Helping the "liberation" along with a potential map


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
U.S.A. gone wild
Yeah, we get it. Play by your rules or you won't play. That's alright, if you have to. Besides, we won't miss the BS.

You can't have both coast lines. I know you wanna, but that's silly. At any rate, I built a wall for a border. and you'll have to pay for half. Everyone makes a choice, doesn't mean you have to move. We'll be two independent nations under different laws and ethics. Conservatives get the American flags, the allegiance, anthem, etc. You have no use for them anyway. We'll take the Constitution too. Take a copy and revise to your heart's content. This is going to be great for the economy short term. It's a wait and see who can sustain.

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We may need to split South Dakota. Doesn't look quite fair. I just couldn't see giving the liberation any soil in Texas and above. Those people would be pissed. We get more land. After all, you have Yellowstone, Yosemite, Redwoods, Oregon coast. I change my mind you get east of the wall, South Dakota and Hawaii, and we get the rest, plus Texas and Alaska
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No the wealthy blue states west and east will join the same country, it won't matter if they aren't connected it never has. Alaska hangs out there like a booger that won't drop off.

All the southern and Klan states up to Nebraska, over to Missouri, Kentucky and North Carolina. That would be the main red country. From Missesota to Illionois and over to the east coast would be blue. Utah and Arizona and Colorado and New Mexico will have to have their population transfer with UT and AZ going to the California Republic and Colorado and New Mexico going over to Hillbillyland. Also the sourthern part of the last four states up north west would go to Hillbillyland while the northern parts of Montana and North Dakota would go over to the California Republic.

The Confederacy would have full access to the Carribean and access to the Atlantic, while the California Republic would control the west coast and northern east coast. Hawaii stays blue and Alaska would stay red.

Let's all start this movement to break the country up, I know there are already a number of red states that would love to leave so all it will take is a consensus that it's time to move on to something new.
No the wealthy blue states west and east will join the same country, it won't matter if they aren't connected it never has. Alaska hangs out there like a booger that won't drop off.

All the southern and Klan states up to Nebraska, over to Missouri, Kentucky and North Carolina. That would be the main red country. From Missesota to Illionois and over to the east coast would be blue. Utah and Arizona and Colorado and New Mexico will have to have their population transfer with UT and AZ going to the California Republic and Colorado and New Mexico going over to Hillbillyland. Also the sourthern part of the last four states up north west would go to Hillbillyland while the northern parts of Montana and North Dakota would go over to the California Republic.

The Confederacy would have full access to the Carribean and access to the Atlantic, while the California Republic would control the west coast and northern east coast. Hawaii stays blue and Alaska would stay red.

Let's all start this movement to break the country up, I know there are already a number of red states that would love to leave so all it will take is a consensus that it's time to move on to something new.

Incorrect. Larger cities tend to swing left as they decay. Doesn't mean you get them. I realize there's a liberal entitlement factor, but the liberation DOES NOT get both coast lines. Remember, this wasn't our idea, we're accommodating for the good of mankind.
No the wealthy blue states west and east will join the same country, it won't matter if they aren't connected it never has. Alaska hangs out there like a booger that won't drop off.

All the southern and Klan states up to Nebraska, over to Missouri, Kentucky and North Carolina. That would be the main red country. From Missesota to Illionois and over to the east coast would be blue. Utah and Arizona and Colorado and New Mexico will have to have their population transfer with UT and AZ going to the California Republic and Colorado and New Mexico going over to Hillbillyland. Also the sourthern part of the last four states up north west would go to Hillbillyland while the northern parts of Montana and North Dakota would go over to the California Republic.

The Confederacy would have full access to the Carribean and access to the Atlantic, while the California Republic would control the west coast and northern east coast. Hawaii stays blue and Alaska would stay red.

Let's all start this movement to break the country up, I know there are already a number of red states that would love to leave so all it will take is a consensus that it's time to move on to something new.

Incorrect. Larger cities tend to swing left as they decay. Doesn't mean you get them. I realize there's a liberal entitlement factor, but the liberation DOES NOT get both coast lines. Remember, this wasn't our idea, we're accommodating for the good of mankind.

Jesus your delusions are deep.

Red states are the takers, they get by far the most welfare from the federal government which is taken from the producer states, the blue states.The wealth is produced and concentrated in the blue states.

Cons you should rejoice about the country breaking up, you'll get to have all the Isis style government you want. You can outlaw all other religions except your fake kristianity, outlaw all human colors except white, reinstate slavery, eliminate all science classes from all your schools and replace them with 8 hours of Fake Kristianity indoctrination classes. Make belief in evolution, science, knowledge, enlightenment, gravity, light, quantum physics, and decency towards other people a crime, have only nascar and fishing tv shows as sports. Eliminate the minimum wage and child labor laws so children can be forced to work for 50 cents an hour on 12 hour days. It will be a red state nirvana. Can you imagine. So let's git er done and break the country apart so you can get busy walling yourselves off from the rest of humanity.

You've already done it in your heads, might as well do it in the real world now.
Say Isaac Newton, you should educate yourself on the following. Still sorry you don't get both coastlines. I know you feel entitled, but you're allowing your selfishness cloud brain function.

Articles: The Myth of Red State Welfare

Solved: Why Poor States Are Red and Rich States Are Blue

Exploding the left’s red state myths

Welfare Caseloads total families (per capita) statistics - states compared - Statemaster

There's also a difference in tax structures, by state, which requires an analysis to see your opinion is misled. That and you can add economies of scale. Ever heard of it?
Say Isaac Newton, you should educate yourself on the following. Still sorry you don't get both coastlines. I know you feel entitled, but you're allowing your selfishness cloud brain function.

Articles: The Myth of Red State Welfare

Solved: Why Poor States Are Red and Rich States Are Blue

Exploding the left’s red state myths

Welfare Caseloads total families (per capita) statistics - states compared - Statemaster

There's also a difference in tax structures, by state, which requires an analysis to see your opinion is misled. That and you can add economies of scale. Ever heard of it?

Each state would vote where to go, except red states, their dear leader whoever that was would dictate to them what to do. And you'd kneel and say "thank you sir".

And I'm sure you have a hard drive full of alt-right websites that 'prove' anything that your mind believes. I say good, you need to believe the roads in Mississippi are paved in gold? Then you should be ecstatic about leaving the union.

We are in agreement, it's time to dissolve the union so join in on any secession movement in your state and let's get this done. It won't take long to build enough momentum to make it happen. The the red states can erect their Caliphate and require allegiance to jeezus to be a citizen. Let's roll!
Incorrect. You're a selfish human. LEGAL individuals vote on which coast line they want. It will be our last vote as a 50 state nation. Really, everyone will have the choice where to live regardless how they voted, provided they're a US. citizen. Of course the illegals will follow the "liberation".

Don't want to play fair, take a wild guess which direction our military and police force lean? That and you're forgetting the right controls the house, POUS, senate and Gobernational.

Besides, you're not using plain old common sense. You want to distinguish nations over how many borders? Who does this exactly? Answer NO ONE. It makes no sense. Imagine having the same neighbor in all directions.

Change your avatar to something more representative. Newton would be ashamed.

Here are the voting options:

Mainland (pick one):
1. "Liberation" - East side
2. "Liberation" - West side
3. "USA" - East side
4. "USA" - West side

Hawaii and Alaska (pick one):
5. "Liberation" - Hawaii
6. "Liberation" - Alaska
7. "USA" - Hawaii
8. "USA" - Alaska

Simple, fair and straightforward. For the official record, I choose #4 and #8. And we get Clint Eastwood.
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