Hello Mr. Capitalism and All Members


Aug 13, 2009
My site is BringBackCapitalism.com. Looking forward to some interesting discussions now that the world has changed so much.

What upsets me most about our current system? Rewarding Failure at the Expense of those who deserve success. Back in April, when Bank of America announced they had failed the "Stress Test" much worse than anticipated, BofA stock rose almost 20% that day. The more conservative banks who prepared for a major correction were hardly up in price. Capitalism officially ended in the eyes of the market. "Greed is Good" was replaced with "Insolvency is Good"!
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It sure has! Or not...

Contrary to the conventional wisdom, the historical fact is that the rich countries did not develop on the basis of the policies and the institutions that they now recommend to, and often force upon, the developing countries. Unfortunately, this fact is little known these days because the “official historians” of capitalism have been very successful in re-writing its history.

Almost all of today’s rich countries used tariff protection and subsidies to develop their industries. Interestingly, Britain and the USA, the two countries that are supposed to have reached the summit of the world economy through their free-market, free-trade policy, are actually the ones that had most aggressively used protection and subsidies.


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