CDZ Helping Rape Victims come forward.

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Every misogynist asshole in America should be forced to spend at least a couple of hours reading here.
Tens if not hundreds of thousands of women who didn't report and why.
News about #whyididntreport on Twitter
Perhaps even Donald could handle 280 characters at a time?
Nah, he thinks 14 year olds should have gone to Mommy and Daddy back in the early 80s.
I agree that it was horrendous but I dont [sic] agree with your underlying point that it was a big conspiracy against poor white girls. The media broke the story and has covered it in depth.
Anyway, that being said perhaps you could address the OP>

Your corrupt government, for a time, suppressed coverage of these events, and even put a reporter in prison for covering them. And you cheered it all on. It seems that you only care for alleged rape victims when they are useful for promoting a political agenda that you support.
Apparently most rapes do not get reported by the victims.

Which means that many rapists are out there and free to carry on with their crimes.

Do you think the culture today is sympthetic to victims or should more be done to help them ?

If so what should, or could , be done ?

False accusations hurt the effort more than anything can help.
Apparently most rapes do not get reported by the victims.

Which means that many rapists are out there and free to carry on with their crimes.

Do you think the culture today is sympthetic to victims or should more be done to help them ?

If so what should, or could , be done ?
How is it apparently if they are unreported?

The claim of unreported rape has been around a long time.

But no one can answer how we can know how many there are if they are unreported.

By definition unreported means no data or knowledge of then.

I am sure some crimes including rape go unreported but trying to measure them when they are unreported is an exercise in futility.
Every misogynist asshole in America should be forced to spend at least a couple of hours reading here.
Tens if not hundreds of thousands of women who didn't report and why.
News about #whyididntreport on Twitter
Perhaps even Donald could handle 280 characters at a time?
Nah, he thinks 14 year olds should have gone to Mommy and Daddy back in the early 80s.
Reading through this proves what I thought which is that nothing on Twitter supports the op.

One of the first posts is from someone who claims they DID report it but were not believed. Others make similar claims.

Many if not most claim acts of sexual assault not rape.

Some are from men saying they were raped.

Tweets simply do not work as credible evidence for the op.

Questioning data and methods of measuring data is not misogyny nor is upholding the standard of innocent till proven guilty.

You have to work harder to prove misogyny.
Apparently most rapes do not get reported by the victims.

Which means that many rapists are out there and free to carry on with their crimes.

Do you think the culture today is sympthetic to victims or should more be done to help them ?

If so what should, or could , be done ?

One of the issues with the #MeToo movement that we saw immediately is the number of women that came forward that could not differentiate between quid pro quo sex, bad sex, consent to have sex with someone and mentally not really wanting to and rape.

That is an issue. Instead of moving forward, you are going backwards.

You know who is not reporting it? Women that live on the margins of society. Homeless women, women who are prostitutes, women who have children that are forced into having sex for housing, strippers, women and girls that struggle with mental illness, sexual abuse occurring within the family and addicts.
If you are relying on the National Crime Victim Response Survey (NCVRS) then be aware that this is not an adequate tool and, therefore, tells you nothing for the exact same reason that is useless in other areas.

So, is the culture today sympathetic to victims? Yes--and no. If you are in one of the above categories then it isn't in your face media leading discussions. Newspapers, local broadcasters, national news have no problem putting someone's face on the front page that has been accused. Slow on the uptake when it has been determined that same someone is not guilty.

So, where in culture are these addressed? Women only groups in domestic violence programs, substance abuse treatment programs, sexual abuse services, prisons, etc. because you are dealing with underlying causes which is most often trauma. They have been for a good 30 years.

You know who else is not reporting it? Boys and men have great difficulty coming forward.
just a comment but the biggest concern of mine is the way that the Concept of ' Innocent until Proved Guilty' is being disregarded , disrespected or watered down and that concept is the most important thing .
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just a comment but the biggest concern of mine is the way that the Concept of ' Innocent until Proved Guilty' is being disregarded , disrespected or watered down and that concept is the most important thing .

It's intentional. It's about being tried in the court of public opinion.
Thankyou and sure its 'Intentional ' most everything done today is Intentional or popularity or polling driven , its disgusting .
They are aware that much of what they are putting forward will not survive in court. It has less to do with coming forward and more to do with telling people not just what to think but how to think.
aw , some people don't trust the Courts or the Judges or lots of other Officials and Authorities Desir .
but the damage is already done by then.....tabliods.....talking heads....etc
---------------------------------------------------- and to add , public schools and young hip hoping teachers which quite often teach the popular BS to young kids with heads full of mush .
'Napoleonic System of Law or USA Western and English based system of Law ?? ------------ and a question , in Western Law or USA Law it is is Innocent until Proven Guilty but it is Guilty until Proven Innocent in mexico for example isn't it ?? And 'guilty till proven innocent' works just fine in other parts of the world doesn't it ?? 'mexico' for one , i think that a guy or girl is 'Guilty until proven Innocent' in 'mexico' aren't they ?? And the USA is sure importing lots of mexicans and other third worlders . Maybe the USA just wants them to be comfortable here while they sit in jail in the USA . Plus i think it it makes it easier for Government to hang someone if they are known as guilty and then have the burden of proving themselves to be INNOCENT .
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Apparently most rapes do not get reported by the victims.

Which means that many rapists are out there and free to carry on with their crimes.

Do you think the culture today is sympthetic to victims or should more be done to help them ?

If so what should, or could , be done ?

Yes...the culture is far more helpful to rape victims than ever before. I have relative who is a police officer. They had a young girl arrested for prostitution and he told her....I know you are being trafficked and we can help you...he didn't take the old view of her being a criminal...... the view of women being attacked has changed..... it would be nice if the other party would stop using that as a weapon against normal men.
Apparently most rapes do not get reported by the victims.

Which means that many rapists are out there and free to carry on with their crimes.

Do you think the culture today is sympthetic to victims or should more be done to help them ?

If so what should, or could , be done ?

Well, maybe in the UK, the rapes of young British girls should not be brushed under the rug if the rapists are "Asian" minorities, right? I mean you could start there.
I think a lot of lessons have been learned there. But that is just a small part of the overall picture.

That is a horrendous part of the overall picture, at least in the UK. Underage girls, adult men. The adult men were not held to account because they weren't the right skin tone and religion. The media was hush about it for political correctness. The girls didn't matter as much because they were poor and white.

Utterly, utterly horrendous. Shameful.
I agree that it was horrendous but I dont agree with your underlying point that it was a big conspiracy against poor white girls. The media broke the story and has covered it in depth.
Anyway, that being said perhaps you could address the OP>

The media finally covered it...after the police, the bureaucracy actively ignored the abuse and the repeated calls for help from the victims.....
I agree that it was horrendous but I dont [sic] agree with your underlying point that it was a big conspiracy against poor white girls. The media broke the story and has covered it in depth.
Anyway, that being said perhaps you could address the OP>

Your corrupt government, for a time, suppressed coverage of these events, and even put a reporter in prison for covering them. And you cheered it all on. It seems that you only care for alleged rape victims when they are useful for promoting a political agenda that you support.
No journalists have been jailed for reporting on these events. Perhaps you could address the OP ?
just a comment but the biggest concern of mine is the way that the Concept of ' Innocent until Proved Guilty' is being disregarded , disrespected or watered down and that concept is the most important thing .
I do think that both sides should be granted anonymity in these cases. In the UK the victims name is kept private but the accused is named.
I believe that this is done deliberately by the police to flush out other victims.I dont think it aids justice.
Apparently most rapes do not get reported by the victims.

Which means that many rapists are out there and free to carry on with their crimes.

Do you think the culture today is sympthetic to victims or should more be done to help them ?

If so what should, or could , be done ?

Yes...the culture is far more helpful to rape victims than ever before. I have relative who is a police officer. They had a young girl arrested for prostitution and he told her....I know you are being trafficked and we can help you...he didn't take the old view of her being a criminal...... the view of women being attacked has changed..... it would be nice if the other party would stop using that as a weapon against normal men.
There needs to be an attitude change.That is a good example of more progressive thinking.
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