiting thread, typical from USMB conservatives.

But then, what else do conservatives have? Americans hate conservative positions on nearly every single issue, so conservatives have to deflect somehow. They do that with identity politics and race-baiting.
A successful economy and a safer world. To me, that's enough.
Obama should sit his treasonous ass down on a large icicle. At the very least it would remove the smug, self-satisfied, self-righteous look from his purple-lipped, inverted-crucifix-nosed, Chia-pet-headed, rodent-featured face. Never has there been a president with such a fearful revulsion of American success, American patriotism, American military, American favorite traditions, American anything! It's a fact, not my opinion, that Typhoid Barry was the only president in history to badmouth and whine about his own country whenever he gave speeches abroad. ZERO gratitude for the privileged, 1st world that America gave this ultimate spoiled brat and the Star-Trek-salt-vampire hermaphrodite he married.
So he has to sit still for Trump's hate and b******* against him and racist assholes like you? I don't think so. Maybe you jackasses May figure out what class is...
Another fine race-baiting thread, typical from USMB conservatives.

But then, what else do conservatives have? Americans hate conservative positions on nearly every single issue, so conservatives have to deflect somehow. They do that with identity politics and race-baiting.
So you affirm that people also hate conservative blacks, and if one speaks his or her mind it is merely a distraction ??

Are the dead blacks in Chicago just another distraction, because Oh Henry brings them up as well ??
Another fine race-baiting thread, typical from USMB conservatives.

But then, what else do conservatives have? Americans hate conservative positions on nearly every single issue, so conservatives have to deflect somehow. They do that with identity politics and race-baiting.
So what you're saying is the black man in the video is racist?

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