Heller and McDonald win as Trump gets elected...2nd Amendment wins over gun grabbing hilary....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Heller and McDonald won last night. Hilary stated that Heller was wrongly decided....and America chose to disagree.......

Americans Vote To Preserve Heller, Second Amendment - Breitbart

The race between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton shined a spotlight on the Supreme Court ruling in District of Columbia v Heller (2008) in particular and the Second Amendment in general.

Time and again Clinton openly admitted her disagreement with Heller–and her plan to use SCOTUS to tweak or reverse it–while simultaneously pushing enough gun control to abolish the Second Amendment. Trump took the opposite position: vowing to defend Heller with SCOTUS justices “in the mold of Justice Scalia” and to maintain the Second Amendment “in its strongest form.”

Clinton promised universal background checks, an “assault weapons” ban, a “high capacity” magazine ban, and numerous other gun controls. Trump promised to save the Second Amendment from “people like Hillary Clinton.” And he voiced direct opposition to expanding background checks or instituting “assault weapon” or “high capacity” magazine bans.

Clinton raged against “weapons of war” after a gunman opened fire on innocents in the Orlando Pulse nightclub. Trump’s consistent message was that Americans ought to be able to own the “firearm of their choice” and that gun-free zones pose a threat by disarming citizens.

Throughout the race for the White House, Clinton made clear that she did not agree with the Heller ruling–a ruling which reaffirmed that the right to keep and bear arms was an individual right.
Heller and McDonald won nothing, because they were not at risk.
California passed all the crazy liberal policies. Every ammo purchase now has to have a waiting period and a background check.
California passed all the crazy liberal policies. Every ammo purchase now has to have a waiting period and a background check.

Guess what.........they can now take it to the Supreme Court...and have a chance to have the lunacy overturned..............that is what happens when you win elections........
California passed all the crazy liberal policies. Every ammo purchase now has to have a waiting period and a background check.

Guess what.........they can now take it to the Supreme Court...and have a chance to have the lunacy overturned..............that is what happens when you win elections........
Or lose elections. Only the loony gun rights crazies believe our guns are at risk.
Heller and McDonald won nothing, because they were not at risk.

All the people being shot sure didn't win.

And background checks didn't stop the felons from getting guns....but the 1,500,000 Times Americans use guns to stop violent criminals.....they did, in fact, win.
I'll be watching the numbers. We have more guns so there better be less crime. Not looking good though. But I know you have excuses right?
California passed all the crazy liberal policies. Every ammo purchase now has to have a waiting period and a background check.

Guess what.........they can now take it to the Supreme Court...and have a chance to have the lunacy overturned..............that is what happens when you win elections........
Or lose elections. Only the loony gun rights crazies believe our guns are at risk.

Yeah..you are posting in a thread where they just passed another useless gun law that only affects normal gun owners...who don't use their guns to commit crimes or murder....
Heller and McDonald won nothing, because they were not at risk.

All the people being shot sure didn't win.

And background checks didn't stop the felons from getting guns....but the 1,500,000 Times Americans use guns to stop violent criminals.....they did, in fact, win.
I'll be watching the numbers. We have more guns so there better be less crime. Not looking good though. But I know you have excuses right?

Hey twit......we had 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people in 1997 carried guns for self defense......now, in 2016...we have 357-400 million guns in private hands and close to 15 million people carrying guns for self defense....

And in that time the gun murder rate dropped 49% and both the fatal and non fatal gun accident rate also dropped.....

less crime has already happened...as more Americans bought and carried guns....
Heller and McDonald won nothing, because they were not at risk.

All the people being shot sure didn't win.

And background checks didn't stop the felons from getting guns....but the 1,500,000 Times Americans use guns to stop violent criminals.....they did, in fact, win.
I'll be watching the numbers. We have more guns so there better be less crime. Not looking good though. But I know you have excuses right?

Hey twit......we had 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people in 1997 carried guns for self defense......now, in 2016...we have 357-400 million guns in private hands and close to 15 million people carrying guns for self defense....

And in that time the gun murder rate dropped 49% and both the fatal and non fatal gun accident rate also dropped.....

less crime has already happened...as more Americans bought and carried guns....
I'll be watching the numbers. Last I checked fatal accidents were going up fast. Police in other countries dont get shot and killed like ours. Crime went down under Bill Clinton, I expect no less from Trump.
Heller and McDonald won nothing, because they were not at risk.

All the people being shot sure didn't win.

And background checks didn't stop the felons from getting guns....but the 1,500,000 Times Americans use guns to stop violent criminals.....they did, in fact, win.
I'll be watching the numbers. We have more guns so there better be less crime. Not looking good though. But I know you have excuses right?

Hey twit......we had 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people in 1997 carried guns for self defense......now, in 2016...we have 357-400 million guns in private hands and close to 15 million people carrying guns for self defense....

And in that time the gun murder rate dropped 49% and both the fatal and non fatal gun accident rate also dropped.....

less crime has already happened...as more Americans bought and carried guns....
I'll be watching the numbers. Last I checked fatal accidents were going up fast. Police in other countries dont get shot and killed like ours. Crime went down under Bill Clinton, I expect no less from Trump.

Sorry....you are wrong......when you weren't posting Tennessee changed their data....from 105...to 19.....the CDC updated their number.......the fatal gun accident rate went down in 2014...not up....again....
All the people being shot sure didn't win.

And background checks didn't stop the felons from getting guns....but the 1,500,000 Times Americans use guns to stop violent criminals.....they did, in fact, win.
I'll be watching the numbers. We have more guns so there better be less crime. Not looking good though. But I know you have excuses right?

Hey twit......we had 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people in 1997 carried guns for self defense......now, in 2016...we have 357-400 million guns in private hands and close to 15 million people carrying guns for self defense....

And in that time the gun murder rate dropped 49% and both the fatal and non fatal gun accident rate also dropped.....

less crime has already happened...as more Americans bought and carried guns....
I'll be watching the numbers. Last I checked fatal accidents were going up fast. Police in other countries dont get shot and killed like ours. Crime went down under Bill Clinton, I expect no less from Trump.

Sorry....you are wrong......when you weren't posting Tennessee changed their data....from 105...to 19.....the CDC updated their number.......the fatal gun accident rate went down in 2014...not up....again....
That would be good news, link?
California passed all the crazy liberal policies. Every ammo purchase now has to have a waiting period and a background check.

Guess what.........they can now take it to the Supreme Court...and have a chance to have the lunacy overturned..............that is what happens when you win elections........
Or lose elections. Only the loony gun rights crazies believe our guns are at risk.
And there was a time when if you were asked if same sex marriage would be made legal you would have been laughed out of town. Put enough whacky left justices on the supreme court and the 2nd amendment can be "interpreted" practically out of existence.
Heller and McDonald won nothing, because they were not at risk.

All the people being shot sure didn't win.

And background checks didn't stop the felons from getting guns....but the 1,500,000 Times Americans use guns to stop violent criminals.....they did, in fact, win.
I'll be watching the numbers. We have more guns so there better be less crime. Not looking good though. But I know you have excuses right?

Hey twit......we had 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people in 1997 carried guns for self defense......now, in 2016...we have 357-400 million guns in private hands and close to 15 million people carrying guns for self defense....

And in that time the gun murder rate dropped 49% and both the fatal and non fatal gun accident rate also dropped.....

less crime has already happened...as more Americans bought and carried guns....
I'll be watching the numbers. Last I checked fatal accidents were going up fast. Police in other countries dont get shot and killed like ours. Crime went down under Bill Clinton, I expect no less from Trump.
More cops shot because the pussy left protected thugs who are the ones shooting those cops, with illegally obtained firearms.
All the people being shot sure didn't win.

And background checks didn't stop the felons from getting guns....but the 1,500,000 Times Americans use guns to stop violent criminals.....they did, in fact, win.
I'll be watching the numbers. We have more guns so there better be less crime. Not looking good though. But I know you have excuses right?

Hey twit......we had 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people in 1997 carried guns for self defense......now, in 2016...we have 357-400 million guns in private hands and close to 15 million people carrying guns for self defense....

And in that time the gun murder rate dropped 49% and both the fatal and non fatal gun accident rate also dropped.....

less crime has already happened...as more Americans bought and carried guns....
I'll be watching the numbers. Last I checked fatal accidents were going up fast. Police in other countries dont get shot and killed like ours. Crime went down under Bill Clinton, I expect no less from Trump.
More cops shot because the pussy left protected thugs who are the ones shooting those cops, with illegally obtained firearms.

Most are shot in domestic disputes. I don't know if there are numbers of whether they are legal owners. But cops in other civilized countries with gun control are almost never shot and killed
California passed all the crazy liberal policies. Every ammo purchase now has to have a waiting period and a background check.
Perhaps kali can secede like they all want, and the wall can go up that way as well.

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