
My name is Ron. I'm from the Big Country of Texas. I am looking forward to some intelligent conversations.
Name some Texas inventions that drive the world economy!
Not Ron, but...

Interesting trivia about #9, Liquid Paper... the inventor, Bette Nesmith Graham... She is the mother of Mike Nesmith of The Monkees.

Welcome to the Jungle.
My name is Ron. I'm from the Big Country of Texas. I am looking forward to some intelligent conversations.
Hi Ron rowdyronabilene
I am a Constitutionalist in Houston.
I support both fellow Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Greens and Constitutionalist/Christians in governing our own member programs under our own parties, similar to religious organizations funding and running schools, hospitals and programs.
And separating political beliefs from govt in order for public policy to remain neutral and represent consent of all taxpayers.

I believe Texas can lead the nation by setting up this type of reform by example.

Instead of seceding or dividing into 5 states, why not separate taxation and jurisdiction into 5 parties.

Keep all the political differences in beliefs out of Govt and stick to the Constitution where Govt doesn't dictate or regulate social policy. But people DIY on our own, Texas style, then we tell govt what we hire public servants to do.

Mostly national defense and public security, while more social programs can be better managed democratically by state or county districts and party precincts.

I am glad to see you join us here!
Welcome aboard, and let's show 'em how it's done!

Yours truly,

Equal fan of KSEV Conservative Radio and KPFT public radio.
I support freedom of speech equally for Trump and Cruz as well as Ocasio-Cortez and Tulsi Gabbard. Taking the best of everyone's ideas and correcting the worst.

This board has the BEST Mods.
Take full advantage of right to free expression, just make sure you include one line of content in each post that applies to the OP subject. Read the rules in special Zones, and ask questions by PM if you have issues with moderation that can't be discussed publicly on threads.

Take care, enjoy and tell it like it is!
I thought texas was a state.
If you waiting for republicans to have intelligent conversations, find another forum.
Maybe Big Country is a pun, where both meanings apply Colin norris

Texas is big enough to accommodate both strong followings of Liberal Democrats, Progressive Greens who believe in Decentralizing Govt, Conservative Republicans, Independent Libertarians and Christian Constitutionalists.

Right now I'm trying to collaborate with Christian Anarchists who see secession as their only avenue to coexist with people of Statist beliefs.

I think Texas can pull off organizing 5 independent party administrations instead of splitting into 5 states.

Any other Texans here willing to explore this idea?



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